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1. History By Rabbi Moses Sofer in 19th Founded by Zacharias Frankel It started in 1800s in Germany.
century. (who also founded the Jewish
Theological of Breslau, 1854) and
Solomon Schechter.

2. Governing Principles Adherence to both written and oral Emphasize the importance of the Allows for substantial
Torah, and both of it cmae from traditional Jewsih texts to guide individualism but requires basic
God that should be followed. ethics and practice. principles to be followed or

3. Views on God Monotheistic. Monotheistic. Monotheistics.

4. Interpretations of text Hold that such information is the Hebrews and Jewish texts leads to Torah was written by human
and laws exact words of God and doesn’t wisdom, so the culture emphasizes hands, with divine inspiration.
represent any human creativity or the importance of learning. Teaches Judaism’s ethical laws are
influence. Modern Jews should study Torah binding, while ritual laws can be
in the eyes of a modern person and adopted to fit modern society.
not of their ancestors. They
practice traditional Judaism but
interprets Jewish teaching in the
light of contemporary knowledge
and scholarship.
Allows gradual change in law and
practice but only if the change is in
harmony with Jewish tradition.

5. Role of women Men and women sit separately in Men and Women can sit together. Women are allowed to participate
the synagogue. in ordained roles and can sit
Not ordained as rabbis and they do together.
not count in Minyan. Treat others equally.
They can be rabbis.
Women are primarily responsible
for ritual purity by faithfully
upholding the laws of Middah.

6. Views on Jerusalem Jerusalem is the holiest or most The land of Israel is the most Jerusalem is not a physical place
sacred city. important spiritual center. but a place of ethical values in the
hearts of the Jews.

7. Language Synagouge services are conducted Hebrew is predominant but the Use the native language.
in Hebrew. native language of the worshippers Belief that the process of
are used as well. reinterpretation of the Torah to the
language of today is ongoing.

JUDAISM o A Kosher dish should have two sets; one for dairy and one
for meat.
 One of the oldest Religion in the World. o Animals should be slaughtered in a special manner.
 They considered man as the highest persons and is considered as the  Jewish worship is weekly observance of the Sabbath.
head of the religion.  From sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday is dedicated to rest and
Orthodox Judaism
 The character of Jewish life should be in harmony with but not
 Reaction to modernity. rigidly bound by the Torah and Talmud.
 They are the product of the separation of conservative sects from  1983, during the conservative convention, they finally approved of
reform-minded groups. the ordination of women.
 Emerged in the 19th century in Bratislava; Present day Slovakia.  1985, Amy Eilberg, first conservative woman rabbi.
 Teaches that traditional Jewish law, is the ultimate religious authority  1984, they admitted 18 women to Jewish Theological Seminary in
that binds all Jews. 1984.
 Modern interpretation of the Bible that treat sacred Jewish works as  REFORM JUDAISM
mythical or fictional history is rejected.  Founded by Abraham Geiger.
 They follow a strict diet code of Kashrut:  Emphasize the values and ethics over traditions and ceremony.
o Pork and Shellfish are Trefy.  He fostered the pursuit of Justice and Liberty.
o They eat only the Kosher, foods that are listed in Leviticus.  Jews should not wait the coming of a personal Messiah, but instead
o Fish must’ve both scales and fins. prepare for a Messianic age characterized by equality, freedom and
o Meat and dairy products are not to be mixed. brotherhood.
 Giving the traditional belief a modern view in the modern society.  “Burned whole.”
 It also mean to connect with the non-Jews.  27th day of the Hebrew month of Ninsan (April or May in the
 The temple that needed to be build should be the spiritual structure of Gregorian calendar) as Holocaust Remembrance Day.
values, justice and of freedom.  The rise of the arab nationalism resulted in the mass migration of
 Jerusalem was not a physical place. Jews from the middle Eastern countries into Israel.
 To fulfill their mission, they must spiritualize humanity by being an
example of openness and enlightenment.
 Is a movement that sought the establishment of a Jewish state in
 Mount Zion, the hill which Jerusalem was built was use as a symbol
 The mass slaughter of European civilians particularly the six million of a lost homeland or a future state in which Jews will live in peace
Jews by the Nazis during the WWII. with all people.

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