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A. Background of the Problem

Grammar is an important aspect in learning language because grammar will

help the students to write sentence correctly. It is the structure and meaning

system of language. Grammar is important in teaching learning a language. It

gives contribution to the students when perform or practice their skills. It means

that by mastering grammar, the students would be able to produce many

sentences easily either in spoken or written. It is impossible for the students to

perform their English well if their grammar are poor. They would find any

difficulties in expressing or mastering their language skills because of having

limited grammar.

Grammar is useful in English aspect. It helps in constructing a good sentence.

Because of that grammar should be learnt by junior high school students and

should be included on the syllabus. Because Grammar is important in English, so

the students should understand more about Grammar. The students can find

Grammar in many aspects of English.

In the English language, word can be considered as the smallest elements that

have distinctive meanings. Based on their use and functions, words are

categorized into several types or parts of speech. It can be divided into eight

major parts of speech in English grammar. They are noun, pronoun, verb, adverb,

adjective, conjunction, interjection, and preposition.

The preposition is classified as a part of speech in traditional grammar.

Preposition range in meaning from such definite semantic notions as time, place

and direction, it used to describe something. A preposition describes the

relationship between two or more things. It can link nouns, verbs, or adjectives

before the preposition with a noun or pronoun after it. The preposition is a word

expressing relationship between two words (such as noun or noun equivalent)

which is placed in font of pronoun or noun.

In addition, the preposition act to connect the people, objects, time and

locations of a sentence. Prepositions are usually short words, and they are

normally placed directly in front of nouns. Preposition is divided into three part. It

consists of preposition of places, preposition of direction and preposition of

time. At junior high school, especially on the syllabus at seventh grade, the

students should learn one kind of preposition. They have to know how to use

preposition of time approriately.

Based on the observation that has been done by the researcher on August 5th ,

2019 about teaching prepositions of time at seventh grade students of SMP N 5

Kota Solok, the researcher found that there are some problems related to the

students’ ability in using preposition of time. First, most of students have problem

to remember each meaning of prepositions of time, so they are difficult to use

prepositions of time. The fact that the researcher found, during learning process,

the students cannot differentiate the meaning of at, in, and on. They assume those

prepositions have same meaning.

Second, the students can not use the preposition of time like at, in and on, in

the correct sentence. The teacher found that the students usually state sentences

like “I was born at July” which is incorrect. The correct sentence is “I was born

on July”. Many students are still confuse in using preposition of time like at, in

and on, in a correct sentence.

Third, the researcher also found that problem come from the teacher technique

in teaching preposition of time in the classroom. The teacher teaches preposition

deductively. In teaching process, the teacher explains about the each meaning of

prepositions of time and after that he gives the example. Finally, the teacher gives

tasks to them. This situation make the students still look confuse and do not

understand the material and also they seemed much suppressed by feeling passive

and unmotivated to learn.

Based on the problems above, the researcher wants to analyze the students’

ability in using preposition of time at seventh grade students of SMP N 5 Kota


B. Identification of The Problem

Based on the background of the problem above, the researcher identifies some

problems. First, for junior high school students, learning preposition are not easy.

By considering the background above, the researcher identifies the problem as

follows: those various form of prepositions are changing over the time and it

makes either the students are still confused in determining the correct preposition.

Although they have achieved a high level of proficiency in English, they still get

difficulty to study even memorize it.There are some causes that make the students

have difficult understanding preposition such as: many English prepositions have

nearly the same meaning like at, in and on, many of the words described as

prepositions can also used as other parts of speech and it make ambiguous in

interpreting meaning.

C. Limitation of The Problem

Based on the identification of the problem above, the problems will be limited

on the analysis of the students’ ability in using preposition of time at seventh

grade students of SMP N 5 Kota Solok.

D. Formulation of The Problem

Related to limitation of the problem above, the problem will be formulated as

“How is the students’ ability in using preposition of time at seventh grade

students of SMP N 5 Kota Solok”.

E. Research Questions

Based on the formulation of the problem above, the research questions are

elaborated as follow:

1. How is the students’ ability in using “at” as preposition of time at seventh

grade students of SMP N 5 kota Solok?

2. How is the students’ ability in using “in” as preposition of time at seventh

grade students of SMP N 5 Kota Solok?

3. How is the students’ ability in using “on” as preposition of time at seventh

grade students of SMP N 5 Kota Solok?

F. Purposes of the Research

The purposes of the research are :

1. To know the students’ ability in using “at” as preposition of time at

seventh grade students of SMP N 5 Kopta Solok.

2. To know the students’ ability in using “in” as preposition of time at

seventh grade students of SMP N 5 Kota Solok.

3. To know the students’ ability in using “on” as preposition of time at

seventh grade students of SMP N 5 Kota Solok.

G. Significances of The Research

This research will be beneficial for developing knowledge. This research

has two main significances, theoretically and practically significances. First,

theorical significance is for the next researcher, this research result can be as a

reference to continue the next research in the future and it can be expanded by

conducting other research on other variables.

Second, the practical significance is for the English teachers. The

researcher hopes this research can be used by the teachers, especially teachers

at SMP N 5 Kota Solok as consideration in compiling of material of teaching

english especially in teaching preposition. So, the students will be easy to

understand about the preposition, and they also interest, enjoy and have fun

in learning process.

H. Definition of The Key Terms

In order to make the term use in this research clearly understandable, the

following definition is needed:

1. Preposition is a word used to link nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other

words within a sentence.

2. Preposition of time is a preposition that allows the students to discuss a

specific time period such as a date on the calendar, one of the days of the

week, or the actual time something takes place. There are three kinds of

Preposition of times such as at, in and on.

3. Students’ ability is the students capability in understanding of material of

teaching after learning process.



A. Concept of Grammar

Grammar is used to mean the analysis of a language system, and the study of

grammar is not just considering an essential feature of language learning, but

only to be sufficient for the students to actually acquire another language.

Grammar is very important to produce a language, because without getting

grammar the students cannot use the language well.

There are many experts who explain about definition of grammar. First,

Dykes (2007: 5) explains that grammar deals with the abstract system of rules in

terms of which students’ mastery of his native language can be explained.

Grammar has the function in forming meaning of the language. It is a crucial

things in four basic skill in language such as reading, writing, speaking and


Second, David Nunan (1999:96) states that learning grammar means the

study, how words are contructed in sentence well, when the pattern of grammar

is used appropriately, and how the sentence will be interpreted correctly. It

assumed which it is not only how language is put together and how it works but

also it tells about the system and pattern in selecting and combining word.

Then, Richards, Platt and Weber (1995: 324) say that grammar is a

description of the structure of a language and the way in which linguistic units

such as words and phrases are combined to produce sentences in the language. In

addition, grammar is the rule of how to educate people, that is also called

prescriptive grammar. It is also described that grammar attempts to describe the

knowledge people must have in order to speak and understand language.

Based on the explanations above, it can be concluded that grammar is

essentially about the systems and patterns we use to select and combine words. In

order to communicate we must share a common system, which is why people who

speak different languages cannot understand one another – they are using

different system, grammar is one of the essential system, so it means that people

must know about grammar in order to use the language appropriately in social


B. Concept of Preposition

Prepositions learnt at seventh grade of junior high school students. It is

included on the syllabus of English. Some students assume preposition is difficult

to learn. As it is known, preposition have been called the biggest little words in

English. They are usually quite short and insignificant looking, but they have very

important functions. It is difficult to learn to use preposition correctly in a foreign

language. Most English preposition have several different functions (for instance,

one well- known dictionary lists eighteen main uses of at), and these may

correspond to several different preposition in another language. At the same time,

different preposition can have very similiar uses (in the morning, on Monday

morning, at night). There are many experts explain about the definition of


According to Thonbury (2006: 23) preposition are always followed by nouns

or pronoun. There are connective words that show the relationship between the

noun following them and one of the basic sentence element, they are subject,

verb, object, or complement. They usually indicate relationships, such as

position, place, direction, time, manner, agent, and condition between their

objects and other parts of the sentence.

Next, Frank (1991: 171) explains that prepositions are connective words that

show the relationship between the nouns following them and one of the basic

elements: subject, verb, object, or complement. Preposition is a part of speech

that shows the relation of a noun or pronoun to another word. Prepositions

function to show relationship. This relationship may indicate where, when, who,

or what. Most often prepositions are used to introduce prepositional phrases.

Prepositions serve to modify and generally function in prepositional phrases as

adjectives or adverbs.

Then, Fries (1997:154) says that are prepositions are structured words which

is usually placed before noun or pronoun to show its relationship in a sentence. It

supports a definition stated by Maclin in 2001, which his quoted by Miftahudin

in 2011, that preposition is a function word used to relate noun phrase which it

precedes with another part of sentence, the whole forminga prepositional phrase.

It expresses meaning of space, time, position, etc.

The last, Eggens Chwiller (1999: 209) explain that a preposition shows the

relationship between a noun or pronoun and another noun or pronoun.

Prepositions are not as obvious as nouns and verbs. It means that prepositions are

connective words that show the relationship between the nouns following them

and one of the basic elements: subject, verb, object, or complement

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that prepositions have

very important function. For some students it is difficult to learn to use

preposition because most of them have several different function, and different

preposition can have similar use. So, the students are easily to make mistakes in

the placement of preposition. It is clear that the function of

preposition is very important, but some students do not pay much attention to the

importance of preposition. Actually, preposition is very important in a sentence.

By not using preposition in the certain sentence, it can break the meaning of the

sentence and the sentence will be ungrammatical.

C. Type of Preposition

There are many preposition that students learn at school such as preposition of

place, time, direction and etc. The following list illustrates the use of

prepositional phrases to convey specific kinds of information. (Fries, 1999:154),

1. Preposition of Place

There are some examples of preposition of place (1) accross, example:

Her house is across the street. (2) after, example: The first street afterthe

bridge is state street. (3) against, example: His bicycle was leaning

againstthe fence. (4) among, example: The letter might be among those

papers. (5) around, example: The shop is just around the corner. (6)

behind, example: The garage is behind the house. (7) between, example:

His shop is between the bank and the post office.

2. Preposition of Direction

There are some examples preposition of direction (1) across, example

I am going across. (2)into, example: I saw her going into the theater a few

minutes ago. (3)toward, example: The road leads toward the sea.

3. Preposition of Time

Eggenschwiler and Biggs (2001: 49), explain several types of

prepositions that researcher will become to study. There are prepositions

of place in, at, on.

a. Prepositions in

In is usually used to state that someone or something is in a (the

boundaries can be physical or virtual place). In general, we use in for an

enclosed space. In addition, talk about time: month, year, season, and part

of days.

b. Prepositions at

At is usually used to state something or someone is at as pecific place. In

generally, we use at for a point: at the corner, at the bus stop, at the

station, at the top of page, at the end of the road. In addition, talk about

time; clock, situation.

c. Prepositions on

On is usually used to state someone or something is on top of a surface. In

general on for a surface: on the wall, on the floor, on the door, on the

cover, a street, a desk. In addition, talk about time; days, date, big days.

Based on Eastwood (2002: 342), in Oxford Guide to English Grammar,

it is stated that Most English prepositions have several different functions (for

instance, one well- known dictionary lists eighteen main uses of at), and these

may correspond to several different prepositions in another language. At the

same time, different prepositions can have similiar uses (in the morning, on

Monday morning, at night). Many nouns, verbs, and adjectives are normally

used with particular prepositions: we say the reasons for, arrive at, angry with

someday, on a bus. Often the correct preposition cannot be guessed, and one

has to learn the expression as a whole. In some expressions English has no

preposition where one may be used in another language; in other expressions

the opposite is true.

Use at with clock times.

I will meet you at 4 pm.

We had a party at 11 am.

Use on with days of the week and dates.

We met on a Monday.

The meeting is on the 21st of this month.

Use in with morning, evening, afternoon, years, months and seasons.

She was born in October.

The postman brought this letter in the morning.

We visited Kashmir in the summer.

We bought this house in 2002.

Note that we use at with night.

The pattern of at, on, and in; time: at + clock time, in + part of day,

on +particular day, at +weekend, public holiday, in + longer period.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that there are many types

of preposition such as preposition of time, preposition of place and preposition of

direction. In this Research, focus on the prepostion of time ( at, in and on).

D. Relevant Studies

In this section, the researcher reviews some previous researches related to

students’ability in using prepositions in teaching learning process. There are at

least three researches which have focused on students’ ability in using


Firstly, Mellynda (2005) with the title “ The Students’ Ability in Using

Prepositions of Place at SMPN 2 Kota Gajah Mid Lampung”. This was

experimental research. The result of the research showed that the students still

had low ability in using preposition of place. It could be seen on the students

score in the post test. Thus, the researcher assumed that in a ppropriate media

in teaching prepositions was the cause of the students’ low ability to use


Furthermore, Mayasari (2012) with the title “The Effect of Using Picture to

Increase the Students’ Ability in Understanding Preposition of Place”. The

design of this research was experimental research. The result of the research

showed that the students’ ability improved after teaching preposition by using

picture. She found that using picture in teaching preposition has possitive effect

on students’ ability.

The last, Soraya (2011) with the tittle “ Students’ Motivating in Learning

Preposition through Flashcards at First Grade of SMPN 19 Bandar Lampung.’’ It

was experimental research. The result shows that there was a significant

improvement of students`score of learning preposition after they were taught

through flashcards.

Based on those researches above, there are some matters which have

similarities and differences with the research that will be done by the researcher.

The similarity is all those previous researches and this research are about using

preposition. Moreover, there is a different between this research and those

prevesious researches. This research will be conducted differently from those

relevant studies. The researcher will focus on the students’ ability in using

preposition of time and the design of this research is descriptive research.

E.Conceptual Framework

In this research, the researcher will try to know the students’ ability in using

preposition of time at seventh grade of SMP N 5 Kota Solok. Preposition of time

consist of using in, at and on. The researcher will analyze the students’ ability in

using preposition of time.


Preposition of Time

in at on

Seven Grade Students’ Ability in Using

Preposition of Time



A. Research Design

This research is descriptive Quantitative research. It describes the

students’ ability in using preposition of time in the classroom. According to

Gay (1997: 189) descriptive research is a study determines and describes the

way things and have purpose to collect the information about something.

Descriptive research concerned with assessment of attitude, opinios,

preferences, demographics, practice and procedures.

In this research, the researcher will analyze the students’ ability in

using preposition of time at seventh grade of SMP N 5 Kota Solok at 2019 /

2020 academic year. The researcher will distribute the test to the class as the

sample of the research, to know the students’ ability in using preposition of


B. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population of this research is the students at seventh grade of

SMP N 5 Kota Solok at 2019/2020 academic year. According to Arikunto

(2010: 173) a population is the larger group or all of subject of the research.

The population of this research is the seventh grade students at SMP N 5 Kota

Solok. The total population is 235 students. The population of the research

can be seen on the table below.

Table 1. Population of this research

No Class Students
1 VII.1 28
2 VII.2 28
3 VII.3 30
4 VII.4 30
5 VII.5 30
6 VII.6 30
7 VII.7 30
8 VII.8 29
Total Participant 235

2. Sample

The sample of this research will be one of the classes in population.

This research will use cluster random technique in choseing the sample of the

research. Sugiyono (2011: 120) explains that cluster random technique is a

technique in which the sample selection of group or cluster is involved not

individual. To get the sample from the population, the researcher will chose

the group randomly. To get the sample, the researcher will choose the group

randomly with eight piece of papers which contains the name of class VII.1-

VII.8 and take 2 (two) classes, one class for try out test respondents and

another one is the sample for the real test.

C. Instrumentation

The instrument of this research will be test. There are 30 items of the

test in form multiple choice. The test will be distributed after the researcher

choose the sample of the research. The aim of the test is to know the students’

ability in using preposition of time. After doing the test, the researcher will

score the students’ test and collect the data. The detail of instrumentation can

be seen on the following table.

Table. 2 Instrumentation of the research

No Preposition of Time The Number of Items

1 Using Preposition ( on ) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
2 Using Preposition ( in ) 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20
3 Using Preposition ( at ) 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30
Total 30 items

Trying out of instrument is aimed at analyzing the validity, reliability,

items difficulty of the instrument. The criteria of the test as the instrument of

the research are valid and reliable. To know the test is valid and reliable, the

researcher will measure the validity and reliability of the instrument.

1. Validity

According to Gay (2000: 161) a test can be said valid when the test

measure what is supposed to measure. The test have the item validity if the

item of the test constitutes a representative sample of the intended aspect. To

get validity of the test, the researcher will use validity. The content of the test

related to the contents of the syllabus that is used at school and it has been

consulted with the English teacher at school.

2. Reliability

Gay (2000:169) says that reliability is the degree to which a test

consistently measures whatever it is measure. The reliability of the test will be

interpreted by using value interpretation that suggested by Arikunto


It is expressed numerically usually as a coefficient; a high coefficient

indicates high reliability. First, the answer option for each question is only

four answers. The correct answer is filled with a value of 1 and the wrong

answer is filled with a value of 0. Second, According to Arikunto (2007), the

items are devide into two comparables halves and a coefficient product

moment. The formula is follow:

11 N  xy −  x y
N  x  
22 − ( x ) N  y 2 − ( y )
2 2 2


r : the correlation coefficient between score on the odd
N : the total number of subject
∑x : the sum of score on the odd – numbered items
∑y : the sum of score on the even – numbered item
∑ x2 : the sum of square of scores on the odd – numbered items
∑ y2 : the sum of square of scores on the odd – numbered items
∑ xy : the sum of multiplication of scores x and y
After that, to know the realibility coefficient of the test, the result of

correlation anlayzed by using Sprearman-Brown formula, that is:

r11 = 22
1+ r


r11 : reliability coefficient

r : correlation coefficient between score on the odd

3. Item Difficulties

Difficulty index is the ability of the test to filter the total number of

participants who answer corretly. The researcher will analyze the item

difficulty index. The researcher will see the difficulty index. For difficulty

index, Arikunto (2009: 48) states the formula as follow:

P= B


Where :

P = Item Difficulty

B = the sum of the students’ who answer correctly

JS = the sum of the students

Table 3. The Classification of Difficulty Index

Classification Criteria
0,00 – 0,29 Difficult
0,30 – 0,69 Moderate
0,70 – 1,00 Easy

4. Item Discrimination

Item discrimination will be analyzed in order to determine the ability of

item in distinguishing the high level students and low level students. The

researcher will count the items discrimination power index. The formula is

follow from Arikunto (2009: 46):

D = BA – BB = PA-PB

Where :
D = Item discrimination
JA = the sum of high group
JB = the sum of low group
BA = the sum of the high group who answer correctly
BB = the sum of the low group who answer correctly
PA = the proposition of the high group who answer correctly
PB = the proposition of the high group who answer correctly

Table 4. The Classification Items Discrimination

Classification Criteria
0,00 – 0,19 Poor
0,20 – 0,39 Satisfactory
0,40 – 0,70 Good
0,71 – 1,00 Excellent

D. Technique of Data Collection

This research will be conducted on Januari 2020. In collecting the data

for this research, the researcher will do some precedures. First, the researcher

will observ the teaching and learning process. After that, the researcher will

choose the sample of the research. Second, the researcher will distribute the

test to get the data. The test will be conducted for 60 minutes, the students

will answer 30 items of test. Third, after giving the test, researcher will

collect the results of their test and then score all of them.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

After the researcher collect the data, the result of the data will be

analyzed. The researcher will give the score. Then, the researcher will analyze

the data and will make the conclusion based on the research result.

After gathering the data, the researcher will analyze the data

statiscally. To calculate the percentage of the frequency of each students’

ability in using preposition of time, the researcher will use the following

formulation proposed by Ary (2007: 226) as follows:



M = mean of the students ability in understanding subject verb

agreement in simple present tense.
∑ = the sum of students answer
f = frequency the number of students
n = total number of the students

After that, the researcher will be used standard deviation to measure

the variability of the students answer by Arikunto (2007: 266) as follows:

2 2
∑fx1 ∑ fx1
𝑆𝐷 = √ − ( )


∑⨍𝑥 = the total score

∑⨍𝑥2 = the total ⨍𝑥2

N = number of the students

SD = standard deviation
After researcher gets percentage of the answe by using frequency the

correct answer and total number of the items, the researcher will continue to

next step. The researcher will classify the students’ ability by using

classification that is suggested by Arikunto (2009: 29):

Table 5 Criteria of Students’ Ability

Percentage of Score Criteria of Ability

81% - 100% Excellent
61% - 80% Good
41% - 60% Average
21% - 40% Poor
0% - 20% Very Poor


Azar, Betty Schrampfer. 1999. Understanding and Using English Grammar. New
Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2016. Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik.

Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Celce-Murcia, Marianne. 1999. The Grammar Book: An ESL/EFL

Teacher’Scourse, 2nd Ed. Boston: Heinle & Heinle.

Eastwood, Peter. 2004. Learning and Learning Difficulties. Victoria:

Australian Council for Educational Research Ltd.

Frank, Marcella. 1991. Modern English: A Practical Reference Guide. New

Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Gay. L.R. 1997. Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and

Application (6th ed). New Jersey: Merril Publishing Company.

Mellynda. 2005. “The Students’ Ability in Using Prepositions of Place at SMPN 2

Kota Gajah Mid Lampung”. (Unpublised Thesis) IKIP Universitas Lampung.

Mayasari. 2012. “The Effect of Using Picture to Increase the Students’

Ability in Understanding Preposition of Place”.(unpublised thesis).Fakultas
Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan. Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah.

Nunan, David.1999. Language Teaching Methodology: A Text Book for Teacher.

Sidney: Prentice Hall.

Nunan, David. 1999. Practical English Language Teaching. New York:


Richards, Platt. 1995. Learning to Teach. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Belajar.

Soraya. 2012. “Students’ Motivating inLearning Preposition through Flashcards at

First Grade of SMPN 19 Bandar Lampung. (unpublished Thesis). IKIP
Universitas Lampung. Lampung.

Sugiyono. 2011. Metode Penelitian Kombinasi: Mixed Methods. Bandung:
Thornbury, Scott. 2006. How to Teach Grammar. Hareford: England Longman.

Widdowson, H. G. (1994). Teaching Language as Communication. Oxford:

Oxford University Press.

Appendix. 1


Please choose the best answer a, b, c or d .....!!!

1. My father starts his job ...................... september, 27th 1997.

a. at

b. on

c. in

d. by

2. The meeting will be held .............. Monday.

a. under

b. off

c. on

d. in

3. ....................the August 17th , the students will do the flag ceremony.

a. By

b. On

c. For

d. Since

4. My sister did exercise ..................... Thursday.

a. for

b. off

c. into

d. on

5. Many shops close ..................... Sundays.

a. during

b. in

c. before

d. on

6. Tom was born .......................... March, 23rd 1998.

a. in

b. before

c. on

d. during

7. ..................21st this month, my beloved mother will come.

a. Under

b. On

c. Between

d. For

8. The man gets the accident ....................... Wednesday.

a. in

b. off

c. on

d. into

9. I usually give my mother a flower ................ mother’s day.

a. for

b. under

c. between

d. on

10. My grand mother went to mecca ...................... July, 17th 2019.

a. from

b. since

c. during

d. on

11. ...................... every evening I and my family dinner together.

a. By

b. In

c. On

d. At

12. She was born .......................... October.

a. by

b. on

c. in

d. at

13. Autumn begins.....................september.

a. before

b. in

c. during

d. on

14. It is always hot ......................... summer.

a. in

b. before

c. after

d. on

15. The Jam Gadang Bukittinggi has been built ........... February, 08th 1926.

a. on

b. after

c. in

d. before

16. I will meet you .................... an hour.

a. with

b. by

c. for

d. in

17. My oldest sister usually wake up ..................... the morning.

a. by

b. for

c. in

d. to

18. We visited Kashmir ....................... the summer.

a. during

b. since

c. at

d. in

19. The postman brought this letter ............. in the morning.

a. in

b. at

c. after

d. before

20. ............................ 2006 was happened the tsunami in Aceh.

a. In

b. For

c. From

d. By

21. .......................... 10.00 pm, I usually watch news on tv.

a. At

b. By

c. On

d. To

22. My uncle goes to Manado ................ one o’clock.

a. to

b. at

c. on

d. in

23. I will meet you .............................. 04.00pm.

a. after

b. on

c. before

d. at

24. The movie starts ................. two in the afternoon.

a. since

b. by

c. about

d. at

25. Breakfast is served o’clock.

a. by

b. about

c. at

d. since

26. We had a party .......................... eleven a.m.

a. by

b. since

c. about

d. at

27. Raysha do the homework .............. night.

a. at

b. in

c. on

d. to

28. My friend told her to meet us ..................... six o’clock sharp.

a. to

b. by

c. on

d. at

29. The plane will take off .............................. a half past nine.

a. at

b. in

c. on

d. by

30. The test will finish ....................... 09.00 am.

a. since

b. before

c. at

d. to

Appendix. 2

Keys Answer the Instrumentation

1. B 11. B 21. A

2. C 12. C 22. B

3. B 13. B 23.D

4. D 14. A 24. D

5. D 15. C 25. C

6. C 16. D 26. D

7. B 17. C 27. A

8. C 18. D 28. D

9. D 19. A 29. A

10. D 20. A 30. C


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