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Dengue is a mosquito-borne disease that occurs in tropical and subtropical areas of

the world. It is cause by a bite of an mosquito, namely Aedis aegypti or Aedis

albopictus. Based on rappler, the Philippines ranked 1st in having most number of
cases of having dengue in Southeast Asia with 146,062 cases and 622 deaths due to
the disease on 2019. The researchers still haven’t found solutions in terminating the
said disease but are still working on it. The best prevention so far is to keep the
environment clean.
The Dengue Fever Symptoms:

 Headache
 Muscle, bone and joint pain
 Nausea
 Vomiting
 Pain behind the eyes
 Swollen glands
 Rash
Dengue Fever may cause a high fever that reaches 40 C degree or 104 F degrees.
Most of children and teens may experience no sign or symptoms when having mild
dengue fever. The symptoms mat take effect on its 4th day to 7th day after bitten by
an mosquito that carries the disease. If the person have atleast one or two from the
symptoms, it is best that he/she consult to a doctor to prevent the disease from
gettting worse.

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