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SUDARIO, Janine Ezra R.

JD 1-4
September 7, 2018

EXERCISE: Turning Point

Beyond Borders: My Life At Its Finest

It’s been a while, been thinking about this, yet, greatest decision of mine.
Been dreaming of this. Aiming for this.
Now, I am living this so called “life”

I have come to decide where in the society, would I fit in.

Convincing that somehow, somewhere, I could be that someone.
Someone, that is who this society has expected me to be.
But, then, I made my own life, my own expectation, own decision.
A decision that I am the one who’s in control of myself, not this world.

I am not the one the world dictates me to be.

This is my choice. My life.
With the leading and guidance from Above.
Turning point? Is to be an effective Christian lawyer.
No pressure.

My passion is for this society, a change in a system.

I want to do something. I want to reach out.
And to make use of what God has entrusted me.

As what Ed Sheeran has been serenading us, “I found a love for me”, true enough.
This is what I loved to be. What I loved to do. But to tell honestly, I am still not good at it.
Just an average law student, trying and trying. Still adjusting, sometimes doubting.
But don’t get me wrong, I am happy with what I am doing.
Harsh love, by the way. It is hard, yes. Really hard.
I must endure the pain and suffer for now.
But I know this is all gonna be worth it.

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