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1. I am a bird, but I can’t fly. My color is black and white. I eat fish. I can swim. Who am I?

2. I have big body and thick skin. I have four legs. I have one or two horn. Who am I?

3. I am big. I have four legs. My color is black and white. I eat bamboo. I can’t climb a
trees. Who am I?

4. I am wild animal. My shape is just like a horse. I have black and white stripes. I can run
very fast. I eat grass in savannah and grassland. Who am I?

5. I have a long body. I don’t have legs, but I can move. I can swim too. I can swallow a
prey bigger than my mouth. I have fang and venon. Who am I?

6. I am one of primates. I sleep on the trees. I can jump from one tree to another. I am grey
and have a long tail. I like fruits especially banana. Who am I?

7. I am the world’s largest land carnivore. I live in a cold temperatures. My hair are white
just like a snow. I hunt and eat seals. I am a marine mammal. Who am I ?

8. I live in the country areas. I eat grass. I am a livestock. I have four legs. I provide wool.
Who am I?

9. I am white and grey. I eat carrots. I have long ears. I can run fast. Who am I?

10. I have four legs. I have long neck. I am white and brown. I eat leaves. Who am I?

11. I am small. I am black and yellow. I have two wings. I make honey. Who am I?
12. I can swim. I have two legs. I have wings. I say quack quack. Who am I?

13. I am big and brown. I have four legs and one little tail. I eat fish and berries. Who am I?

14. I am small and colorful. I have wings. I can fly. I life in gardens and forests. I like
flowers. Who am I?

15. I am kind of soap. I am usually liquid. You use me when you wash your hair. Who am I?

16. I have four legs. I am big and grey. I have two big ears. I have a trunk. Who am I?

17. I can hop. I have a pouch. I have a long tail. I eat plants. Who am I?

18. I live in desert. I have two humps. I am tall. I eat plants. Who am I?

19. I am a reptile. People say that I am slow. I have a shell. I can hide there. Who am I?

20. I live in Africa. I have black spots. I am a predator. No one runs faster than me. Who am

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