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Lesson: Mr. Chill and Mr.

School Counselor:​ Rebecca Seymour 
Activity​: Classroom Guidance Lesson 
Grade(s)​: K 
Increase self-awareness 
Increase emotion Identification 
Understand emotions and how they affect us and our environment 
M 1. Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, 
social/emotional and physical well-being  
M 2. Self-confidence in ability to succeed  
M 3. Sense of belonging in the school environment  
B-SMS 7. Demonstrate effective coping skills when faced with a problem 
B-SMS 9. Demonstrate personal safety skills 
B-SS 2. Create positive and supportive relationships with other students 
B-SS 4. Demonstrate empathy 
1. Students will identify emotions and discuss how they experience those 
2. ​Students will participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners 
in larger groups in order to learn about their similarities and differences with 
peers to increase sense of school belonging. 
3.Students will demonstrate at least one self-regulation technique. 
Counselor will begin lesson with deep breathing exercise.  
Then, with the help of students, begin to draw Mr. Chill. First, draw his body 
and point out where we can feel/show our feelings in our body (face, eyes, 
eyebrows, arms, legs, etc.). Continue on to draw how he is feeling his emotions 
inside of his body (no upset stomach, no headache, heart is full and ready to 
care for others, etc.) Lastly, draw his thought bubble and talk about how 
feelings can affect the way that we think. With Mr. Spaz, repeat steps. Body: 
unsafe hands, mad eyebrows, red face, tears, etc. Internal: Upset stomach, 
headache, heart is racing, unkind words, etc. Thoughts: unable to learn, mind 
is cloudy, etc.) 
At the end of the lesson, discuss how Mr. Chill and Mr. Spaz are actually the 
same person, reinforcing that we all have times and feelings that affect us. 
Continue on to talk about the strategies that the students know and can 
demonstrate to help them stay Mr. Chill/go from Mr. Spaz to Mr. Chill. You can 
also extend the conversation to talk about what kind of person you would 
rather be friends with. Allow the students the opportunity to explain why they 
would want to be friends with Mr. Chill (because he says kind words, he plays 
fair, he apologizes, etc.) and why they wouldn’t want to be friends with Mr. 
Spaz (because he may use mean words, he may push you, etc.). Remind the 
students to think about how their emotions and behaviors can affect their 
friendships to reinforce self-awareness and perspective taking.  
Process Data:  
All Kindergarten classrooms participated in this 30 minutes lesson.  
Perception Data:  
Students learned about where we feel emotions in our bodies and minds.  
Students know at least one strategy to help regulate themselves 
Outcome Data: 
100% of students can demonstrate at least one self-regulation strategy.  
Follow Up: 
Counselor and teachers will reinforce ideas and concepts in everyday 
interactions with students.  

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