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Technology: Google Expedition

Link to Proficiency: *Image below

Targeted Learners/Content area: Grade 8/ English Language Arts
Lesson objectives: Students will take a Google Expedition into the home of Charles
Dickens in order to learn more about the author and the Victorian time in which he
Lesson context: During the class before Christmas break, students will engage in this
festive activity. Before diving into the Expedition, I will read students the first chapter of
Dickens’ work A Christmas Carol. This lesson is simply meant to be enjoyable and
provide students with the greater context about an author’s life.
Goal of technology use: The technology will allow students to see inside Dickens’
home in London, a city in which they may not have ever visited. The Expedition allows
students to see inside the different rooms in his home and read about their significance
in the author’s life. Students will additionally be exposed to this technology, and
hopefully be inspired to explore the other expeditions it has to offer.
Brief description of how technology will be used with students: To begin class, I will
do a shared-reading activity of the first chapter of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.
Then, we will have a mini-lesson on Dickens’ personal background and the Victorian
era. After this, students will go on the Dickens Christmas Expedition in order to see
what the inside of his home looked like, and read more about his life and history.

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