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Ceramics International 45 (2019) 14439–14448

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XPS and structural studies of high quality graphene oxide and reduced T
graphene oxide prepared by different chemical oxidation methods
R. Al-Gaashania,b,∗, A. Najjarc, Y. Zakariaa, S. Mansoura, M.A. Atieha
Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute (QEERI), Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU), Qatar Foundation, PO Box 5825, Doha, Qatar
Physics Department, Faculty of Education, Thamar University, Dhamar, Republic of Yemen
College of Life and Health Sciences, Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU), PO Box 34110, Doha, Qatar


Keywords: High quality graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) have been synthesized by chemical oxi-
Graphene oxide dation of graphite flakes via three modified Hummers methods using a mixture of sulfuric acid (H2SO4),
Reduced graphene oxide phosphoric acid (H3PO4) and nitric acid (HNO3) as intercalating agents and potassium permanganate (KMnO4)
Graphite and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as oxidizing agents. In this study the production of dangerously explosive gases
Chemical method
was avoided. The temperature was carefully controlled using ice baths, ensuring the temperature was kept at the
minimum during the reaction. The prepared samples were extensively characterized using various techniques
including X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
(EDS), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
(FTIR), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The results indicated greater presence of oxygen containing
groups and an increase in the (C/O) ratio, both of which served as reliable indicators of high quality graphene
oxide. Atomic ratio of carbon to oxygen (C/O) quantified by XPS was calculated to be 25.67, 1.81, 1.63, and 2.77
of graphite, GO-I, GO-II, and GO-III, respectively. As revealed by FTIR analysis, the GO-I had more hydrophilic
oxygen functional groups compared to GO-II and GO-III.

1. Introduction deposition (CVD) [9] are other methods that have been employed for
producing GO from graphite. However, chemical oxidation, remains the
Since its discovery in 2004 [1] graphene has attracted much at- most commonly favored approach in GO production [10].
tention in various fields of scientific research and applications ranging Work done by Brodie in the 1859 produced the first ever GO using
from electronics, where it is used in the manufacture of graphene field potassium chlorate, graphite powder (usually graphite natural flakes)
effect transistors [2] to sensors [3] and clean energy devices [4] to- and concentrated fuming nitric acid [11]. The method was improved by
wards water purification and sterilization of waste water [5]. The im- Staudenmaier in 1898 where he included the use of concentrated sul-
mense interest from such wide array of scientific disciplines arose from furic acid in addition to the fuming nitric acid [12]. This modification
the fundamentally unique and spectacular properties of graphene. saw an increase in the amount of oxidized graphene oxide produced
Chemically, graphene is two-dimensional nanomaterial and is com- whilst making the method more facile. Hummers and Offeman pub-
posed solely of a single layer of arranged carbon atoms. The resulting lished their paper in 1958 where they described the preparation of what
honeycomb lattice is held together by σ bonds [2]. they called graphitic oxide using potassium permanganate (KMnO4)
There are several ways in which graphene oxide (GO) can be pro- and sodium nitrate (NaNO3) in the presence of sulfuric acid [13]. This
duced; each have their own advantages and limitations. Mechanical became known as the Hummers method and is the most favored method
exfoliation [6], whilst attractive for producing high quality GO is lim- used today [14]. A common feature of all three methods is the ultimate
ited in the way of large scale production feasibility [7]. Both mechan- oxidation of graphite to different degrees. During the process of oxi-
ical exfoliation (by means of ultrasonication or stirring) and epitaxial dizing graphite, functional groups such as hydroxyl groups (OH) con-
growth on silicon carbide (SiC) wafer methods have been shown to taining oxygen were introduced. This sees the expansion of the d-spa-
produce low yields [8]. Thermal exfoliation and chemical vapor cing [8] of GO whereby interlayer interactions are restricted. These

Corresponding author. Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute (QEERI), Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU), Qatar Foundation, PO Box 5825, Doha,
E-mail address: (R. Al-Gaashani).
Received 17 February 2019; Received in revised form 20 March 2019; Accepted 19 April 2019
Available online 20 April 2019
0272-8842/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.
R. Al-Gaashani, et al. Ceramics International 45 (2019) 14439–14448

Fig. 1. Processes used in this study for synthesis of graphene oxide (method 1).

some cases chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is released as a byproduct. This

product, along with N2O2 are both explosive and hence render the ex-
periments hazardous [14]. The Hummers method has seen many
modifications and improvements [16], where different inorganic acids
have been used in variable ratios and proportions [17]. Different oxi-
dizing agents in different molar ratios have also been tested in order to
further optimize the procedure of producing GO [14].
One of the most important issues relating to the largescale pro-
duction of GO is the safety aspect of the method. Indeed, the traditional
Hummers method has the inherent risk of explosion due to the buildup
of manganese heptoxide (Mn2O7) [18]. Despite attempts to reduce the
temperature of the reactor [16] the control of the temperature
throughout the experiment has proven troublesome and impractical
[10]. Other studies have trailed the production of GO by means where
no toxic gases were produced [14]. Namely, Marcano et al., 2010
doubled the mass of KMnO4 whilst using a combination of sulfuric and
phosphoric acid in a 9:1 ratio. However, the rapid temperature increase
was not addressed in this study and therefore the need for a safer and
temperature controlled method remains of utmost importance when
producing GO. It is also worth noting that lower temperature has been
implicated in producing GO with lower defect [10].
GO with oxygen functional groups can be formed either by oxidized
graphene sheets or graphene oxide sheets that have their basal planes
adhered mostly with hydroxyl, epoxide, carbonyl, and carboxyl groups.
As reported by Lerf–Klinowski, oxygen functional groups localize pre-
sumably at the edges and transform the GO layer surfaces to high hy-
drophilic surfaces while water molecules can readily be inserted into
the interlayer galleries [19].
Recently, a large number of studies have revolved around the pro-
duction of GO for use as a nanofiller for polymeric membranes. The use
of GO was seen to enhance membrane performance attributes such as a
reduction in biofouling processes and increased water flux [20]. In one
such study GO sheets were synthesized for studying the possible anti-
Fig. 2. Shows XRD patterns of graphite (a), graphene oxide (GO-I) prepared bacterial effects of GO. The authors fabricated GO using a modified
using acids mixture of H2SO4, H3PO4, and HNO3 (70: 20:10) (b), graphene version of the Hummer's method, however the processing temperature
oxide (GO-II) prepared using acids mixture of H2SO4, and H3PO4 (90:10) (c), was not maintained below 5 °C [21]. The use of different inorganic
and graphene oxide (GO-III) and rGO prepared using ultrasonic bath (d). acids were also not employed, rather only 98% sulfuric acid was used
for the production of GO [21].
polar oxygen-containing groups also result in the GO being hydrophilic, The demand for high-grade GO over the years has greatly increased.
This is due to the versatility of GO in a wide number of applications.
with the added benefit of being easily dispersed in water and exfoliated
in a wide range of solvents [15]. Recently, GO was reported to find its use in biomedical applications
The downside of all three methods described above involves the alongside reduced graphene and zinc oxide nanoparticles [22]. More
evolution of toxic gases such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and dinitrogen recently, a facile synthesis method of GO which possessed significant
tetroxide (N2O2), both of which are harmful to the environment. In enhanced properties for optoelectronic and energy devices was

R. Al-Gaashani, et al. Ceramics International 45 (2019) 14439–14448

Fig. 3. SEM images of graphite (a and b), GO-I graphene oxide (c and d), GO-II graphene oxide (e and f) (the inset in Fig. 3 (f) shows high magnification SEM image
(1 μm)), and GO-III graphene oxide (g and h).

reported. The study used a one-step approach employing electrolysis requirements.

technique. The GO sheets obtained showed superior characteristics in In this study we present findings of fully characterized GO, which
terms of thermal stability [23]. However, it should be noted that elec- have been prepared in a safe manner without the use of oxidizing
trolysis manufacturing processes are known for their energy intensive agents, which cause explosive or toxic gaseous products. Furthermore,

R. Al-Gaashani, et al. Ceramics International 45 (2019) 14439–14448

Fig. 4. EDS spectra of graphite (a), GO-I graphene oxide (b), GO-II graphene oxide (c), and GO-III graphene oxide (d).

Table 1 2. Experimental
EDS elemental analysis of graphite, GO-I graphene oxide, GO-II graphene oxide,
and GO-III graphene oxide. Small Sepeaks appeared in GO-I and GO-II samples 2.1. Materials
due to treatment process with H2SO4.
Sample Elements Weight (Wt. %) Atom. conc. (at. %) Natural graphite flake (−10 mesh, purity 99.9%, manufacturer:
Alfa Aesar, Germany) was used as a raw material to produce graphene
Graphite C 98.72 99.03 oxide. A mixture of nitric acid (HNO3) (67–69%, RomilSpA limited™,
O 01.28 0.97
UK), hydrochloric acid (HCl) (37%, Sigma-Aldrich®, USA), phosphoric
Total 100 100
GO-I C 51.10 58.56 acid (H3PO4) (85 wt %, Honeywell Fluka®, India), and sulfuric acid
O 47.43 40.81 (H2SO4) (95%, VWR Chemicals®, France) were used as intercalating
S 01.47 0.63 agents. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) (30%, VWR Chemicals®, France) and
Total 100 100
potassium permanganate (KMnO4) (≥99%, Honeywell Fluka®, India)
GO-II C 54.52 61.93
O 43.81 37.36 were used as strong oxidizing agents. All chemicals were of analytical
S 01.67 0.71 reagent grades and used as received, without further purifications. The
Total 100 100 aqueous solutions were prepared in deionized water.
GO-III C 72.57 77.90 GO and rGO have been produced by oxidizing the graphite flakes by
O 27.43 22.10
three modified Hummers methods using different acids mixtures.
Total 100 100

the approaches utilized in this study demonstrate a cost-effective and 2.2. Graphene oxide (GO-I) preparation (method 1)
facile procedure for producing high-grade GO, while keeping the pro-
cess time to a minimum. The temperature was maintained below 5 °C In a typical experiment, 1 g of the graphite flakes was dispersed in a
during the addition of different reactants with the use of ice baths and ratio of 70: 20: 10 acids mixtures of H2SO4, H3PO4, and HNO3, re-
chilled deionized water. The results indicate an improvement in the spectively, in a 500 ml beaker. The mixture was stirred at a medium
quality of GO produced as well as a significant increase in oxygen rpm for uniform dispersion. 6 g of KMnO4 was slowly added to the
containing functional groups. The C/O ratio was also higher than that mixture while maintaining the temperature below 5 °C using ice bath.
reported in many of the previous studies [24]. The solution was then maintained at 45 ± 5 °C for 2 h using an oil
bath. The beaker was then placed back into the ice bath and 100 ml of
deionized water was added slowly to avoid rapid increase in tempera-
ture. The beaker was then placed in the oil bath whilst maintaining the

R. Al-Gaashani, et al. Ceramics International 45 (2019) 14439–14448

Fig. 5. TEM images of graphene oxide prepared using acids mixture of H2SO4, H3PO4, and HNO3 (70:20:10) (a and b), graphene oxide prepared using acids mixture
of H2SO4, and H3PO4 (90:10) (c and d), and graphene oxide (GO-III) prepared using ultrasonic bath (e and f).

temperature at 85 °C for 1 h. The mixture was stirred at a moderate rate was repeated many times using deionized water to wash out the acid.
throughout the experiment. The experiment was brought to an end by The pH was checked continually and the washing was stopped once the
the simultaneous addition of 120 ml of deionized water and 15 ml H2O2 solution reached a neutral pH. The solution was placed in glass beakers
(30%). The reduction of the permanganate and manganese dioxide and incubated overnight in an oven at 85 °C. The preparation steps are
could be easily observed by the color change from caramel brown to a outlined in Fig. 1.
greenish yellow solution. The solution was left to reach room tem-
perature before being washed with an additional 25 ml of 9:1 deionized
2.3. Graphene oxide (GO-II) preparation (method 2)
water to HCl acid to remove metal ions and acids. The mixture was
centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 30 min at room temperature. The washing
Graphene oxide (GO-II) was prepared using the same experimental

R. Al-Gaashani, et al. Ceramics International 45 (2019) 14439–14448

steps detailed in the previous section of GO-I preparation with a change

of acid mixture to be H2SO4 (90%) and H3PO4 (10%) (90: 10).

2.4. Reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and graphene oxide (GO-III)

preparation (method 3)

The effect of ultrasonication on preparation of GO-III was studied

using an ultrasonic bath to produce rGO. The acid mixture with gra-
phite and KMnO4 were placed in an ultrasonic water bath at room
temperature and subjected to 1 h of ultrasound treatment in the ultra-
sonic bath before adding 120 ml of deionized water and 15 ml H2O2
(30%) to end the reaction. Then, the same experimental steps used to
prepare graphene oxide (GO-II) were applied for the remainder of the

2.5. Characterization of samples

A Bruker D8 Advance X-Ray diffractometer (XRD) using Cu-Kα ra-

diation source (λ = 0.15418 nm), operated at 40 KV and 15 mA was
used to study the prepared GO samples. The morphology of samples
Fig. 6. Shows FT-IR spectra of graphite (a), graphene oxide (GO-I) prepared
was observed using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy
using acids mixture of H2SO4, H3PO4, and HNO3 (70:20:10) (b), graphene oxide
(HRTEM) (FEI Talos200X) and Quanta 650 scanning electron micro-
(GO-II) prepared using acid mixture of H2SO4, and H3PO4 (90:10) (c), and
graphene oxide (GO-III) prepared using ultrasonic bath (d). scope (SEM) equipped with Bruker energy dispersive X-ray spectro-
meter (EDS). Thermo Scientific NICOLET iS50 FT-IR spectrometer was

Table 2
XPS compositional analysis, fitted parameters, and C/O atomic ratio of the C 1s, and O 1s spectra of the graphite and the as-prepared samples GO- (I, II, and III).
Samples Peaks Binding energy (eV) Peak area FWHM (eV) Atomic conc. (%) (C/O)a Phase/Groups

Graphite (1) C 1s 284.76 70009.30 0.59 92.61 (25.67)a CeC

(2) C 1s 287.00 1000.31 1.15 1.33 CeO
(3) C 1s 288.28 875.27 1.35 1.16 C=O
(4) C 1s 289.50 875.27 1.35 1.16 OeC=O
(5) C 1s 291.28 3500.56 2.25 – π- π* Satellite
(1) O 1s 531.22 2325.42 1.20 1.32 OeC=O
(2) O 1s 532.45 2959.49 1.20 1.68 C=O
(3) O 1s 533.29 421.95 0.77 0.24 CeOH
(4) O 1s 533.95 879.40 1.25 0.50 CeOeC
Total 100
GO-I (1) C 1s 284.82 17653.27 1.42 13.06 (1.81)a CeC
(2) C 1s 286.62 39809.74 1.42 29.46 (1.43)b CeO
(3) C 1s 287.78 22473.69 1.42 16.63 C=O
(4) C 1s 289.12 7042.23 1.41 5.21 OeC=O
(5) C 1s 290.90 681.97 1.42 – π- π* Satellite
(1) O 1s 531.50 14782.08 1.35 4.01 OeC=O
(2) O 1s 532.34 51706.23 1.23 14.01 C=O
(3) O 1s 533.10 45584.04 1.23 12.36 CeOH
(4) O 1s 534.07 19384.42 1.35 5.26 CeOeC
Total 100
GO-II (1) C 1s 284.80 22161.80 1.11 20.24 (1.63)a CeC
(2) C 1s 286.82 39354.78 1.12 35.95 (1.66)b CeO
(3) C 1s 288.30 5254.50 1.44 4.80 C=O
(4) C 1s 289.70 1067.14 1.44 0.97 OeC=O
(5) C 1s 292.51 1192.73 1.55 – π- π* Satellite
(1) O 1s 530.97 4688.07 0.96 1.61 OeC=O
(2) O 1s 531.77 17690.59 0.96 6.06 C=O
(3) O 1s 532.60 65830.99 1.19 22.55 CeOH
(4) O 1s 533.33 22833.94 1.44 7.82 CeOeC
Total 100
GO-III (1) C 1s 284.83 37636.94 1.24 41.76 (2.77)a CeC
(2) C 1s 286.99 20739.10 1.15 23.03 (3.52)b CeO
(3) C 1s 288.43 5382.79 1.35 5.98 C=O
(4) C 1s 289.50 2413.86 1.35 2.68 OeC=O
(5) C 1s 291.20 1363.45 1.88 – π- π* Satellite
(1) O 1s 531.19 4911.12 1.35 2.13 OeC=O
(2) O 1s 532.26 18976.21 1.35 8.24 C=O
(3) O 1s 533.01 28848.95 1.25 12.53 CeOH
(4) O 1s 533.80 8390.21 1.44 3.65 CeOeC
Total 100

Atomic ratio of carbon to oxygen quantified by XPS.
Atomic ratio of carbon to oxygen quantified by EDS.

R. Al-Gaashani, et al. Ceramics International 45 (2019) 14439–14448

of the graphite particles before acid treatment, where rough surfaces

resembling leaf-like structures were observed. However, post acid
treated graphite samples; Fig. 3 (c to h) displayed the expected smooth
surfaces with wrinkles and folded regions. These observations could be
accounted for by the Sp3 carbons and formation of oxygen-containing
functional groups in the basal planes and various GO structural defects
[26,27]. From the SEM images (Fig. 3(g) and h), the degree of ag-
gregation of rGO is clearly higher than those of the GO samples shown
in Fig.3 (c to f). The reduction of oxygen containing functional groups
located in the basal plane of the Sp2 carbon permitted the lamellas of
the reduced GO sheets to be held together via weak van der Waal forces.
Consequently, rGO sheets were found to be highly aggregated with
crumpled features, as shown in their SEM images (Fig. 3 (g) and (h))
The elemental analysis of graphite as well the prepared GO samples
was investigated using EDS (Fig. 4 and Table 1). The O/C atomic per-
centage (at. %) of the oxygen contents increased from 0.98% for the
raw graphite (Fig. 4 (a)) to ∼ 41% for GO-I and 38% for GO-II (Fig. 4
(b)). However GO-III samples showed a lower oxygen content with
22.10% (at. %) compared to GO-I. This can be attributed to the fact that
a portion of GO-III was reduced to rGO when exposed to ultrasonic
Fig. 7. XPS survey spectra of graphite (a), graphene oxide (GO-I) prepared treatment for 1 h, as confirmed by XRD (Fig. 2 (d)).
using acids mixture of H2SO4, H3PO4, and HNO3 (70:20:10) (b), graphene oxide Fig. 5 depicts the TEM images of the three types of the graphene
(GO-II) prepared using acid mixture of H2SO4, and H3PO4 (90:10) (c), and oxide nanosheets (GO I, II and III). The presence of reduced graphene
graphene oxide (GO-III) prepared using ultrasonic bath (d).
oxide is seen in Fig. 5 (e and f) confirms the results seen in the XRD and
XPS analyses. All TEM images show clear folding, indicating the for-
used to measure IR spectra. The chemical states of composing elements mation of oxygen functional groups, as confirmed by the FTIR (Fig. 6)
of GO's were investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and XPS (Table 2) data.
using ThermoFisher ESCALAB 250i system. The binding energy values FTIR was used to determine the formed functional groups on the
of XPS lines were calibrated using the C 1s peak of adventitious carbon graphene oxide samples. Fig. 6 represents the FTIR spectra of the (a)
at 284.8 eV as a reference. graphite powder used as a raw material and the prepared graphene
oxide (GO-I) (b-d). The FTIR spectrum of GO shows a peak at
3. Results and discussion 3425 cm−1, which represents the OeH stretching of the COOH group
while the bond centered at 2972 cm−1 is attributed to CeH stretching.
3.1. Structural characteristics of the samples The peaks at approximately 1735 and 1635 cm−1 represent carboxyl/
carbonyl (C=O) and aromatic (C=C) stretching groups, respectively.
The graphite powder and synthesized GOs samples were analyzed The broad peak occurring at 1450 cm−1 is due to OeH deformations of
by XRD to study structural changes before and after acid treatments, in CeOH groups, and the sharp peaks at 1083 and 1050 cm−1 represent
particular, the interlayer distances. Fig. 2(a) shows XRD pattern of CeO stretching [28] while the peak at about 800 cm−1 is attributed
graphite powder. The very sharp diffraction peaks observed at 26.50 to = CeH bond. The absorption band centered approximately at
and 54.64 2θ- Bragg angle, corresponds to (002) and (004) reflections 2340 cm−1 (Fig. 6 (c)) can be assigned to atmospheric CO2 (O=C=O).
of graphite hexagonal structure, respectively. Fig. 2(b–d) shows the During the ultrasonic treatment, some amount of carbon-oxygen func-
XRD patterns of the prepared graphene oxides. The diffraction peak tional groups in the GO-III sample were reduced, resulting in reduced
detected at 2θ of about 10.9° can be attributed to the (001) plane of the graphene oxide yields as shown in Fig. 6 (c) and XRD pattern (Fig. 2
hexagonal crystalline structure of graphene oxide. For GO-I (Fig. 2 (b)), GO-III). The results of the FTIR spectra indicated that the GO-I pos-
the corresponding d (001)-spacing at 2θ = 10.9° was calculated using sessed the highest content of oxygen functional groups compared to
Bragg's law to be 8.15 Å. However, the d (001) - spacing at 2θ = 11.2 and GO-II and GO-III samples. Fig. 6 (d) clearly shows the reduction of the
2θ = 12.6° was calculated to be 7.94 and 7.07 Å of GO-II and GO-III carbon-oxygen functional groups in the GO-III sample, indicating that
(Fig. 2 (c) and (d), respectively). The hydrophilic oxygen-containing part of GO was reduced to rGO as confirmed by XRD.
functional groups formed in the basal plane of GO sheets absorbed
water molecules, thereby increasing the d-spacing. It has been reported 3.2. Compositional studies of the synthesized samples
that the interlayer distance of GO changes with the quantity of absorbed
water molecules in the basal plane galleries and structural defects to be The synthesized samples were further analyzed by X-ray photo-
in the range of 6.1 Å for dry GO to 12 Å for hydrated GO [19]. Fig. 2 (d) electron spectroscopy (XPS) to further evaluate the chemical states of
also displays a wide diffraction peak (200) located at 2θ = 25.4° cor- various elements and the presence of functional groups. The survey
responding to rGO with d-spacing of 3.46 Å which is almost close to the scan spectra of all samples showed mainly the presence of carbon and
typical thickness of pure single-layer graphene flake (3.4 Å) [25]. oxygen with trace amount of sulfur (Fig. 7 (b) and (c)), which was a
The XRD results indicated that, the GO-I had a higher quantity of result of process contamination.
hydrophilic oxygen-containing functional groups compared to GO-II Fig. 8 shows high-resolution XPS spectra of C 1s region. The de-
and GO-III, due to higher inter-planar spacing. The absorbed water convoluted high resolution XPS C 1s region spectra of graphite used as
molecules and the oxygen functional groups in the basal plane hold the raw material is shown in Fig. 8 (a). The deconvoluted C 1s peaks 1, 2, 3,
GO sheets together with an increased d-spacing. The XRD results (Fig. 2 4, and 5, as shown in Fig. 8 (a), showed peak binding energies of
(d)) also confirmed the reduction portion of GO to rGO when exposed to 284.76, 287.00, 288.28, 289.50, and 291.28 eV which correspond to
ultrasound treatment for 1 h. CeC (92.61 at.%), CeO (1.33 at.%), C=O (1.16 at.%), OeC=O
Morphological properties of the raw graphite and prepared GO (1.16 at.%), and π- π* satellite bonds, respectively. However, after acid
samples were studied by SEM. Fig. 3 (a and b) display the SEM images treatments, the deconvoluted C 1s peaks 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 with binding

R. Al-Gaashani, et al. Ceramics International 45 (2019) 14439–14448

Fig. 8. Typical high-resolution XPS spectra of C 1s region of graphite (a), graphene oxide (GO-I) prepared using acids mixture of H2SO4, H3PO4, and HNO3 (70:20:10)
(b), graphene oxide (GO-II) prepared using acid mixture of H2SO4, and H3PO4 (90:10) (c), and graphene oxide (GO-III) prepared using ultrasonic bath (d).

energies of 284.82, 286.62, 287.78, 289.12, and 290.90 eV, assigned to 534.07 eV represent the OeC=O (4.01 at.%), C=O (14.01 at.%),
the CeC (13.06 at.%), CeO (29.46 at.%), C=O (16.63 at.%), OeC=O CeOH (12.36 at.%), and CeOeC (5.26 at.%), groups, respectively, for
(5.21 at.%), and π- π* satellite groups, respectively, of the graphene the graphene oxide phase prepared using method (1) (Fig. 9 (b)).
oxide phase (Fig. 8 (b)). Similarity, the deconvoluted C 1s peaks 1, 2, 3, However, the deconvoluted O 1s peaks 1, 2, 3, and 4 for the graphene
and 4 with binding energies of 284.80, 286.82, 288.30, 289.70, and oxide phase prepared using method 2 have binding energies at 530.97,
292.51 eV represent the CeC (20.24 at.%), CeO (35.95 at.%), C=O 531.77, 532.60, and 533.33 eV which are attributed to the OeC=O
(4.80 at.%), OeC=O (0.97 at.%), and π- π* satellite bonds, respec- (1.61 at.%), C=O (6.06 at.%), CeOH (22.55 at.%), and CeOeC
tively, for the graphene oxide phase prepared using method 2 (Fig. 8 (7.82 at.%), respectively, (Fig. 9 (c)). The high-resolution XPS spectrum
(c)). On the other hand, the deconvoluted C 1s peaks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of O 1s region of GO and rGO prepared by method 3 was fitted to peaks
with binding energies of 284.83, 286.99, 288.43, 289.5, and 291.2 eV 1, 2, 3, and 4 with binding energies of 531.19, 532.26, 533.01, and
are related to the CeC (41.76 at.%), CeO (23.03 at.%), C=O (5.98 at. 533.80 eV which represent the OeC=O (2.13 at.%), C=O (8.24 at.%),
%), OeC=O (2.68 at.%), and π- π* satellite bonds, respectively, for the CeOH (12.53 at.%), and CeOeC (3.65 at.%), respectively, (Fig. 9 (d))
graphene oxide and reduce graphene oxide phases prepared using [31,33–35]. The quantified atomic concentration of all phases and
method 3 (Fig. 8 (d)) [19,29–32]. functional groups was calculated using XPS analysis and shown in
Fig. 9 shows high-resolution XPS spectra of O 1s region. The de- Table 2. The atomic ratio of carbon to oxygen (C/O) quantified by XPS
convoluted O 1s peaks 1, 2, 3, and 4 with binding energies of 531.22, was calculated to be 25.67, 1.81, 1.63, and 2.77 for graphite, GO-I, GO-
532.45, 533.29, and 533.95 eV represent the OeC=O (1.32 at.%), II, and GO-III samples, respectively, (Table 2). These ratios are in close
C=O (1.68 at.%), CeOH (0.24 at.%), and CeOeC (0.50 at.%), respec- agreement with values calculated using EDS analysis as shown in Tables
tively, of graphite phase (Fig. 9 (a)). The deconvoluted O 1s peaks 1, 2, 1 & 2 and Fig. 4. From the XPS analysis, the atomic concentration (at.%)
3, and 4 with binding energies of 531.50, 532.34, 533.10, and of the oxygen-containing moieties, such as carbonyl, and carboxyl

R. Al-Gaashani, et al. Ceramics International 45 (2019) 14439–14448

Fig. 9. Typical high-resolution XPS spectra in O 1s region of graphite (a), graphene oxide (GO-I) prepared using acids mixture of H2SO4, H3PO4, and HNO3 (70:20:10)
(b), graphene oxide (GO-II) prepared using acid mixture of H2SO4, and H3PO4 (90:10) (c), and graphene oxide (GO-III) prepared using ultrasonic bath (d).

groups of the GO-I and GO-II, considerably increased, showing that the surfaces of GO-I and GO-II were more hydrophilic than that of graphite
surfaces of GO-I and GO-II are more hydrophilic than that of graphite and GO-III, while the sp2 hybridized zone on GO-I and GO-II were much
and GO-III, while the sp2 hybridized zone on GO-I and GO-II are much less than that of graphite and GO-III samples. FTIR results further
less than that of graphite and GO-III [36]. After exposing GO-III to ul- confirmed that, the GO-I samples contained more oxygen functional
trasound for 1 h, the C: O ratio of GO significantly increased from 1.63 groups, compared to the other GO prepared samples. This further in-
to 2.77, indicating that part of GO was reduced to rGO as confirmed by creased the (O/C) ratio in the samples, rendering them higher-grade
XRD and FTIR data. graphene oxide. According to the quantified XPS data, GO-I sample
were found to possess the highest atomic ratio of carbon to oxygen (C/
O). The high quality graphene oxide produced has many applications
4. Conclusions
and uses in a number of scientific fields, such as in the design of
membranes incorporating GO as nanofillers for water treatment appli-
We have reported facile and safe methods to synthesize high quality
cations. GO with such high oxygen content would render the membrane
graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) without the
strongly hydrophilic. This would improve membrane characteristics,
production of toxic and explosive gases, whilst maintaining a low
including reduction in biofouling and increased flux. The demand for
production temperature. The morphological, structural and composi-
high quality GO makes the samples produced and analyzed in this study
tional analyses showed that the synthesized materials were strongly
a promising way forward in GO production.
dependent on the mixture of acids. The structural analyses of all sam-
ples revealed the presence of a crystalline GO phase and confirmed the
reduction portion of GO to rGO when exposed to ultrasound treatment Acknowledgments
for 1 h. The XPS and EDS analyses confirmed the atomic concentration
(at. %) of oxygen-containing moieties, such as carbonyl, and carboxyl The authors would like to thank the support of Qatar Environmental
groups of the GO-I and GO-II, considerably increased, showing that and Energy Research Institute and Hamad Bin Khalifa University. The

R. Al-Gaashani, et al. Ceramics International 45 (2019) 14439–14448

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