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The Psychology of Persuasion

Persuasion in Our Life

Persuasion is an Invitation. Usually "invitation" that in our lives in the form of the
latest food products, and also the release of the latest films. Because persuasion affects so
quickly and makes our lives not easily affected by external products. At the beginning of the
20th century psychologists had begun to learn about persuasion techniques. With the system
that they apply persuasion is done with the aim to influence the trust of others.

There are several persuasion techniques. The first one is create a need, to make a
product must be attractive so that demand needs increase. As social needs, this method is
very often used, such as advertisements on television that make viewers to buy their products
so that their products become much in demand. Through this television advertisement,
exposure to persuasion claims that there was a lot of improvement through television
methods. The last method uses words and images that contain positive solicitation words such
as "new and improved" or "all natural". Of the many persuasion techniques taken in just a
few examples, there are many examples of other persuasion techniques in our lives. All
persuasion depends on each of us how we respond.

Tessalonika Margaretha

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