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ffifanl ts transporta*or, * L*y tss*** ncwadays?

In the modern world aLtnost **yb"dy and everything is on the move. Pecple trarreI tlaily *nd
wante $fstem thatgets tlem fror:r A to B safely, securdyandwirhout daffirgingtheerwironmenl
Besides pers+nal m*bility, tranrport imrolves the trarxit ofgoods and sryr'iies, so a wide-ranging
system {roads" pubtic transport, freight and deliinrry systems} sho:"dd be operated ancl ma in*lnei
t* futfij thess,{etvr d*, hg *Ajor p,wh}ern Ari*ae frqr;r ti,le frc,t t}*ct ther; is a conr inu+us gro*rh
ir: trafiie, the salution of whkh rrquires a weil-planned, carefutly-designed trarsprrpsiicy.

MWn*t do tue yneaft by sustatnabfe transpcrt?

,""$wstsinahJe pport- l* r*thel *hout *n* ffi*hi}{ty than tranryqrt*tion. h
', re*nc*r** *ptienre
r t**h*l*1*gies, roh*se aim is ts.rrsn$it g$d* an* peopt*

, ,,l.*m.?,ic*tgt- &str#r?iqg tliC'€, .t:tisnrfient, The..$,ry-s'ffi tnd q..trqte
*#enf*$p .' *yrrris*k*y-eg{i*.n,Hou}.*.*.e*1}r*.fu**tihi!it*
*f tra*sparr are w*lki+6:@*$m6j'$u*t*i* l* tram*p*.tt':pqi!,gy
tu* *,t**i*$*;fr**.*fi F *sti.t ' a,6.iiy-* iwdly n*gttb+uiho*ds and

a) Our prulrtic transp*rt i* quite g**d. We h*ve many
!ne*n$ *ftransp*rt a$ we can travet by hus, tram
and tr:*iley,hts" Tkese vthides gc along *peeial
ro$Ie$ a$d besic*liy y*u *an Set cverywh*re in ths
tc*vn" It'* tr:*e that tfue vehicles corae +nly af certain
tisres, which is every 20-30 minutes tluring the
day, H*r+'rver, dxring th* rush im*rs fhey came
m*re cfter*. **r town c*ur:si} p*y* particular
atte$tifirr t$ the d*v*l6pffisng tif :hs q*ality *f
pubti* tranrport Th* whole vel*rle fleet ha* been
replaced recently, and aur buses are new, clean.
nir-c*nditicxed and errt*ir*nme*talty-frieoclly.
A uew ticket system has been introdueed, and
tlaily, weekty a*d r:lonthly ti(ksts are availqbl*"
b)Tiiiphli*.e@*rtin#y,--rt* ad,thep=ryry'lqqryc9@'!@e1}th*.1i*r*'?&y5e
,*re,fe:ar,x* e..r,*&i*1egatrr@*wx;*ndjt$*.'!=mt*@ Yh-i1*:*6reuthe
er n*vrs, *ffi tiffi nn if'yt*n$*rgp1*,y.*1.*.h .e, g it i*r the nem t* c*rye.'
, fs$peli*-et1* time,xtsr*di : i ,h**,et* i' ,if@*huseqlqqitis*o*r*wded
that you c*n hardly cram youmdf in.

ffi Uow would you irnprove pubtic tt*rr*po"t in 3nour hornetavwr?

al l"d buy::ew buses that ru" gas. they are c$eaper and envi-ronmentally-friendly. tt woul<l
i,,, bs, cru*u hsWer,i$rr*':b ,t@ "n andtr,*I}*y:ht**u *61ffi1$$ $,".{ r, n qqair** th*y ut
e$**tric*fy; Iti* txa*'thgttr * need,f6i*r,.*nd ffi wtre* vr.hL@tr *+et
t*. fila$fltlet
b.l*r $* the or*g ::'tSey *re mr*.e' , 1* and q**t*iqry@"}'@,w*uld ban rars frt:m
t}**.cerrrr* r*}dbuildri*groa**a$6n$i*+r*:th**ry F nSi**wo::]dhave
1p gs futrih.

**t llv,e'irt@ 1$ur!* I wtytd rnyldue*'*,f;,&r$' .ti i*{. tnon p.*rfl*xd'nde'

,. .4***;*'w**ld &rseg=bi*$d eh$f$q.t"'erld.r st v* thck',qq CIl: $ stSS"e,*f

them ta the centre, office area *r industriai park- In addirion, I would errate a ci'cling
r+ute downtown fCIllowi*g the putch or"*J. People who are actirre and wamt to live a
hm,lthierlif$**.rd4-,,:!d$:ki ,wi **ia*ry aig*an*lgettcrtheirdsxtiltsti * lyriding
on bicycle roads/rycle p*ths.

ffi Wirtctr fireans of transport are environmentat$r-friendly? l/Vhy?
.- '.4[] th* vt*hie]*-t het fuel'e ele*.tdc*]'er. gu* powqrqd .$sr]r.cs-s pre *vrv.].rcnrxsntally-Srien
Fartunately, nowndays u*leadrd petr*l iisald at the filting {pe*ol) stations. In *eaition, aia
cars murt halne buitt-in c*ialytic convqqlers i* order to cause less potluticn. It is a certainty that
with theadvanceof science anti technologyand aue'totm ra6ery A.rr.asirgavailahle amount
of+i},intermalcornhustianenginesareonacc]ur$et(rwardsextinction Thereish*peforabett*r
future as electrie- hybrid and hydrogen f*el-celn powm-ed vehlcles have alre*dy been made, a*d
they are heing te*ed, ,ts for raila there are high-*ped *airs. TGV *r M*gi*v treinf operating
in several csurrtri*$" They are both fast and m*ranr*entaliy+iiendiy. Aexi*l trmsport has the
icast charrce for developing airemf,t th*t wrnrld d;areaffi air and n*ise pr:lluticn. Its downfaii

trf engir,eer*ng and a marvellous eehievement. a dis*stl"ous aecident on 25th |uly 20$fl,
inrtesd of dewiaping it further, authorifies decided e rctise the camplete fteet-

ffiWnat can be the advarrtage* and diradva*tagres of travelling by ccach?

ln Hungary there are destinations (small vill*ges) that you can +nly rerch Fry coarh. One *t the
advantages ofintercity c*aches is rhat they are quite fast, although, unlike trains, thrir sperd
depends heavily on traffic. Anrrther gr"l+d point about thcm is that they are n*t too *xpensive,
t an* tlrer* ars c*ach fratlrl **ncessiorxlreductions *ffere<I to $tudents, young p**pl*, *lder
u *jJicesls flr Sr*uF$. Tr*v*I1i*6 by b** is safe, *:d ;f * vehid* br**kc d*wn there is a 74-h**r
emergcndy baclc-up. Coar.h trips are verf popuhr. Sch*als often hire eoaches firr tlreir rlass
irip$. as it frur*tior"rs like a huge ear. You are trsn$pr)rtecl from tioor tn d<ior, the ;t:unrr1, is
cermforrabie, and you do nut have ta carry your iuggage. Travel agencres sperate coaclres whrch
take tourists almast everywhere in Europe. On sirch t+urs lang d.rstances are coveret-I, and people
can exptrience how unccmfortable a ceach is coneerni*g sleeprag fac-ilities. Thrs is one of the
grratest di*advar*tages of coach travel. Although tlre s€ats are reciining and with an air cushi+n
under your head and a warfil blanket on your berdy you may have a gaod riight's sleep, you are
rnast likelv to have stiff and n*mb legs nnd pain in y+ur neck anrl back the next m+rnirg.

ffi Carnpare travelling by train tc travetling by atr.

Tr*v*llixg by pl*xe is f**terbut ff)$r* *xpsrl$irre thax tr*relling by tr*in. A j*urney hy plar:e
taking everythitg infa consideratiori {gettins to and from the airpor-t,, p{ssport
c*ntlol, baggage rerli*imi can Iast lunger than a train journey as airports are sR rhe edge of
ci*eq whiie trig railr,ruy stations can be found in city cenrres. On a trail you can stand, up,
nrr;ve and even wall< during the whole journey, r,r;hereas o* a plane you calr hardly move
elrn vemit drrring take-offanti l*nrJin6;
because of trac.k of space. S+me pe*pie may feel sick or
however I have never heard of Enyone having health problerri$ on a frain. The viewr you
can sre fr+m the windErws are alsc different. if ri,e ***tt er is nice and sunny you {:an rier
* wtrnrlerful bird's-eye view from the plaae. Flying ovrr the cl+uds !s very exii?ing, but not
to() specta,cular. In +;a*trsst, on a train 1uu ean conti*u*usly enj*v the uiews *f ernguarded
backyards, endiess c,:rnlields and rows of trees.








,llfttre*r*maq1ffi**cr tt*ai'S;'*A@;
beach hcliday, camping; cl"imbing hclidap cultural
trips" eruises" cyding holiday, diving, farnily

,tlslidfi}., Srss$fu safafis- sF* br*sF"$, w"Ih ffi

tu hqti i *e flbnuakm,wetrr*s,l*iwinrei
*p*rts halidayc, city breaks and rnany cthers.

b) I prefer cit y brea k s. They ai"e three or fou r-day rrips

during u&ich I visit famous citles, see the sights,
...,: ta$* iosel fo-*d, amd hale. *+es@*:6o*d hoteL
.ISyhy'bw-q**tx*:;SriJhirli**i;'whq& q{e-r
discount accommodation and even $ome cultu;al

ci 1{e used t+ spend *ur hoiidays on sunr:y beaehei,

but rece*tly wC have found great ple*ryqe in
activity hottdeys. Two year$ figo wE wenf rretking
in Trn*sylvani*. Each day we walked rewrat kilom*tres, stay*d at a niee guesrhouse far
the night and *nioyed the w+nderful scenery of the mountains. Last year we cycSed r*und
Baiaton. It was great fun, and all rny family (my husband and the kids) enjayed it.





t. ,t

lt ..4
ffi "ltrhur" in f;sme do as the Ror*ans do,* Haw fcr d,c yol* agree?
a] This pr*v*rh meaus that when y*i: *re visiiirrg a <lifferent place ar culture, y*u should try
te ibilaw their c$stonts antl beh*ve ss *ther* aro:rm* y*u. Xf y*u travel t* a fbrreign country,
or different culture it's wise to try to fit in, besause ttris will make the local pe*ple ieel more
comfortable with y*u aroun.l, und yor. aiso will feei closer to their culture.'Mor"ou"r, it
could be fun. If yau'ilo as the Romans do", you will do a l*:t of things that yau woul<in'r
n*rmaily tlo- Who knorvs? Maybe p:u will dir**o*o some new talentJin you. Therelbre, I
think this is ii very good piece of a*vice to t+urists and visitors.
bi ln nry upinion this philosaphy is irnpassibie (and unreasonablei ta pracrice when one
lives in a fcreig:r {ountry and/*r i* *n jntercultaral relati*xship, i,t rrtav be e*sy lor you
to ibllow the phrlosophy when you knor+ you are going back home but i am certarn that
if yau lived in r f* crrurrtry peftrxane*tly- ytru w*ul<i rxot be content without having
si:rnr of prur tamiliar "nativr" rvays ancl customs. Scmetimes people ret'usr ta follaw the
"When in Rtrme" phrlosophy because of ethical, perscnal, +r health reasofls.

kalandqg, R*.lAnelot keresC)

adv*ntur*us traveller

*ffordcbt* #f*xl*b*l


tendelkecSffe *116
*v*iX*hle arnsililt.
" -.1-. --,'1 11 '+E{ii"
:.:' 't:,,: a

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