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Dear God,

I ask for your blessing on this ceremony, our awardees and all who are gathered with us today. I
pray that you will fill each employee with satisfaction at the great work they are doing for the
sake of their country. I especially pray for those who are deployed away from home. Keep us all,
and those we love, safe and strong. Grant us success in every good endeavor as we serve our
community, our nation and our world. Be with us this hour, and every hour, I pray. Amen.

Gracious God,
We ask your blessing upon these young women and men who we honor today for their achievements.
We celebrate their capacity for creativity, for critical thinking, for focused effort.
We are grateful that they and their families entrusted Xavier's faculty and staff to engage them
intellectually, morally, and spiritually.
Thank you for their confidence to discover and explore new possbilities and knowledge to discern what is
right and good and just.
Enable them to draw upon the wisdom and experience of yesterday as they respond to the questions and
concerns of tomorrow.
Support our honored student leaders as they continue to make a difference in the world and lead a life
'For the Greater Glory of God.'

Almighty God,

Thank you for your love, risen from the grave and freely offered for us all.
Thank you for this special day, and for all the students who are assembled here.
May they feel a sense of achievement in their qualification and great excitement about their future.

Come take their skills and gifts that we celebrate today.

May each student know your presence in their lives and understand how to use their abilities for your
glory and kingdom.
And may they all continue to live lives of learning and discovery, and in doing so bring great
blessings to the world.


Dear God,

Today we join with heaven as we celebrate and give thanks for every student here. Thank you that
each one is unique and brimming with potential.
Thank you for leading them in their learning, for keeping them safe as they studied, and for watching
over them in their final exams.
We pray that they may all feel proud this day and enjoy sharing their achievements with family and
friends. May today be a memory that burns bright within them as they embark on life’s great

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