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Manual for dummies

Table of contents
1) Topic & Title
- First, you must think of a topic that benefits the readers by
helping them or informing them about important things related to
the chosen topic.
- ex: This manual is about making manuals.
* Title: Manuals For Dummies
2) Notes & Hazards
- List items or materials your topic will need along with
potential hazards.
* This part can be omitted if your chosen topic requires no
materials and/or poses no potential harm; however, if it meets the
aformentioned requirements, then this part is required.
- For potential hazards, there are four levels; use accordingly.
A) Danger: The most hazardous; usually used when handling
chemicals and inflammable materials.
B) Warning:
C) Caution:
D) Notes:
3) Purpose Statement
- A purpose statement is the section of the manual where you
explain why you made the manual, why you chose the topic at hand,
and how it can benefit the reader/s.
- ex: This manual was made as a guide for those who wish and/or
need to create a manual for various reasons. We chose this topic
because there are people who might not know how to make a manual
and/or need a basic guide.
4. Sequence

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