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February 5, 2015 1

• Introduction
What is this course about?

• Review
What background will I need?

• Syllabus
What will I learn in this course?

• Mechanics
How with the course work?

February 5, 2015 2

Course module description

This course is intended to provide a graduate-level introduction to modern

computer graphics. We will cover some of the basic background of 3D
computer graphics

The course is intended to bring incoming graduate students up to the

research frontier, and prepare them for further work in the field.

February 5, 2015 3

What Is It I Expect?

• Good programming background

– C/C++
– Preferably some previous OpenGL exposure

• Basic computer science

– Data structures, algorithms

• Basic math
– Numerical integration
– Linear algebra, systems of linear equations
– Vectors, matrices

• Keeping up with the text(s) is very important

February 5, 2015 4

I Am Not Going To ...

• Teach C/C++
• Teach data structures
• Teach linear algebra and basic numerical methods
• Questions about C/C++ are low priority
• Lab procedures are your responsibility

February 5, 2015 5

Basic and support material to be covered

Ray tracing
Hidden surfaces removal

February 5, 2015 6

Text Book

February 5, 2015 7

What Is Computer Graphics?

• Computer graphics is an art of drawing pictures, lines, charts, etc

using computers with the help of programming. Computer graphics is
made up of number of pixels.

• Using a computer as a rendering tool for the generation (from models)

and manipulation of images is called computer graphics
• More precisely: image synthesis

February 5, 2015 8

Differences between digital image and graphics

CG (Computer Graphics ) refers to processing of creating a new image

from Geometry , Lighting parameters , Materials and Textures .Using a
Computer or any other digital media.

While DIP(Digital Image Processing) is the process of manipulating an

image acquired through some device . The image too often will be
acquired from photographs, scanners , medical equipments.

February 5, 2015 9

What Is Computer Graphics?

February 5, 2015 10

What Is Computer Graphics?

• What is computer graphics?

Imaging = representing 2D images

Modeling = representing 3D objects

Rendering = constructing 2D images from 3D models

Animation = simulating changes over time

February 5, 2015 11

Types of computer graphics

Basically there are two types of computer graphics namely

1) Interactive computer graphics: It is the computer graphics in

which user can interact with the image on the computer screen.

2) Non-interactive computer graphics: it is the computer graphics in

which user does not have any kind of control over the image.

February 5, 2015 12

How are pictures actually stored and displayed?

February 5, 2015 13

Components of Computer Graphics

1- Modeling: Defining objects in terms of primitives, coordinates and


2- Storing: storing scenes and images in memory and on disk.

3- Manipulating: changing the shape, position and characteristics of


4- Rendering: applying physically based procedures to generate

(photorealistic) images from scenes (using lighting and shading).

5-Viewing: displaying images from various viewpoints on various


February 5, 2015 14

Computer Graphics

There are two kinds of computer graphics: Bit Mapped and Object Oriented.

•In bitmap no way to edit some thing drawing in

•When you enlarge a bit mapped image, you
will get a pixelated look.
• Bit mapped graphics are usually easier to
work with.
• Bit mapped graphics tend to create larger files
than object oriented graphics. There are some
exceptions to that rule.

February 5, 2015 15

Computer Graphics

You create object oriented graphics in a drawing program.

•When you create objects in a drawing

program, you can still edit them after you
have done something else.
• object oriented graphic files (drawing
files) are usually much smaller in size than
bitmapped graphics.
• you can enlarge a object oriented graphic
to any size, and it will not loose detail.
• that there are usually harder to create,
and can not have many interesting special
effects done to them, such as blurring for

February 5, 2015 16

What are Computer Graphics and Image Processing ?

February 5, 2015 17

Areas of Computer Graphics

 Design and Drawing: In almost all areas of engineering such as: civil,
mechanical, electronic etc.
 Making the pictures to move: on the graphical screen is called
animation. Animation really makes the use of computers and computer
graphics interesting.

 Multimedia applications: The use of sound cards to make computers

produce sound effect led to other uses of graphics. The concept of virtual
reality, where in one can be taken through an unreal experience, like going
through an un-built house (to see how it feels inside, once it is built) are
possible by the use of computer graphics technology.

 Simulation: The other revolutionary change that graphics made was

in the area of simulation.

February 5, 2015 18

Computer Graphics Applications

• Video games
increasingly use sophisticated 3D models and rendering algorithms.
• Cartoons
are often rendered directly from 3D models. Many traditional 2D cartoons
use backgrounds rendered from 3D models, which allows a continuously
moving viewpoint without huge amounts of artist time.
• Visual effects
use almost all types of computer graphics technology. Al- most every
modern film uses digital compositing to superimpose backgrounds with
separately filmed foregrounds. Many films also use 3D modeling and
animation to create synthetic environments, objects, and even characters
that most viewers will never suspect are not real.
• Animated films
use many of the same techniques that are used for visual effects, but
without necessarily aiming for images that look real.

February 5, 2015 19

Computer Graphics Applications

• CAD/CAM stands for computer-aided design and computer-aided

manufacturing. These fields use computer technology to design parts and
products on the computer and then, using these virtual designs, to guide the
manufacturing process. For example, many mechanical parts are designed
in a 3D computer modeling package and then automatically produced on a
computer controlled milling device.

• Simulation can be thought of as accurate video gaming. For example, a

flight simulator uses sophisticated 3D graphics to simulate the experience of
flying an airplane. Such simulations can be extremely useful for initial
training in safety-critical domains such as driving, and for scenario training
for experienced users such as specific fire fighting situations that are too
costly or dangerous to create physically.

February 5, 2015 20

Computer Graphics Applications

• Medical imaging creates meaningful images of scanned patient data.

For example, a computed tomography (CT) dataset is composed of a
large 3D rectangular array of density values. Computer graphics is used
to create shaded images that help doctors extract the most salient
information from such data.

• Information visualization creates images of data that do not necessarily

have a “natural” visual depiction. For example, the temporal trend of the
price of ten different stocks does not have an obvious visual depiction, but
clever graphing techniques can help humans see the patterns in such data.

February 5, 2015 21

Useful Terms: Bit depth

is the number of bits used to store information about each pixel. The
higher the depth, the more colors are stored in an image. For example,
the lowest bit-depth, 1 bit graphics are only capable of showing two
colors, black & white.


February 5, 2015 22

Useful Terms: Keyframe

When someone creates a 3D animation on a computer, they usually don't

specify the exact position of any given object on every single frame. They
create keyframes.

2 frames drawn by user

In-between frames generated by computer

February 5, 2015 23

Useful Terms: Key frame

February 5, 2015 24

Useful Terms: Key frame

February 5, 2015 25

Useful Terms: Mesh

A mesh is a collection of faces which describe an object. An object can

be anything, a sphere, a pyramid, a car tire, or an elephant. The faces
are arranged in such a way that they form the outside surface of that
object. It could be thought of as the skin of the object.

February 5, 2015 26

Useful Terms: Contouring

Contouring is the loss of detail when converting a gradient image into

a image with a smaller number of colors. An example is shown below.

February 5, 2015 27

Useful Terms: Dithering

Dithering is the process of converting an image with a certain bit depth

to one with a lower bit depth. For example:

Original image Dithered to 256 colors

A gradient of grays Same gradient converted to B&W

February 5, 2015 28

Useful Terms: Face

A face is a collection of 3 or more vertices tied together to form a

small triangle surface. Most 3D programs use 3 sided faces, but some
support 4 sided ones too. A collection of faces is referred to as a
mesh. Each face also has a special entity tied to it called a normal.
The normal defines which side of the face is considered to be the
inside of an object, and which is the outside. Faces are very often
referred to as polygons.

February 5, 2015 29

Useful Terms:


When modeling a character, it is often useful to establish a hierarchy

between all the objects making up the character.

Onion skinning

Onion skinning is a term that commonly refers to a graphic process in which

an image or an animation is composed of a couple of different layers.

February 5, 2015 30

Useful Terms: Primitives

If you really look around, you might realize that many objects around you
are made up of very simple objects.
Most 3D programs provide the user with a number of primitives from
which they can model more complex objects. These primitives most
often include a sphere, a box, a cylinder, a cone, and a torus. Some
programs have more, like tube or hemisphere.

February 5, 2015 31

Useful Terms:

Image synthesis or image generation refers to the construction of

images from scratch, rather than processing of existing images

Synthesis of a 2D image from a 3D scene description is more commonly

called rendering

Computer Vision
A central goal in computer vision is to take a set of 2D images (usually from a
video or set of photos) and infer from that a 3D description of what is being
viewed, This is a very different process than rendering, and is more of a form of
artificial intelligence

February 5, 2015 32

Useful Terms: Animation

An animation is just a sequence of individual images, Basically, the

subject of computer animation focuses on how things change over time.
Usually, this refers to motion, but can also refer to other properties
changing over time.

February 5, 2015 33

Useful Terms: Frame Buffer

 The framebuffer refers to the memory dedicated to storing the image, It would
generally be a 2D array of pixels, where each pixel stores a color , Color is
typically stored as a 24 bit RGB value. This offers 8 bits (256 levels) for red,
green, and blue, for a total of 16,777,216 different colors
 most computers have a special piece of memory reserved for storage of the
current image being displayed

 the frame buffer normally consists of dual- ported Dynamic RAM (DRAM)
 sometimes referred to as Video RAM (VRAM)

February 5, 2015 34

Useful Terms: Double buffering

•if we allow the currently displayed image to be updated then we may see
bits of the image being displayed halfway through the update
•this can be visually disturbing, especially if we want the illusion of smooth
• double buffering solves this problem: we draw into one frame buffer and
display from the other
•when drawing is complete we flip buffers

February 5, 2015 35

Vector and Raster Data

Computer images are classified into two general types: those defined as a
pixel map and those defined as one or more vector commands. In the first
case we refer to raster graphics and in the second case to vector

Vectors have an arrow over their variable name: . . Points are denoted with a bar
instead: . . Matrices are represented by an uppercase letter.

The set of real numbers is represented by . The real Euclidean plane is and
similarly Euclidean three-dimensional space is . The set of natural numbers
(non-negative integers) is represented by .

February 5, 2015 36

Vector VS Raster Graphics

February 5, 2015 37

Vector VS Raster Graphics

February 5, 2015 38

Vector VS Raster Graphics

Vector Graphics
•Image is represented by continuous geometric objects: points, lines,
curves, etc.
•Graphics objects: geometry + colour
•Geometric transformation possible without loss of information (zoom,
rotate, …)
•Examples: PowerPoint, CorelDraw, AutoCAD...
Raster Graphics
•Image is represented as an rectangular grid of coloured squares
•Image processing techniques
•Geometric Transformation: loss of information
•Realistic images, textures, ...
•Examples: Paint, Photoshop
•Raster graphics are also sometimes called bitmapped graphics

February 5, 2015 39

Scan Conversion

is the process of converting basic, low level objects into their corresponding
pixel map representations. This is often an approximation to the object, since the
frame buffer is a discrete grid.

February 5, 2015 40


Modeling refers to the techniques involved with creating, scanning,

editing, and manipulating 3D geometric data, Modeling is often
done by a human user with an interactive editing program, More
complex objects, such as trees, can be constructed with automatic
procedural modeling algorithms, 3D models are also often acquired
from real world objects using laser scanning or computer vision
techniques, Modeling also includes the use of curved surfaces and
other higher order primitives, which are often converted into
triangles using various tessellation algorithms, Another important
area of modeling includes mesh reconstruction for surface

February 5, 2015 41

3D Models

A basic 3D model might consist of a simple array of triangles,

Each triangle stores 3 vertices, Each vertex contains an xyz
position, and possibly some other information (color, normal…)

February 5, 2015 42


Aliasing is the jagged effect seen on lines and polygon boundaries after
rasterization and it is the process of getting rid of the jaggedness of
rasterized geometric primitives.

February 5, 2015 43

The Computer Graphics Pipeline

The process that goes into the production of a fully realized 3D movie
character or environment is known by industry professionals as the
“computer graphics pipeline.”

In order to take an animated movie character from an idea or

storyboard drawing to a fully polished 3D rendering, the character
passes through six major phases:

1. Pre-production
2. 3D Modeling
3. Shading & Texturing
4. Lighting
5. Animation
6. Rendering & Post-production

February 5, 2015 44


At the end of pre-production, finalized design sheets will be sent to the

modeling team to be developed.

Every Idea Counts: Dozens, or even hundreds of drawings & paintings

are created and reviewed on a daily basis by the director, producers, and
art leads.

Color Palette: A character's color scheme, or palette, is developed in

this phase, but usually not finalized until later in the process.

Concept Artists may work with digital sculptors to produce preliminary

digital mock-ups for promising designs.

Character Details are finalized, and special challenges (like fur and
cloth) are sent off to research and development.

February 5, 2015 45

Shading & Texturing

In this phase, materials, textures, and colors are added to the 3D model.

Every component of the model receives a different shade-material to

give it an appropriate look.

Realistic materials: If the object is made of plastic, it will be given a

reflective, glossy shade. If it is made of glass, the material will be partially
transparent and refract light like real-world glass.

Textures and colors are added by either projecting a two dimensional

image onto the model, or by painting directly on the surface of the model
as if it were a canvas.

February 5, 2015 46


In order for 3D scenes to come to life, digital lights must be placed in the
scene to illuminate models

Proper lighting must be realistic enough to be believable, but dramatic

enough to convey the director’s intended mood.

Mood Matters: Believe it or not, lighting specialists have as much, or

even more control than the texture painters when it comes to a shot’s
color scheme, mood, and overall atmosphere.

Back-and-Forth: There is a great amount of communication between

lighting and texture artists. The two departments work closely together
to ensure that materials and lights fit together properly, and that shadows
and reflections look as convincing as possible.

February 5, 2015 47

February 5, 2015 48

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