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Interview with Mrs.


She told me that she first began to teach as a councillor at Churchill, which is something
that I find cool. After that, she went to Windemere, Prince of Wales, Gladstone, Point Grey,
Bing, Van Tech, and now here. I commented on how she seems to have been everywhere and she
agreed. Mrs. Vey-Chilton’s favourite team/sport to watch is cross-country and track. This is
because her daughter competes in these events and Mrs. Vey-Chilton goes out to watch.
Something interesting that she mentioned is that cross country is a bit less interesting than track
because the runners leave where the spectators are before they come back. Mrs. V also says that
she skis with her family and that she occasionally watches a whitecaps game. Her favourite book
is called Pride and Prejudice, which is a book that she recommends that others read. Her
favourite character is Elizabeth Bennet. Afterwards I asked Mrs. Vey-Chilton what her favourite
superhero is. This question seemed tough because none of us watch that many superhero movies.
Luckily, we were able to search on the web and find a superhero. Mrs. Vey-Chilton’s criteria
were that it had to be a woman, needed to have cool superpowers and be respected as much as a
man and not being a unknown superhero. It’s all about that gender equality! Mrs. Vey Chilton
ended up deciding on Wonder women, who can fly and shoot beams from her hands. One of
Mrs. Vey-Chilton’s hobbies is baking. She likes the aspect of it being scientific and needing
ratios to build a perfect pastry. Additionally, she likes how it requires her get into the mood of
baking while still having breaks to allow things to rise, chill, and bake. Another added on bonus
is that baking smells amazing.

My next segment of questions that I asked Mrs. Vey-Chilton were hypothetical questions that
were open-ended. I hope that these are entertaining. My first question was “if you have a
hundred million dollars, what would you do with it”
For this answer, I was expecting an easy answer such as a mansion with a private jet,
however, Mrs. Vey-Chilton is someone who does not like to spend money quickly. She said that
she would think about it carefully and consider what can be the best use for the money. Mrs.
Vey-Chilton told me that she would like to make a real difference with her money. She would
like to help with the health and well-being of young people. She finds the youth to be a very
important part of our community and she said that she would like to help make a difference.
However, Mrs. Vey-Chilton would want to research different charities. Something that she finds
important is to make sure that the charities don’t spend a lot of money paying their own upper
ranks lots of money or spend it all on advertising. She wants to make sure that the maximum
amount of money can be spent to help us youth. This is something that I personally admire
because if I were to donate to a charity, this is something that I would not have realized, even
though I am aware of the issue that charities are being misused. The second question that I asked
Mrs. Vey-Chilton was “If you were stranded on an island and had unlimited food and water and
can only bring 3 things, what would they be?” I told her that she had to be by herself so she
couldn’t bring her family. She told me that the first thing that she would bring was her phone or
an iPad. She said that she wants to bring them to help pass time while she is by herself. She
wants to be able to read and plan things while keeping in touch with people. Something that Mrs.
Vey-Chilton likes to do on her phone is Pinterest. She like the fact that it is visual and has images
because she is a visual person. During this time, she told me that her favourite social media is
Instagram. The second thing that Mrs. Vey-Chilton would bring is reef and earth friendly sun
screen because she would not like to damage the planet while keeping herself safe. The third and
last thing that Mrs. Vey Chilton would bring would be paints because she would like a new
hobby. She said that if she was not stressed to leave, she would bring either paints or a canoe
depending on if she wanted to leave. After this I asked her, to choose a superpower for herself to
have, what would it be. She told me that she would want to have this super power to help others.
She said that she would want to help bring good to people. After some scission, she told me that
she would like to read people’s mind. She would like to stop conflict by reading people’s mind to
stop conflicts and bring peace.

My last segment was to ask for some advice from Mrs. Vey-Chilton for you, the student
at Churchill. I asked her a general question for one piece of advice to help students at Churchill.
She told me that us students should not worry. She told me that we spend so much time being
worried about what will happen next, and she told us that in the end, things will work out if we
can plan for things instead of just worrying for it. She told us not to worry about university and
have confidence in ourselves. She feels bad when she sees how anxious we are about
transitioning to post-secondary. I asked her what one thing she would change about education to
make it easier for students to learn. One problem to fix in the school system. She said that she
wants to remove constraints between teachers and students so that teachers can teach their
passions to students. She said that the need to fill boxes and graduation requirements make us
lose the true essence of learning and lose what we want to learn – she wants the teachers to be
passionate to students about learning. She said students would feel less stress if there were less
constraints such as time. One study tip that Mrs. Vey Chilton has is to use flash cards. She says
that uses them is valuable as you write out the answers. She said to tape them on your mirror and
to trade with others. Mrs. Vey Chilton’s favourite subject is math as there is one straight answer
and you can’t overthink it. She likes how it is exact and is either right or wrong. One thing Mrs.
Vey-Chilton wants us to know about her is that it is exciting to be here again and she likes to
interact with the students. She likes standing at the door saying good morning or having meetings
with students, even if it is to solve a conflict. She says that the hardest thing for her when she has
to leave to go to a new place is the people and the connections that she has made.

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