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Hello, prospective employee!

We'd love for you to join the team, but first, we must conduct a series of noninvasive tests to see
how and where you'd best fit in. Please complete and return this test within 72 hours of
receiving it.

Q: Explain what are some of the uses of the Dot Product in Video Games?
A: Applications include finding projection of a force onto a specified axis. Checking whether 2
vectors are perpendicular. Finding work done by a force. Multiplication of matrices in linear
algebra involve taking dot product of the row in left matrix with column in right matrix

Q: Why would you use the distance squared in videogames?

A: The Cartesian plane is the main tool on which any digital space is built, from a fixed two-
dimensional scenario to a dynamic one in 3D, but I did not mention any of the different
“weapons” that it possesses to abstract the characteristics of the real world and take it into
context geometric. As you may then suspect, distance is one of these "weapons" and its
importance is brutal.

Q: Please describe how to find out if two circles (center and radius) collide?
A: We focus on the center point of both circles given by (x1+x22,y1+y22). The distance
between the centers of the circles is given by R=√(x2−x1)2+(y2−y1)2.

Q: In C# What is Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Encapsulation?
A: Inheritance: Through this feature you can define classes from other, more general, and only
add the properties and methods of specialization.
Polymorphism: is the ability of objects to react differently to
The same messages. For example an object of type Door, like an object of type
Window, you can receive the message Open; however, each of them will react so
Encapsulation: It is the process that consists in organizing the data and operations (methods) of
a class that specifies its structure and behavior in order to prevent access to data by any means
other than the one specified and therefore the encapsulation of secured data the integrity of the
data contained in the object.

Q: What is the HEAP? What is the STACK?

A: Stack is used for static memory allocation and
Heap for dynamic memory allocation, both stored in the computer's RAM . Variables allocated
on the stack are stored directly to the memory and access to this memory is very fast, and it's
allocation is dealt with when the program is compiled.

Q: What is your favorite c# feature and why?

A: user interface creation, easy to create

Q: What is your favorite Design Pattern and why?
A: I don’t

Q: Explain the SOLID principles in your own words.

A: programming in php

Q: Given an array of numbers, return the number that appears the most times.
A: One possible way to do this is to work with the matrices, matrix A and matrix R (of result).

The matrix R is initialized with 10 positions (from 0 to 9), all of them with a value of 0.

Using the matrix A and for each element, write down its value and access the specific position
of R and add a value. E.g. if A [0] == 2 (as is the case) access R [2] and have one.

At the end of R you have the number of times each value of A has appeared. In R [0] you have
the number 0s of A, in R [1] the number of 1s ...

To print those that only repeat, use R and for each value> 0 print the index and the value ... eg
If at the end R [0] == 0, but do not print 0, if R [1] == 2, print that the number 1 appears 2 times,
and then it will reach R [9].

This algorithm works the same as the length (# elements) of A, provided that the values of A are
between 0 and 9.

Q: How does a Garbage Collector work?

A: When an object is no longer used, the garbage collector reclaims the underlying memory and
reuses it for future object allocation. This means there is no explicit deletion and no memory is
given back to the operating system

Q: What is composition and why would it be used instead of Inheritance in OOP?

Q: There are nine kids about to play in the seesaw. All except one are the same weight. They all
look the same, but one is heavier than the rest. How could you find the heavier kid? And what is
the fastest way to do it?. Each side of the seesaw can support as many kids as you want. Note:
the seesaw weight and friction are not needed.

Q: You have two identical iPhones and a 100-floor building. The phones will not take any
damage from falling unless it is a specific floor or higher, at which point the dropped phone will
break. Your task is to determine the lowest floor that the phone will break. You may break both
phones in the process. As efficiently as possible, what is the largest number of drops required to
determine the exact floor the phone will break at?

When you've finished with all the parts of the test, zip everything back up (including this file) and
email it back to us.

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