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The project is mainly focused on explaining the application of legal maxims in Various Indian and

Foreign judgements.The project will be focussing on detailed description and analysis of cases to

Understand three maxims. The three maxims are Nova Constitutio Futuris Formam Imponere

Debet, Non Praeteritis,Lex Non Cogit Ad Impossiblia, Cessante Ratione Legis Cessat Ipsa Lex.

The meaning of first maxim is a new law ought to be construed to interfere as little as possible

With vested rights. The cases which will be analysed under the first maxim are Zile Singh v State of

Haryana and Sangam Spinners v Regional Provident Fund Commissioner. The meaning of second

Maxim is,The law does not compel a man to do that which is impossible. The cases which will be

Discussed under the second maxim are State of Rajasthan v Shamsher Singh and Kishan singh

Tomar v Municipal Corporation of city of Ahmedabad and Others. The meaning of third maxim is

When the reason for a law ceasing ,the law itself ceases. The cases which will be discussed under

The third maxim are Joseph Shine v UnionofIndiaandH.HShriSwamijiofShriAdmarMutt,Etc.v



law findthemselvesinpresentjudgementswillbestudied.Applicationoflegalmaximsinthe


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