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Section: __________


1. Advertising campaign (N): an organization 10. Centralize (V): to organize a system,

programme of advertising activities over a company, government, etc so that all of its
period with specific aims. For example, an parts are controlled by one main system or
increase in sales or awareness of a product. authority.

2. Alliance (N): an agreement between two or 11. Chief Executive Officer CEO (N): [usually
more organizations to work together. singular] the manager with the most
authority in the day to day management of a
3. Aware (V): having knowledge or realization company, especially in the US. The job of
of something. To be informed.  Awareness CEO is sometimes combined with others,
(N): knowledge or understanding of a such as that of president.
particular subject, situation, or thing.
12. Coop (sb/sth) up (V): to keep someone or
4. Brand (V): to give a name to a product or something in a closed space.
group of products.  Brand (N) a name
given to a product or group of products by a 13. Commodity (N): a substance or a product
company for easy recognition.  Branded that can be traded in large quantities, such
(A) branded goods or products have brand as oil, metals, grain, coffee, etc.
names.  Branding (N) the activity of
giving brand names to products, 14. Crisis (N): plural crises: a period or moment
developing people’s awareness of them of great difficulty, danger, or uncertainty,
etc. Brand leader (N): the brand with especially in politics or economics.
the most sales in a particular market.
15. Customs (N): the government department
responsible for collecting the tax on goods
5. Barrier to trade also trade barrier (N):
that have been brought into the country and
something that makes trade between two
making sure that illegal goods are not
countries more difficult or expensive, for
imported or exported.
example, a tax on imports.
16. Customers (N): a person or an organization
6. Branch (N): one of the local offices of a
that buys a product or service.
large company, such as a bank, which
is open to the public.
17. Decentralize (V): if a large company or
organization decentralizes or is
7. Booking (N): an arrangement to have
decentralized, its activities are moved from
a place on a flight, a room in a hotel, etc. at
one large central place to several
a particular time in the future.
different, smaller places.
8. Bureaucracy (N)  Bureaucracies (plural
18. Decline (V): if an industry or a country
form) a system of governing that has a large
declines, it becomes less profitable,
number of departments and officials. 
productive, wealthy, etc. Decline (N): if
Bureaucratic (N): relating to a system of
sales, output, production, etc, decline they
controlling or managing a country, company,
become less.
organization that is operated by a large
number of officials.
19. Delay (V): to not act quickly or immediately
(N) to make something happen at a later
9. Call center (N): an office in which employees
time than originally expected.
provide phone support for the customers of
one or more companies, or sell or advertise
20. Distribution Centre (N): a warehouse and
their goods or service by phone.
the business based there, that stores a

English V (FC-1232)
Term: April-July 2015
Student’s Name: ___________________________
Section: __________

manufacturer's goods temporarily, before 31. Integration (N): when two or more units,
they are transported to stores or customers organizations, etc combine so that they work
for sale. more effectively.

21. Endorse (V) to state publicly that you 32. Image (N): the reputation that a person,
approve of or support someone or organization, product, etc. has including the
something.  Endorsement (N) characteristics, appearance, etc. that they
are known for.
a statement made by someone in
an advertisement, especially a well-known
33. Launch (V) to show or make a new product
person, saying that they use and like a
available for sale for the first time. 
particular product.
Launch (N) an occasion at which a new
product is shown or made available for sale
22. Evade (V): to not do something you should
or use for the first time.
do according to the law, for example, to not
pay tax.
34. Loyal (A) a loyal customer always buys the
same product, uses the same store,
23. Export (V): to send goods to another country
Loyalty (N) the quality of being loyal to a
for sale.  Exportation (N)
particular company or brand.
the activity of sending goods to another
country in order to sell them there.
35. Luggage (N) all the bags that you take with
you when you travel.
24. Factory (N): a building or set of buildings in
which machines are used to produce large
36. Market driven (N): influenced by market
amounts of manufactured goods.
knowledge and customer needs.
25. Fluctuate (V): if prices, income, rates, etc
37. Outsource (V): if a company outsources its
fluctuate, they change, increasing or falling
work, it employs another company to do it.
often or regularly. Fluctuation (N): the
movement of prices, income, rates, etc, as
38. Placement (N): an occasion when a
they increase and fall. Fluctuating (A).
company's shares become available to buy,
or the activity of doing this.
26. Foreign trade (N): the activity of trading
goods and services with other countries. 39. Product (N): something that
is manufactured or grown to be sold, usually
27. Goods (N): Things for sale; commodities; in large quantities.Production (N) the
merchandise. process of producing commodities (e.g.
metals, crops, etc.) or manufacturing goods
28. Head office (N): the main office of an to be sold.
organization or company.
40. Queue (N): a line of people who are waiting
29. Headquarter (N) [plural] the head office or for something.
main building of an organization.
41. Quota (N): a fixed limit on the amount of
30. Innovate (V): to design and develop new something that someone is allowed to have
and better products.  innovator (N) or is expected to do.
a person who develops a new design,
product, etc. or who has new ideas about 42. Reliable (A): someone or something that is
how to do something.  Innovation (N) a reliable can be trusted or depended on.
new idea, method, or invention. Reliability (N): how accurate or able to
be trusted someone or something is
considered to be.

English V (FC-1232)
Term: April-July 2015
Student’s Name: ___________________________
Section: __________

43. Schedule (N): a plan of activities or tasks 46. Service (N): business activity that involves
together with the times or dates when they doing things for customers rather
are intended to happen or be done.  than producing goods, or a single act of
Schedule (TRANSPORT) a list of the times doing something for a customer.  Service
when buses, trains, and planes leave and center (N): a place where a company
arrive. provides help for customers who use its
products or services.
44. Segment (N): a part of the economy of a
country or a company´s work. Market 47. Stretch (V): to use a brand that already
segment (N) a group of customers that share exists to sell new and different products and
similar characteristics, such as age, income, services.
interest, social class, etc. Also, the products
in a particular part of the market. Segment 48. Subsidiary (N): Subsidiaries (plural form)
(V): to divide a large group of people into a company that is at least half-owned by
smaller groups of people of a similar age or another company.
with similar incomes, interests, etc.
Companies segment markets so as to be 49. Tariff: a tax on goods coming into or going
able to sell each group the products that are out of a country.  Tax (N)
most suitable for it. Segmentation (N). an amount paid to the government based
on a person's income, a company’s profits,
45. Soar (V): to increase quickly to a high level. the value of goods and services, or
Soaring (Adjective before noun): this money considered together.
increasing quickly in amount, number, value,
or level. 50. Warehouse (N): a large building for storing
things before they are sold, used, or sent out
to stores.

English V (FC-1232)
Term: April-July 2015

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