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Son Jinro B.

Gas 121

U - Understanding
C - Creativity
S - Success
P – Productive

Understanding – in learning we need to focus in

understanding specially in subj like UCSP.

Creativity – When learning, our creativity is showing we

can think of unique ideas.

Success – if we’re studying subjects like UCSP there’s

a lot you can learn and because of that you can
achieve success.

Productive – in subjects like this you need to become

productive specially when learning about politics. Being
productive means being a hard worker.
Son Jinro B. Escarda
Gas 121

Page 49

1. For me no, why? Because there’s still a lot of things that a person
must learn specially in the Philippines they want change but they are
not obeying in small rules.
2. I think people will be more productive and more hardworking.
Because of technologies some people became lazy.
3. Yes, because it made life easier.
4. Students should be open minded so that they can be more matured.
5. Karl Marx because it accurate that human societies develop
through class struggle.
6. They’re connected because they are talking the same thing which is
7. Yes
8. Yes, because if you continue your work you can become successful
9. No because people nowadays are not the same as the people
10. No, because we have our own way of thinking and interpreting the

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