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Identification. Choose your answer inside the box.

Solar Energy Photoelectric Efffect Biomass Hydroelectric battery

Primary Cell Secondary Cell geothermal Nuclear Energy Ohms Law

AC (Alternating Current) DC (Direct Current) Chip Resistor Capacitor Resistors

Ammeter Analog Mutitester Digital Multitester

_________1. A device that converts chemical energy into electricity.

_________2. A type of battery in which the chemicals cannot be reconstituted into their original form
once the energy has been converted.

_________3. A type of energy that generates electricity by using the energy of water released from the
reservoir to turn the hydraulic turbines which is uded to power electric generators.

_________4. An energy contained in intense heat that continually flows outward from deep within the

_________5. It states that, for a steady curent, the current in a circuit is directly proportional to the EMF
acting in the circuit and inversely proportional to the total resistance of the circuit.

_________6. It allows the current to flow in two directions.

_________7. It is the best instrument that can measure voltage, resistance, and current.

_________8. It has a moving coil assembly which is characterized by a needle pointer.

_________9. This type of resistor was introduced to accomodate for the ever shrinking
computercoponents where there can be up to 6 layers per circuit board.

_________10. A device that stores electrons.

II. Enumeration.

1-5 Energy sources

6-8 Common troubles of resistors

9-12 Common troubles of capacitors

13- 18 Commonly Used capacitors

19- 20 Types of battery

III. Identify the following figure that illustrates below.

IV. A. Capacitor Reading. Give the value of the following capacitors.

B. Resistors Reading. Give the value of the following resistors.

1. red orange green gold

2. brown black black silver

3. orange violet red no color

4. green white brown gold

C. Give the total capacitance (Ct) of the following connection . Show your solutions.

D. Give the total resistance of the following connection. Show your solutions.

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