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Borderline Personality Disorder

and Childhood Trauma:

Evidence for a Causal Relationship
Jeffrey S. Ball, MSc, MBBS, and Paul S. Links, MSc, MD, FRCPC

Corresponding author
Jeffrey S. Ball, MSc, MBBS 1985 and 1995 demonstrated only a weak association
Arthur Sommer Rotenberg Suicide Studies Unit, St. Michael’s between childhood sexual abuse and BPD.
Hospital, Shuter Wing, 30 Bond Street, Toronto, Ontario M5B
1W8, Canada.
Nevertheless, childhood trauma remains at the fore-
E-mail: front of etiologic research and debate and therefore is still
Current Psychiatry Reports 2009, 11:63–68 worth examining. Even if it is not alone as an etiologic
Current Medicine Group LLC ISSN 1523-3812 factor for BPD development, it may play a significant role.
Copyright © 2009 by Current Medicine Group LLC This paper addresses the strength of evidence for child-
hood trauma as an etiologic factor in the development
of BPD by examining the literature published since the
The debate over whether childhood trauma is a reviews by Paris [4] and Fossati et al. [5]. This includes
causative factor in the development of borderline per- peer-reviewed literature published between 1995 and
sonality disorder continues in the literature despite 2007 that directly addressed the relationship between
decades of research. This review examines this body of childhood trauma and BPD and could fit within the con-
literature published from 1995 through 2007 to assess ceptual framework of this paper. Due to space limitations,
the strength of evidence for such a causal relationship. not all articles on this topic are discussed here. However,
A unique conceptual approach was used, as we consid- an effort was made to include all original research pub-
ered the literature in the context of Hill’s classic criteria lished between the specified dates that could be applied
for demonstrating causation. Results of this review to the conceptual framework of Hill’s criteria. One par-
suggest that evidence supports the causal relationship, ticular exception was research on biologic aspects of BPD,
particularly if the relationship is considered as part of because reviewing this burgeoning body of literature was
a multifactorial etiologic model. Directions for future beyond this paper’s scope. Instead, biologic research as it
research and clinical implications are discussed. relates to this paper is addressed in the context of reviews
of that particular body of literature. Other excluded pub-
lications include several previously published reviews of
Introduction the topic, articles that only address a specific aspect of
The etiology of borderline personality disorder (BPD) remains BPD (eg, suicidality or dissociation), some articles related
hotly debated despite several decades of research. Establish- to specificity of the relationship, and others that focused
ing the etiologic factors leading to the development of BPD is on multifactorial models of BPD etiology. A more com-
quite significant given its prevalence, morbidity, and mortal- prehensive reference list is available from the authors.
ity; BPD is a disabling condition affecting approximately 2% Contrary to other reviews on this topic, this review
of the general population, 10% of psychiatric outpatients, adopted a unique approach by evaluating the literature in
and 20% of psychiatric inpatients [1]. Individuals with BPD terms of Hill’s classic criteria for demonstrating causal rela-
are significant users of health services [2], and their lifetime tionships [6]. This involved examining how evidence for a
risk of suicide ranges from 3% to 10% [3]. causal relationship fared when it was evaluated in terms
Childhood trauma has long been considered an of the relationship’s strength, temporality, dose–response,
etiologic factor for BPD, and this continues to influence specificity, consistency, epidemiologic/biologic plausibil-
clinical practice. However, this assumption of causality ity, and analogous views. To our knowledge, no one has
persists despite a lack of conclusive evidence. For exam- published a paper comprehensively applying this method in
ple, Paris [4] argued that research has failed to establish a examining the relationship between childhood trauma and
causal link between the two variables. Moreover, a meta- BPD. Therefore, this paper provides a more specific and
analysis by Fossati et al. [5] of papers published between conceptual test of the strength of the causal hypothesis.
I Personality Disorders

Hill’s Criteria Bornovalova et al. [15] conducted a cross-sectional

Strength of association study of an inner-city primarily African American popu-
Hill’s first criterion for establishing a causal relationship is lation with BPD in an inpatient drug and alcohol abuse
demonstrating a strong relationship between the two vari- treatment center. A correlational analysis found that a
ables in question. Laporte and Guttman [7] reviewed 751 BPD diagnosis was significantly associated with higher
psychiatric records of discharged female psychiatric patients impulsivity, emotional instability/vulnerability, lower
diagnosed with personality disorders and found that 93% well-being, many interpersonal factors, and a range of
with BPD had experienced at least one type of loss or abuse types of childhood maltreatment. When regression analy-
in childhood, compared with 74% of patients with other ses were performed, emotional abuse reliably predicted
personality disorders. In a pilot study, Oldham et al. [8] BPD diagnosis better than any other factor.
found an even larger discrepancy between inpatients with Thus, the research supports an association between
BPD (75% of whom showed a history of childhood abuse) childhood trauma and BPD. Because the purpose of this
and inpatients with other personality disorders (only 33% conceptually based review was not to conduct a meta-
of whom reported a history of childhood abuse). analysis, no single statistical quantity was calculated or
Trull [9] screened a large, nonclinical sample for is reported here. However, considering the individual
childhood abuse and BPD pathology and found that “… results of recent studies, the association appears to
although not the strongest correlate of borderline features, be signifi cantly associated with BPD even compared
childhood abuse does account for unique variance in bor- with near-neighbor disorders and not as weak as the
derline features that cannot be accounted for by parental Fossati et al. [5] review concluded. This seems to be in
psychopathology and by personality traits.” He contended line with the Zanarini [16] review of the literature that
that the results were “consistent with the viewpoint that described estimates of childhood sexual abuse in BPD
although childhood abuse is not the primary etiological ranging between 40% and 70%, compared with the
factor in BPD, it remains an important factor to include in rate of childhood sexual abuse in other Axis II disorder
models of BPD.” patients (19% to 26%) and with further research to be
Golier et al. [10] examined psychiatric outpatients addressed subsequently [17,18].
with BPD and observed that they had significantly higher
rates of childhood physical abuse (53%) than those with Temporality
other personality disorders (34%). However, they found Another one of Hill’s criteria is to demonstrate that the
that sexual abuse did not significantly differ between proposed causal variable occurs earlier in time than the
groups (29% vs 19%). outcome variable. Most studies of childhood trauma
Helgeland and Torgersen [11] compared BPD patients and BPD use retrospective methods that confound dem-
with patients with other psychiatric diagnoses (including onstrating temporal relationships due to the inherent
Axis I and Axis II disorders). Five variables distinguished limitations of retrospective study design [4]. Prospective
significantly between borderline and nonborderline longitudinal studies—which eliminate recall bias—that
patients: abuse, neglect, environmental instability, pater- examine personality disorders are rare. However, a few
nal psychopathology, and having few protective factors. have been published [17–20].
More recently, Bandelow et al. [12] compared 66 Johnson et al. [20] found that individuals with
BPD patients with 109 healthy controls. Reports of documented histories of childhood sexual abuse, physi-
various types of traumatic childhood experiences, such cal abuse, or neglect were more than four times more
as sexual abuse, violence, separation from parents, and likely to be diagnosed with a personality disorder than
serious childhood illnesses, were significantly higher in those who were not abused or neglected. This associa-
the patient group. tion held even after statistically controlling for factors
Bradley et al. [13] had psychologists and psychia- such as age, parental education, parental psychiatric
trists describe 534 patients and found childhood sexual disorders, and other types of childhood maltreatment.
abuse to be a signifi cant predictor of BPD over and Some of the child maltreatment data for this study came
above family environment, although the latter was also from records of the New York State Central Registry for
a signifi cant predictor. Child Abuse and Neglect, which maintains reports of
Lobbestael et al. [14] examined schema modes and cases of abuse and neglect referred to childhood protec-
childhood abuse in patients with complex personality dis- tive services that are confi rmed by authorities. However,
orders and found a strong association between childhood maltreatment was also assessed through participant ret-
abuse and BPD when compared with controls. Although rospective reports, and this was not presented separately
a strong relationship was also found between abuse and from the New York State Central Registry for Child
antisocial personality disorder, the BPD group experi- Abuse and Neglect–confi rmed reports. Thus, these
enced more episodes of sexual abuse compared with the results cannot be considered free of recall bias because
antisocial personality disorder group. of the retrospective elements in the design.
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I Ball and Links
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Yen et al. [18], as part of the Collaborative Longi- childhood trauma, greater use of particular health care
tudinal Personality Disorders Study, reported that BPD services, and a higher number of self-harm behaviors.
participants showed the highest rate of childhood trauma These results suggest that as childhood trauma wors-
(especially sexual trauma). Also as part of the Collaborative ens, the outcome BPD is potentially more severe, and
Longitudinal Personality Disorders Study, Battle et al. [17] thus, they provide strong evidence satisfying Hill’s criteria
reported that rates of childhood abuse and neglect were for dose–response in a causal relationship.
much higher in BPD patients than in patients with other
personality disorders. However, similar to Johnson et al. Specificity
[20], the components of these studies that assessed child- Hill’s criteria also indicate the necessity of demonstrating
hood trauma were not free of recall bias because they used specificity between the etiologic and outcome variables.
participants’ retrospective reports of childhood trauma. One of the main arguments against adopting childhood
Rogosch and Cicchetti [21] compared 185 maltreated trauma as an etiologic factor for BPD involves the issue
children with 175 nonmaltreated children who attended that childhood trauma is not necessarily specific to BPD.
a week-long day camp research program. Childhood Not all individuals with BPD have experienced childhood
maltreatment was confi rmed using data from the Depart- trauma, and not all individuals who have experienced
ment of Human Services. Using several measures, they childhood trauma are diagnosed with BPD [16,25,26].
determined that childhood maltreatment and abnormal For example, Sabo [27] reports that approximately 20% to
attention independently predicted the presence of what 45% of individuals diagnosed with BPD do not report a
they identified as BPD precursors. These precursors history of childhood sexual abuse. Furthermore, it also has
included developmental processes surrounding personality been reported that traumatized children may later present
features, interpersonal relationships, self-representation with other psychiatric illnesses [17,28]. One way of inter-
and representations of others, and indication of self-harm preting these findings is to argue that the lack of specificity
and/or suicide ideation. According to the authors, “chil- points to the multifactorial nature of an etiologic pathway
dren displaying extremes of functioning across these areas to BPD, which is further addressed subsequently.
could be regarded as evincing a pattern of significant vul-
nerability to subsequently emerging BPD.” Unfortunately, Consistency
using potential precursors of BPD in children as the out- Hill’s criteria also include the condition that the relation-
come variable does not necessarily show that the trauma ship between variables must be consistent across studies.
leads to an actual BPD diagnosis. Thus, although what Studies have consistently found an association between
we have learned is promising, furthering this research is some form of childhood trauma and BPD [23]. The stud-
necessary to establish the link. If this study continues to ies described previously under the heading of “Strength of
observe these children to see if they develop BPD, it may association” and “Temporality” are excellent examples of
constitute the sole true longitudinal study in this area. this and also could be included under this criterion. The
study by Bornovalova et al. [15] is a particularly good
Dose–response example of consistency because, as the authors indicate,
The next of Hill’s criteria is to demonstrate that as the the participants were from a unique population of inner-
independent variable increases in severity (in duration or city primarily African American substance users, which
degree), the outcome variable also increases in severity differs considerably from the typical white, middle- to
(dose–response). upper-class–educated participants commonly used in BPD
Silk et al. [22] showed that severity of sexual abuse, research, yet they still showed an association between
particularly in its ongoing nature, was predictive of certain childhood trauma and BPD.
aspects of BPD, including parasuicidal behavior, regression Furthermore, as illustrated previously, the association
in therapy, and total score on the Diagnostic Interview for is consistently found to be higher than in other psychiat-
Borderline Patients. The more severe the abuse, the higher ric populations. It could be argued that the consistency
the Diagnostic Interview for Borderline Patients score, indi- with which this association is found is one of the stronger
cating the potential for more severe BPD. arguments for childhood trauma as an etiologic factor in
Likewise, Zanarini et al. [23] showed that “severity of BPD development.
reported childhood sexual abuse was significantly related
to the severity of symptoms in all four core sectors of bor- Epidemiologic and biologic plausibility
derline psychopathology (affect, cognition, impulsivity, and Hill’s criteria for demonstrating causation also note that
disturbed interpersonal relationships), the overall severity of the causal relationship must make epidemiologic and
BPD, and the overall severity of psychosocial impairment.” biologic sense. Epidemiologically speaking, although
Finally, when comparing psychiatric inpatients with there are far more incidents of childhood trauma in the
BPD with those without BPD, Sansone et al. [24] found general population than there are BPD diagnoses, no
that those with BPD reported significantly more types of studies found in this review address the epidemiologic
I Personality Disorders

distribution of childhood trauma as it relates to BPD. abuse or other early traumas could be best understood
Despite this, one could argue that the higher prevalence as more distal risk factors in the development of BPD
of BPD found in females compared with males provides that have etiologic significance by acting through medi-
epidemiologic plausibility for childhood trauma as an ating variables.
etiologic factor in BPD given the higher prevalence of By analogy, many multifactorial models have been
childhood sexual abuse in females versus males [29]. described for the development of other psychiatric dis-
Biologic research in BPD is a new and quickly expand- orders. Rutter et al. [42••] recently reviewed research
ing field, and, as noted previously, it is beyond the scope suggesting that interactions between child maltreat-
of this review to evaluate all the available research in ment and genetics may contribute to the development
this area. Instead, we consider it in the context of recent of antisocial disorders. Multifactorial etiologic models
reviews in the area [30,31,32•]. These reviews indicate that integrate childhood trauma into the model also
that recent research suggests a biologic link between have been proposed for other psychiatric illnesses, such
brain changes in individuals having suffered childhood as panic disorder and eating disorders [43– 45]. Thus,
trauma and similar changes in those with BPD. For exam- although to our knowledge no one has yet constructed
ple, neuroimaging studies have found reduced volumes an empirically proven multifactorial model with which
of the hippocampus, amygdala, and prefrontal cortex to compare a proposed multifactorial model of BPD
in individuals with BPD, although evidence for reduced etiology, a multifactorial model that incorporates child-
prefrontal cortex is mixed [30,31,32•]. Some researchers hood trauma as a factor leading to BPD development
have hypothesized that structural differences could be due by analogy fits with proposed models of causality for
to prolonged childhood trauma [30,31,32•]. Among their other psychiatric disorders.
functions, the prefrontal cortex helps to regulate mood
and elicit responses, the amygdala interprets emotions
and is involved in fear response, and the hippocampus Conclusions
maintains memories, especially of emotions. Given that This paper intended to examine childhood trauma and the
emotional lability often characterizes BPD, it would make strength of evidence for its placement as an etiologic factor
sense that the noted areas of dysfunction also could be for BPD development. Hill’s classic criteria for establish-
related to BPD. The brain’s central serotonergic system, ing causality were used to assess the evidence published
which controls affect, impulse regulation, and autoag- since 1995. These criteria include strength of association,
gressive behavior, also has been shown to be affected by temporality, dose–response, specificity, consistency, epi-
prolonged trauma in childhood [31]. Thus, there is some demiologic and biologic plausibility, and analogy.
overall evidence for the biologic plausibility in the rela- As noted previously, an association is consistently
tionship between childhood trauma and BPD. shown across studies. Although an individual value of
the strength of association was not determined through
Analogy a meta-analysis in this review, individual studies indicate
The last of Hill’s criteria in demonstrating causal- that the association is stronger than previously suggested.
ity between two variables is determining whether the However, the evidence for specificity is weak, but it would
proposed causal relationship is analogous to any other appear that if one were to consider childhood trauma as a
causal relationships. We would argue that this is the variable in a multifactorial etiologic pathway, by analogy,
case for childhood trauma and BPD, particularly if one the argument for it as an etiologic factor strengthens.
considers childhood trauma in the context of a larger, In fact, if a multifactorial model is adopted, it may
multifactorial etiologic model. Many researchers have explain the variance in strength of association and lack
proposed multifactorial models for the etiology of BPD of specificity found in the relationship. Moffitt et al. [46]
[4,9,11–13,15,16,33–38]. described this in their discussion of gene–environment
Other researchers have proposed specific mediators as interactions in the etiology of psychiatric disorder: “One
part of the relationship. For example, Thatcher et al. [39] feature of a good candidate environmental risk factor is
illustrated that adolescent alcohol disorders may act as a obvious but bears noting: it should not perfectly predict
mediator between childhood abuse and developing adult the disorder outcome.” In other words, variance in the
BPD. Their analyses also suggest that further mediators strength of association between the etiologic factor and
may exist, including childhood diagnoses of depression, outcome is expected in gene–environment interaction.
conduct disorder, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity dis- Paris [4] also noted the importance in gene–environment
order. Minzenberg et al. [40] proposed that childhood interactions. Using this and some of the other criteria for
maltreatment leads to adult social attachment diffi cul- identifying environmental pathogens (eg, biologic plau-
ties, including anxious and avoidant attachment styles, sibility), childhood trauma is well placed as a potential
which in turn mediate the symptoms of BPD. Finally, environmental factor to be investigated in the context of
Fruzzetti et al. [41] suggested that childhood sexual gene–environment interaction leading to BPD.
Borderline Personality Disorder and Childhood Trauma
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Thus, if a multifactorial model is ultimately delineated cautions for clinical practice regarding this inference
for BPD and involves several mediating variables that may must be remembered. First, ample evidence indicates
include gene–environment interactions, heterogeneous that psychotherapy for patients with BPD need not focus
strength of association and lack of specificity between on childhood abuse to be successful. For example, the
childhood trauma and BPD would be expected. In fact, effi cacy for dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) for sui-
such heterogeneity would not only be consistent with the cidal BPD patients has been established, but DBT does
evidence but would strengthen the argument for child- not address problems related to childhood abuse [47].
hood trauma as an etiologic factor in BPD. These issues are left for the second stage of therapy, and
Returning to Hill’s other criteria that were used to the effi cacy of this stage of DBT has not been formally
evaluate the literature, the data involving dose–response studied. Second, focusing therapy on childhood trauma
are supportive of childhood trauma as an etiologic factor is not without risks. For example, recovered memory
in BPD. The research addressing the temporal relationship, treatment can lead to a worsening of suicidality [48], or
although promising, still requires more true longitudinal trauma-focused therapy with BPD patients can lead to
study designs. No papers included in the review of recent their early termination of therapy [49]. Plainly, further
literature addressed the epidemiologic plausibility for research on trauma-related therapies for patients with
the causal relationship, although in the absence of such BPD and a history of childhood trauma is required.
literature, one could argue that the relationship makes
epidemiologic sense if one considers the similar sex distri-
bution of BPD and childhood sexual abuse. On the other Disclosures
hand, the biologic research, although in its infancy, is sup- Dr. Links has received an unrestricted educational grant
portive of the idea that it makes biologic sense for a causal from Eli Lilly Canada. No other potential confl icts of
relationship to exist between childhood trauma and BPD. interest relevant to this article were reported.
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because a relationship is not strong does not mean there is have been highlighted as:
no causal pathway between two variables. Another exam- • Of importance
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