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Google Docs Tips & Tricks 

Explore Tool​ -​ Build student research skills. This tool allows students to search for websites, images, etc without
opening another tab.

Voice Typing​ -​ (Scroll to the section labelled “How to start using voice typing”). ​Google Support for Voice Typing​ -
This can be used on PC, Android, iPhone, or iPad.

Walk Students Through the Writing Process in Google Docs​ ​- Templates for writing prompts, links to
graphic organizers, writing tools, editing tools, providing feedback, revising, and assessment tools.

Template Gallery​ ​- When creating a new doc, expand the template gallery at the top to see a variety of options such
MLA & APA Reports
Book Reports
Lesson Plans
Letters (Business & Informal)
Project Proposals
Meeting Notes

URL Tricks​ - Create a preview link, Make a copy link, Make a copy with comments link, Template link, PDF Link

Add-Ons​ ​- Leave Voice Comments, DocSecrets, WRiQ (score students’, grammar/spelling errors), Easy Bib Add-On
(create bibliography for your research paper),

Bookmarks ​ - Link within a document to a specific section or page.

Table of Contents 

Custom Shortcuts 

Version History​ ​- Track writing history of a document

Download As: ​PDF ​or ​ePub​ ​(Create an Ebook directly from a Google Doc)

HyperDocs​ - create interactive Google Doc to replace worksheets. ​What are HyperDocs?

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