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Lismoras, Mae Jean F.

February 11, 2020

Food Processing 1

Personal Hygiene and Good Grooming

Personal hygiene is keeping the body clean, and helps prevent the spread of germs. Grooming is
caring for fingernails and hair examples of these activities would be Styling hair, shaving,
trimming and painting fingernails. Personal grooming and hygiene are two of the most important
factors in food handling, not only for company image but also for food safety.
 Use of make-up and jewelry must be kept to a minimum
 Fingernails must be trimmed and clean
 Restrain your hair
 Hair should be clean and neatly combed
 Employees must be clean-shaven or have neatly trimmed beards or mustaches
 Before starting work and after all breaks.
 After using the restroom.
 After coughing or sneezing.
 After using a handkerchief or tissue.
 After eating, drinking, or smoking.
 After handling raw foods.
 After handling soiled dishes or trash
 Bathe and use deodorant daily.
 Clothing or uniform must be clean every day.
 Follow the hand washing procedures, including washing hands thoroughly and

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