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Medan Health Polytechnic Of Ministry Of Health

Extention Program Of Applied Health Science In Midwifery

The Influence of Pregnant Woman's Knowledge towards Her Attitude in Facing

The Discomfort of Pregnancy Trimester I at Jannah Primary Clinic Medan Tembung


Mahliza Lini

viii + 53 pages, 7 tables, 2 pictures, 12 attachments


Increasing the knowledge about pregnancy and makin antenatal care visits are a ways to
reduce discomfort, especially in the first trimester pregnancy. This study aims to determine
the effect of knowledge of pregnant women on their attitudes in dealing with discomfort in the
first trimester of pregnancy at Jannah Primary clinic Medan Tembung 2019. This research
was an observational study that was designed with a cross sectional design carried out in
April-May 2019. A number of 36 respondents of trimester I pregnant women were used as
research samples obtained through purposive sampling technique. The data on knowledge
and attitudes of pregnant women in dealing with the discomforts of trimester I pregnancy
were collected through questionnaires then were analyzed by chi-square test. Through the
research it was known that the knowledge of pregnant women in dealing with the
discomforts of trimester I pregnancy was as follows: the majority of mothers have enough
knowledge but the attitude of pregnant women was in the negative category in dealing with
the discomforts of trimester I pregnancy. Through Chi Square test it was obtained that p
<0.05, which means that there is an influence of knowledge of pregnant women on their
attitude in dealing with the discomfort of first trimester pregnancy at Jannah Primary Clinic
Medan Tembung 2019. Health workers are expected to facilitate counseling about
pregnancy so that maternal knowledge increases and attitudes become positive during

Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Pregnancy Discomfort

Reading list: 24 (2014-2018)

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