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Pivot Table: Scout Inventory

Submitted by:
Catarining, Ma. Kristine Felix E.

Submitted to:
Geli, Cayetano A.

December 4, 2019
1. Total Gross Sales covering the CYs 2012 to 2014.

2. To display for Total Gross Sales for each year.

3. The Gross Sales related to all Councils per Year, per Quarter, and per Month.
4. To display the number of transactions per Council.
5. To display the number of transactions per Quarter for each year.

6. The total number of transactions and the corresponding percentages in relation

to Grand Total per Quarter per Year.
7. Duplicate Test for Sum of the Documents Number, if the values is greater than 1,
it has duplicates. Use the Conditional Formatting to highlight all records with more
than 1 result

Shows the values

greater than 1
8. Duplicate test for Average of Document Number.

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