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In rapidly advancing world, where the needs of communication and access to information
are more than necessary elements, the internet become the solution, attainable to every person.
Because of the internet, the technological phenomenon or what we call the “cybercrime” started
to be formed too. Cybercrime is defined as any crime involving computers or computer
networks. This can involve online credit card fraud, identity theft, harassment and bullying, and
the distribution of child pornography or other illegal material. Today I’m going to share
information that I know about how cybercrime is something that can affect anyone, and the ways
that you should know to avoid becoming a victim of cybercrime. Different crimes can have
lasting damage to many aspects of your life. It can cripple your financial records, can cause
emotional and psychological problems, and things like nude photos could ruin future
possibilities. Later on we’ll know why cybercrime became so popular, and the different types of
cybercrime and why they are more likely to happen to certain people, and precautions you can
take to prevent becoming a victim yourself.

Cybercrime started off as a way for hackers to break into computer networks either for
fun or to access classified information. This led to the spread of computer viruses that were able
to cripple computers while also stealing all of the information off them. Cybercrime is becoming
more popular or common because harassment happens behind computer screens, the offender
never leaves their house and others who steal identities can simply hack your computer network
through a virus and use your personal information without ever having to meet you. Anyone can
be a victim of cybercrime even if you are a child or a parent. According to a study done by the
Finnish Youth Research Society, research shows that young people that are heavily involved
with technology, such as video games and social media communities and networking are likely
to become victims. In cases of sexual predators, often the children are manipulated into sending
illicit pictures, and then threatened if they do not send more. While the cybercrime in adults
include online credit card fraud and identity theft. This can go on for years. Cyberbullying, can
be punishable by law if the bully threatens the victim in a way that causes fear of injury or death
or when the bully purposely gains access to personal information in order to harass him or her

As computers get more and more sophisticated, so do the crimes, the frequency and those
that commit them. In fact, while we sit here, one of us is most likely a victim of some form of
cybercrime. In order to protect yourself from cybercrime you should remember some guidelines
like: Don’t talk to strangers online, don’t give your personal informations easily and of course
download a security software in your computer. With the use of technology growing everyday,
it’s important to know how to protect yourself, I hope the information I’ve given you today will
help you stay safe when using the internet so you don’t become another victim of cybercrime.

Hipolito, Russel B.

HumSS 11- A

As our generation arise, we live in a world where all things are upgrading
.Technology is slowly running the world .Most individuals are ought to have technological
devices that seemingly changes the world before. And one of the most used gadget nowadays is
the mobile phone A mobile phone also known as a hand phone, cell phone, or cellular telephone
is a small portable radio telephone. This mobile phone can be used to communicate over long
distances without wires. It works by communicating with a nearby base station (also called a
"cell site") which connects it to the main phone network .With this kind of device,
communication is now at its finest. Much easier and reliable way of talking to people But as our
generation takes part of using in this kind of device. Using it could lead us to either positive or
negative effect in our lives These are some of the positive effects and benefits in using gadgets.
First, Connected to World. You are always connected to your family and friends with the help of
mobile. Cell phone technology give the connectivity to everybody in the world. When you are
millions of distance far from whole world. Second, Business. First of all the millions of people
are connected with the business of telephones. And day by day the job opportunities are creating
for new youngster. This is not himself business with the help of cell phones we can control our
business. Third, students Applications There are a lot of learning applications for students in app
store. With the help of these apps students can learn and get the applications according their
subjects. Lastly, Entertainment Today’s children are very fond of cartoons, games and other
entertaining materials.

This is good thing that small children are always in the homes under the eyes of
parents. However, amidst of the positive effects we can gain from using mobile phones, there
also negative effects we could get. Such as Distance from Relatives Use of mobile every time is
keep far from your friends, family and other relatives. This is the big disadvantage that you don’t
know about your family and friends. It born the hate in the heart of your relatives.1.Waste of
Time. Time is money and money is time. Don’t waste your time because of cell phones, don’t
use it much, always try to less use of mobile phones and save your time and spent it on good
ways.2. Waster of Energy We are reading the disadvantages of mobile phones, it is another
biggest factor that effects on human health. It is cause of waste the energy, during use of cell all
the parts of human body are spending energy on it, like; eyes, hands and mind etc.4. Cause of
Diseases Mobile Phone can be cause of skin diseases especially hand skin, cancer and eye
problems etc. And a lot of other diseases can be effect the body by its high usage 5.Study Loss
Another biggest disadvantages for students is they have very high loss of their studies. Because
of using the mobile phones. And at the end of the study session they got very bad results and
many of them got fail in class room. 6.Loss of Human Life It may cause of your death, some
peoples use it during driving, which may cause of accident. Or using in aero-plane can dismiss
the wireless system and that may cause of plane crash. Speak lies We are reading the advantages
and disadvantages of mobile phones in essay for students. and the biggest disadvantages is
everybody speak lies while talking on cell phones. Which is fraud and make people more liaer.

It is a big opportunity for us to experience and to be granted such equipments for our
lives to be easier. But with this opportunity comes with responsibilities. We are humans and we
are capable of analyzing and deciding whether we want to continue getting positive effects on it,
or worsen the negative effects. As technology slowly overpowers, let us not be decieved by it's
greatness, rather, use this as a strength to engage ourselves to leading a better generation.
Chat conversation end

TECSON JR, Bienvenido C.

HumSS 11-A
According to the “The Herball or General Historie of Plants”, book, London, England
(1633). One of the oldest traditions in medicine is herbalism or botanical medicine. The
Egyptians used herbs as medicine over 3000 years ago. There are approximately 75-100 kinds of
herbs and flowers in the National Library of Medicine herb garden. The best known as Mother
of Medicine was Bryophyllum Daigremontuanum, commonly called devil’s backbone, mother
of thousands, alligators plant, or Mexican har plant is a succulent plant native to Madagascar. In
today’s world, Herbal Medicine most part used to treating intense and constant sickness. It is
sold as tablets, capsules, powders, teas, extract, and fresh or dried plants. People use this to try to
maintain or improve their health.

Herbal remedies have been used for huge number of years. It is the establishment of the
modern medicine. This medicine also has very less herbal side effect. It is more affordable so
that it is easier to obtain than those prescription medicines. It can also help to stabilizes our
hormones and metabolism and its strengthening our immune system. Herbal medicines have
fewer side effects and it is natural healing. Alternative Medicine share the same goal as the
traditional medicines which are killing aches and pains. Our body has the power to heal itself, by
using this alternatives medicines according to an article published in 2007 posted in the Current
Health Website. In the same article published in 2007 explains that using alternative medicines,
can determinate the need of our body to get in a stable condition. Herbal Medicine or Alternative
Medicine have been proven effective in helping the body maintain good health during pregnancy
and in healing serious illness. Cancer is a serious disease that herbs can provide medicinal
benefits. Not only for the prevention but also in the treatment and providing comfort from the
side effects of the treatment. Cancer patients suffer from side effects of the treatment and has
been found to be good for the patient after chemotherapy and radiation to calm the side effects.
Although herbs seem harmless, some can be potentially dangerous, especially to anyone taking
medications for a heart problem. Taking herbal remedies is tempting. Herbal medicines can be
mistakenly thought to be completely safe because they are natural products. Herbal Medicine
may produce negative effect such as allergic reactions, rashes, asthma, headaches, nausea,
vomiting, and diarrhea that can range from mild to severe. Not all herbal medicine that are sold
are safe. Always purchase products from a reputable practitioner or pharmacist. Be careful about
purchasing herbal medicine over the internet. Unregulated herbal medicines from overseas may
not be manufactured to the same quality and standard as regulated medicines. In some cases
products bought over the internet have been found to have dangerous levels of lead, mercury and
arsenic which can cause serious health problems. Certain medicinal herbs have disinfectant
property, which destroys disease causing germs. They also inhibit the growth of pathogenic
microbes that cause communicable diseases. Practitioners recommend calmative herbs which
provide a soothing effect to the body.

Many people believe that products labeled “natural” are always safe and good for them.
This is not necessarily true. Taking herbal supplements may decrease the effectiveness of other
drugs you are taking or may increase the negative side effects. If you are considering taking
herbal medications it is always a good idea to talk to your doctor about possible side effects and
interaction with other medications you are taking. It is very important that people do not self
diagnose any health conditions. Any medication (herbal or otherwise) should be taken under the
supervision of a knowledgeable and qualified practitioner.

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