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According to the Big Bang Theory, the entire

universe was at one time confined to a dense, hot,

super massive ball. Then, after its formation, it
began to expand and cool; then, about 20 billion
years ago, a cataclysmic explosion occurred, hurling
massive materials in all directions, thereby creating
the Universe.
The universe is composed of 92 elements the
lightest H to the heaviest U. 73% of the mass of
universe is H, He 25% and 2% other elements.
Elements heavier than U, called transuranium
elements, are synthetic elements. Synthetic
elements are made by scientist in the laboratory.
The First 3 Minutes of the Big Bang
1 1 1 0
0 n + 1 p 0 H + 0 Y
neutron proton deuterium gamma ray
2 1 3
1 H+ 0 n 1 H (tritium)

1 1 3
0 n + 1 p 2 He (unstable He)
3 1 4
1 H+ p
1 2 He (stable He)

3 1 4
2 H+ n
0 2 He (stable He)
4 3 7
2 He + H
1 3 Li (Lithium)

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