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Note for teachers

These learning objectives are based on the Revised Primary English Language Syllabus 2018. The syllabus contents and information
takes account of the Brunei Darussalam Literacy National standards (BDLNS). You can refer to the syllabus for more information on
each objective.

Suggestions for teachers:

 It is essential for teachers to cover the learning objectives especially the core learning objectives (highlighted) set in each
 Teachers may select two descriptors of language skills to set them as ONE core learning objective.
 Non-core objectives can be repeated in the next term if necessary or when required.
 Each objective has its own syllabus and BDLNNS references for easy lesson planning and assessment purposes.
 Teachers may use any teaching resources available such as TIARA, Reading A-Z, Comprehension Box, etc.

Total no of core objectives that must be covered for Year 4 in Term 1 23

Total no of core objectives that must be covered for Year 4 in Term 2 25

Total no of core objectives that must be covered for Year 4 in Term 3 20

Learning Objectives Year 4 Ver.2/CDD/2019 Page 1


Learning ORAL LANGUAGE Syllabus LNNS

Objectives Reference Reference
1 Understand brief explicit statements of factual information 2.1.1 OL1
2 Understand how information is organised using sequencing words in procedural and 2.1.3 OL2
narrative writing through numbering paragraphs and instructions
3 Asking for information to be repeated 2.2.1 OL3
4 Asking for additional explanation, clarification, definition of words, etc 2.2.2 OL3
5 Answering recall questions, such as what, where, when, how, and why questions and 2.2.3 OS1;OS2;
answering simple deduction questions 2.24 OS3;OL1;

Learning Objectives Year 4 Ver.2/CDD/2019 Page 2

Learning READING Syllabus LNNS
Objectives Reference Reference
6 Relate written words to their meaning and spoken forms 3.1 RS3;RS5
7 Understand explicit meaning at sentence level, using their current knowledge of English 3.2 RS3
structures and vocabulary as related to text encountered in their respective year level
8 Identify the topic and predict the contents of a text, using features such as its location. 1.1.1, 1.1.2 RS6b;RS7
illustrations, previous knowledge of the topic, titles, headings and sub-headings. 1.1.3, 1.1.4
9 Extract related items of information from different points in a text 3.2 RS7
10 Make and support simple inferences and deductions, based on information in a text and 3.3 RC1;RC2a
general knowledge of the topic
11 Infer the meanings of unfamiliar words with the help of the non-verbal context e.g. 3.4.1 RS5;RS6b;
illustrations, verbal clues in the same sentence and surrounding sentences 3.4.2 RS7
12 Recognise basic cohesive links, including the use of pronouns and Lexical substitution 5.1.1 RS3;RS5
13 Understand simple logical relationships, as indicated by conjunctions, sentence 5.2.1, 5.2.2 RS3;RS5
connectors and other markers.;Time and sequence relationships, Sequence (first, then, 5.2.3
finally, etc.); Reasons (because);
14 Identify the main stages in descriptive or expository writing: Introduction, body and 5.3.1, 5.3.2 RS3;RS6b;
conclusion, the sequence of events in a narrative and the main point or topic of a 5.3.3 RS7;RA2
15 Identify key features of the main characters and appreciate the relationships with them 2.3 RC2a;RS6a

Learning Objectives Year 4 Ver.2/CDD/2019 Page 3

Objectives Reference Reference
16 Apply knowledge of alphabetical order to finding words, with reference to the 1.1 RS3
1st/2nd/3rd letter, etc.
17 Find the basic meaning of a word in context 3.1 RS3
18 Choose relevant information to record 1.1 OL1;RC2a;
19 Insert selected information into a simple table. Flowchart, mind-map, or other graphic 2.1 OL1;WS1
20 Arrange selected information using a simple numbering system 2.2.2 WS1;WS4

Learning WRITING Syllabus LNNS

Objectives Reference Reference
21 Descriptions of places, objects, animals, etc. including matching labels, captions for 1.1.1 WS4;WM2
pictures and diagrams; including contrasts and comparisons. 1.1.3
22 Instructions including rules (e.g. for the classroom, the library) 2.2.1 WS1;WM1
23 Personal and imaginative writing: General 'news' letters to relatives, friends and pen 3.1.1 WS3;WM1;
friends ,brief stories based on imaginary situations 3.3.1 WM2;WG1d
24 Use apostrophes in for possessions (Singular and plural forms) 3.3.1 WG5
25 In contracted forms in informal writing (e.g. personal letters) and direct speech. 3.3.2 WG5
26 Use commas in lists, for separating phrases and clauses in sentences 3.4.1 WG5
27 Use full stops, question marks, apostrophes and commas in direct speech 3.5 WG5
28 Set out direct speech using separate paragraphs for different speakers 5.5 WS1;WS3
29 Editing; Check drafts for errors and improve a draft by reorganizing and developing the 4.1 WM3;WM4
material 4.2

Learning Objectives Year 4 Ver.2/CDD/2019 Page 4

Objectives Reference Reference
30 be to express identity, linking verb and as a fill verb there + be 1.1.1, 1.1.2 WG4a;WG4b
31 have to express possession, for describing and as a general-purpose verb 1.2.1, 1.2.2 WG4a;WG4b
32 do as a general-purpose verb 1.3 WG4a;WG4b
33 present simple tense for regular actions and events (often with frequency adverbs) 1.5.1 WG4a
34 Modal Verbs: can to express ability and inability and to ask permission/request 1.9.1 WG4a;WG5
35 Modal Verbs: could to ask to permission/make a polite request and to express ability or 1.9.3 WG4a;WG5
inability in the past 1.9.4
36 Regular plurals with -s/-es/-ies 2.1.1 WG6a;WG6b
37 Common irregular plurals 2.1.2 WG6a;WG6b
38 Countable nouns with indefinite article a/an 2.3.1 WG4b
39 Interrogative pronouns: Who, whose, what, which 3.2.1 WG4b
40 Adjectives: Before a noun and after linking a verb 4.1.1 WG4b
41 Time and duration adverbials: Prepositional phrases 5.2.2 WG4b
42 Statement forms: Subject + Verb, Subject + Verb + Complement, Subject + Verb + Object 1.1, 1.2 WG4b
and Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Object 1.3, 1.4
43 Question forms. Yes/No questions and Wh- questions 2.1 WG4b
44 Command forms: Imperative forms of the patterns in 1 (statement forms) above, usually 3.1 WG4b
with the subject omitted.
45 Clauses joined by and, but, or ,so 1.1, 1.2 WG2
1.3, 1.4

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Learning ORAL LANGUAGE Syllabus LNNS

Objectives Reference Reference
1 Express feelings, opinions and preferences; respond to those of others 1.8 OS1; OL3
2 Communicating and interacting for carrying out an experiment 2.1 OS5
3 Ask for, respond to, and give directions to a place 2.2 OS4
4 Ask about and order food etc., in a restaurant 2.4 OS4
5 Read parts in scripted dialogues and simple plays 1.2 RS4; OS5

Learning READING Syllabus LNNS

Objectives Reference Reference
6 Relate written words to their meaning and spoken forms 3.1 RS3; RS5
7 Understand explicit meaning at sentence level, using their current knowledge of English 3.2 RS3
structures and vocabulary as related to text encountered in their respective year level
8 Identify the topic and predict the contents of a text, using features such as its location. 1.1.1, 1.1.2 RS6b; RS7
illustrations, previous knowledge of the topic, titles, headings and sub-headings. 1.1.3, 1.1.4
9 Extract related items of information from different points in a text 3.2 RS7
10 Make and support simple inferences and deductions, based on information in a text and 3.3 RC1; RC2a
general knowledge of the topic
11 Infer the meanings of unfamiliar words and expressions in a text with the help of verbal 3.4.2 RS5; RS6b;
clues RS7
12 Anticipate the ideas, events, etc., which may follow later in the text 4.1 RS6a; RS7
13 Recognise basic cohesive links, including the use of pronouns and Lexical substitution 5.1.1 RS3; RS5

Learning Objectives Year 4 Ver.2/CDD/2019 Page 6

14 Understand simple logical relationships, as indicated by conjunctions, sentence 5.2.1, 5.2.2 RS3; RS5
connectors and other markers.;Time and sequence relationships, Sequence (first, then, 5.2.3
finally, etc.); Reasons (because);
15 Understand simple logical relationships Cause/effect and result (so, so…that, therefore, 5.2.4 RS3; RS5
16 Understand simple logical relationships Similarities and contrasting ideas (also, but, 5.2.5 RS3; RS5
however, etc.);
17 Identify the main stages in descriptive or expository writing: Introduction, body and 5.3.1, 5.3.2 RS3; RS6b;
conclusion, the sequence of events in a narrative and the main point or topic of a 5.3.3 RS7; RA2
18 Relate the content of a text to previous experience, knowledge and ideas by Identifying 6.3.1 RC1
similar/contrasting experiences and
19 Understand the main features of the setting 2.2 RC2a


Objectives Reference Reference
20 Find the basic meaning of a word in context 3.1 RS3
21 Insert selected information into a simple table. Flowchart, mind-map, or other graphic 2.1 OL1; WS1
22 Arrange selected information using a simple numbering system 2.2.2 WS1; WS4

Learning Objectives Year 4 Ver.2/CDD/2019 Page 7

Learning WRITING Syllabus LNNS
Objectives Reference Reference
23 Descriptions of places, objects, animals, etc. including matching labels, captions for 1.1.1 WS4; WS3;
pictures and diagrams; including contrasts and comparisons. 1.1.3 WM2
24 Explain process: Natural events /How things work 1.2.1 WS2; WS4;
1.2.2 WM2; WL2
25 Brief biographies/ Accounts of historical events/ Reports of experiments/ Reports on 1.3.1, 1.3.2 WS2; WS4;
visits, field trips, etc 1.3.3, 1.3.4 WM2; WL2
26 Practical communications; Invitations 2.1 WM1; WICT;
27 Instructions; Directions to places/ How to make things 2.2.2, 2.2.3 WS1; WM1
28 General 'news' letters to relatives, friends and pen friends /Thank you letters 3.1.1 WS3;WM1;
3.1.2 WM2;WG1d
29 Diary Entries/ Extended accounts of personal experience 3.2.1 WS3; WM1;
3.2.2 WM2;WM3;
30 Personal and imaginative writing ; Brief stories based on imaginary situations with 3.3.1 WM1; WM2
dialogues 3.3.2
31 Use apostrophes in contracted forms in informal writing 3.3.2 WG5
32 Use full stops, question marks, apostrophes and commas in direct speech 3.5 WG4
33 ‘Brainstorm’, with the teacher and in pairs/groups and extract ideas and information 1.1 OC1; OC2
using the shared reading. 1.2
34 Organise ideas, and information, using simple graphic organisers such as mind maps 2.1 WM3
35 Develop a plan into a complete draft 3.1 WS4
36 Editing; Check drafts for errors and improve a draft by reorganizing and developing the 4.1 WM3; WM4
material 4.2

Learning Objectives Year 4 Ver.2/CDD/2019 Page 8

Objectives Reference Reference
37 be to express identity, linking verb and as a fill verb there + be 1.1.1, 1.1.2 WG4a;
1.1.3 WG4b
38 Present simple tense for general truths and statements of fact 1.5.2 WG4a
39 Present continuous tense for actions/events currently in progress, future plans and 1.6.1, 1.62 WG4a
extending through the present time 1.63
40 Past simple tense for single or repeated actions or events completed at definite time in 1.7.1 WG4a
the past
41 Modal Verbs: must to express obligation or prohibition and to express strong probability 1.9.5 WG4a; WG5
42 Modal Verbs: may to ask permission or make a request and to express possibility 1.9.7 WG4a; WG5
43 would to express wishes, to make offers and suggestions 1.9.12 WG4a; WG5
44 Common verb chain; verb + ing 1.11.1 WG4a;
45 Common verb chain; verb + to + infinitive 1.11.2
46 the for unique reference, with the names of some countries and geographical features 2.4.1, 2.4.2 WG6b
and for previous reference 2.4.3
47 Other determiners, with singular/ plural nouns; this, that, these, those 2.5.1 WG6b
48 Pronouns; Who, whose, what, which 3.2.1 WG6b
49 Comparative forms and structures: the -er suffix with short adjectives and more/less 4.3.1, 4.3.2 WG6a
with longer adjectives
50 Time and duration adverbials: Prepositional phrases and noun phrases 5.2.2, 5.2.3 WG6b
51 Frequency adverbials: Single adverbs and phrases 5.3.1, 5.3.2 WG6b
52 Adverbs and adverbial phrases: Single adverbs and prepositional phrases 5.4.1, 5.4.2 WG6b
Learning Objectives Year 4 Ver.2/CDD/2019 Page 9
53 Preposition: Time, duration, place, direction 6.1.1 WG6b
54 Negative statements e.g. She didn’t jump/He isn’t excited. etc. 4.1, 4.2 WG6b
Negative questions e.g. Didn’t she jump? / Isn’t he excited? etc. 4.3
Negative commands e.g. Don’t jump! /Don’t sweep the floor, etc.
55 Statement forms: Subject + Verb, Subject + Verb + Complement, Subject + Verb + Object 1.1, 1.2 WG6b
and Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Object 1.3, 1.4
56 Clauses of time, with conjunctions 'before', 'after', 'when', 'as', 'while’ 2.1 WG6b

Learning Objectives Year 4 Ver.2/CDD/2019 Page 10


Learning ORAL LANGUAGE Syllabus LNNS

Objectives Reference Reference
1 Asking for additional explanation, clarification, definition of words, etc. 2.2.2 OL3
2 Answering simple deduction questions 2.2.4 OS2;OL1;OC1
3 Justifying answers 2.2.5 OS1
4 Carry out short surveys to elicit required information 2.5 OS5; OL1
5 Present information in the form of a short talk, with visual support 2.7 OS5
6 Express feelings, opinions and preferences; respond to those of others 1.8 OS1; OL3

Learning Objectives Year 4 Ver.2/CDD/2019 Page 11

Learning READING Syllabus LNNS
Objectives Reference Reference
7 Identify the topic and predict the contents of a text, using features such as its location. 1.1.1, 1.1.2 RS6b; RS7
illustrations, previous knowledge of the topic, titles, headings and sub-headings. 1.1.3, 1.1.4
8 Make and support simple inferences and deductions, based on information in a text 3.3 RC1; RC2a
and general knowledge of the topic.
9 Infer the meanings of unfamiliar words and expressions in a text with the help of verbal 3.4 RS5; RS6b;
clues in the same sentence and surrounding sentences RS7
10 Recognise basic cohesive links, including the use of pronouns and Lexical substitution 5.1.1, 5.1.2 RS3; RS5
11 Understand simple logical relationships, as indicated by conjunctions, sentence 5.2.1, 5.2.2 RS3; RS5
connectors and other markers.;Time and sequence relationships, Sequence (first, then, 5.2.3
finally, etc.); Reasons (because);
12 Cause/effect and result (so, so…that, therefore, etc.) 5.2.4 RS3; RS5
13 Identify the main stages in descriptive or expository writing: Introduction, body and 5.3.1, 5.3.2 RS3; RS6b;
conclusion, the sequence of events in a narrative and the main point or topic of a 5.3.3 RS7; RA2
14 Relate the content of a text to previous experience, knowledge and ideas by expressing 6.3.2 RC1
agreement or disagreement with the ideas in the text


Objectives Reference Reference
15 Find the basic meaning of a word in context 3.1 RS3
16 Choose relevant information to record 1.1 OL1; RC2a;
WM2; WM3
17 Insert selected information into a simple table, flowchart, mind-map, or other graphic 2.1 OL1; WS1

Learning Objectives Year 4 Ver.2/CDD/2019 Page 12

Learning WRITING Syllabus LNNS
Objectives Reference Reference
18 Personal and imaginative writing ; Brief stories based on imaginary situations with 3.3.1 WM1; WM2
dialogues 3.3.2
19 Brief biographies/ Accounts of historical events/ Reports of experiments/ Reports on 1.3.1, 1.3.2 WS2; WS4;
visits, field trips, etc 1.3.3, 1.3.4 WM2; WL2
20 Instructions (Directions to places)/ (How to make things) 2.2.2, 2.2.3 WS1; WM1
21 Use full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, apostrophes and commas in direct 3.1, 3.2, WG5
speech 3.3,3.4,3.5
22 ‘Brainstorm’, with the teacher and in pairs/groups and extract ideas and information 1.1 OC1; OC2
using the shared reading. 1.2
23 Organise ideas, and information, using simple graphic organisers such as mind maps 2.1 WM3
24 Develop a plan into a complete draft 3.1 WS4
25 Set out direct speech using separate paragraphs for different speakers 5.5 WS1; WS3
26 Editing; Check drafts for errors and improve a draft by reorganizing and developing the 4.1 WM3; WM4
material 4.2


Objectives Reference Reference
27 Present simple tense for states (with verbs such as look, seem, fee, think, appear, etc.) 1.5.3 WG4a
28 Past simple tense for single or repeated actions or events completed at definite time 1.7.1 WG4a
in the past
29 Countable and uncountable nouns 2.3.4 WG4b
30 Possessives (my, your, his, her, its, our, their) 2.5.2 WG4b
31 Indefinite pronouns; something, someone/ somebody, anything, anyone/anybody and 3.5.1, 3.5.2 WG4b
nothing, no one/nobody 3.5.3

Learning Objectives Year 4 Ver.2/CDD/2019 Page 13

32 -ing and -ed forms as adjectives 4.2 WG6a
33 Adverbs formed from adjectives with '-ly' 5.1.1 WG4b
34 Adverbs and adverbial phrases: Single adverbs and prepositional phrases 5.4.1, 5.4.2 WG4b
35 Preposition: Time, duration, place, direction 6.1.1 WG4b
36 Negative statements e.g. She didn’t jump/He isn’t excited. etc. 4.1, 4.2 WG4b
Negative questions e.g. Didn’t she jump? / Isn’t he excited? etc. 4.3
Negative commands e.g. Don’t jump! /Don’t sweep the floor, etc.
37 Statement forms: Subject + Verb, Subject + Verb + Complement, Subject + Verb + 1.1, 1.2 WG2
Object and Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Object 1.3, 1.4
38 Sentences with adverbial clauses: Clauses of cause/reason, with conjunctions 'because', 2.2 WG2
39 Sentence connectors (sequencing): first(ly), secondly.., then, after, that, next, last(ly), 1.1 WG2
finally, etc.

Learning Objectives Year 4 Ver.2/CDD/2019 Page 14

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