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Catarining, Ma. Kristine Felix E.


World’s eight major religions:

 Buddhism a religion, originated in India by Buddha (Gautama) and later

spreading to China, Burma, Japan, Tibet, and parts of southeast Asia,
holding that life is full of suffering caused by desire and that the way to end
this suffering is through enlightenment that enables one to halt the endless
sequence of births and deaths to which one is otherwise subject.
 Christianity the religion derived from Jesus Christ, based on the Bible as
sacred scripture, and professed by Eastern, Roman Catholic, and Protestant
 Hinduism the dominant religion of India that emphasizes dharma with its
resulting ritual and social observances and often mystical contemplation
and ascetic practices.
 Islam the religious faith of Muslims, based on the words and religious
system founded by the prophet Muhammad and taught by the Koran, the
basic principle of which is absolute submission to a unique and personal
god, Allah.
 Judaism a religion developed among the ancient Hebrews and
characterized by belief in one transcendent God who has revealed himself
to Abraham, Moses, and the Hebrew prophets and by a religious life in
accordance with Scriptures and rabbinic traditions.
 Confucianism the system of ethics, education, and statesmanship taught by
Confucius and his disciples, stressing love for humanity, ancestor worship,
reverence for parents, and harmony in thought and conduct.
 Taoism the philosophical system evolved by Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu,
advocating a life of complete simplicity and naturalness and of
noninterference with the course of natural events, in order to attain a
happy existence in harmony with the Tao.

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