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1. Using the cipher wheel or St. Cyr Slide, encrypt the following sentences with key 5.
 Eat food. – JfyYktti


 Mostly plants. – RtxyqdYuqfsysx

 Not too much.- StyYyttYrzhm

2. Using the cipher wheel or St. Cyr Slide, decrypt the following sentences with key 17.

 Z YRMV DP WRKYVI'J VPVJ.- I have my father’s eyes.

 REU DP DFKYVI’J EFJV. – And my mother’s nose.

 nZE R ARI LEUVI DP SV – In a jar under my bed.

3. What do the following pieces of code display on the screen?

A. print(len('Hello') + len('Hello'))

Ans: 10, Both calls to len() return integer values, and the 5 add to the integer value 10 which is printed on
the screen.
B. i = 0 while i < 3: print('Hello') i = i + 1

C. i = 0 spam = 'Hello' while i < 10: spam = spam + spam[i] i = i + 1 print(spam)

D. i = 0 while i < 4: while i < 6: i = i + 2 print(i)
Pen Paper Exercise:


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