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This project consisted in doing three different things. It started with a button.

We were to pick a
button and were able to do anything we wanted with it. We had to be creative and come up with
some sort of visual to present in class. I selected a heart button and chose to use this button in a
clothing and accessories line for Chanel. After this part of the project, we were then to make a
scarf with somehow incorporating the button we selected. I made a silk scarf that was the color
of the button and also put heart shaped appliqués on the corners of the scarf. Lastly, we were to
make a window display with an item that still had something to do with our selected button. I
chose a handbag that was similar to the color of the button as well as the scarf I made. For my
display, I stacked boxes and used frame hinges to hold up my board. I decorated with some
hearts on a wire to still go with the heart button theme.

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