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Background of the study

Citrus Limoun is a hybrid of the plant genus citrus, as well as the common name for the popular

edible fruit of this small tree or spreading bush. The lemon plant characterized by thorny

branches and white flowers and purple edges. While the acid, juicy fruit is oval, has an aromatic

rind that is typically yellow when ripe and has a prominent nipple or bulge on the blossom end.


From Babylonians to Samurai warriors, Vinegar is one of the oldest fermentation process known

to human kind. The oldest fermentation process of all is that of wine, from which the first

vinegar were made. Dating back to 5000 BCE, the Babylonians made wine from. The Egyptians

made wine from barely around 2500 BCE, an ancient nomadic tribe called the Aryans developed

a soured apple wine, the forerunner of apple cider. (Rose, 2013)

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