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Student: Gustavo Adolfo Miranda Pinzón

Code: 1096222602

September 3th, 2016

Updated profile

Personal presentation

My name is Gustavo Adolfo Miranda Pinzon, I am 22 years old, I live in the city of
Barrancabermeja, I am from Bucaramanga, I’m studying systems engineering.
My hobbies are reading, drawing, riding my bike and I want to learn English because
I want to meet new people and I want to be able to communicate with different people
around the world.

1) How useful is the Online Agenda in the virtual course?

It is useful because it shows the beginning date and finishing of the activities.
2) What important information can you find in the Glossary?
I can find in the glossary the meaning of many words, it is very useful.
3) What kind of activities are there at Collaborative Learning Environment?
In Collaborative Learning Environment we can find the guides and forums of the
4) Explain with your own words the aim of the link “Practice 2 Unit 2”
The aim of the link “Practice 2 Unit 2” is to give to the student some exercises to do,
those exercises will give to the student the opportunity to do some practice.
5) How can you take advantage of social networks to improve your English?
Well, in social networks like Facebook you can find people who speak English to do
some practice.
Also you can try a free app called Duolingo, it can be added to your Facebook, in
Duolingo you can learn English easily, and it has a full course of English with its
difficulties (basic, medium, and advance) that’s why I always recommend Duolingo
to people who are learning English.

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