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Ch 4

1. Communication skills is what allows people to communicate to each other
properly. If a person cannot talk to another person, that person cant help make
the business grow or gain financial value. For IT how can you solve people
problems if you cant communicate to them what is the problem.
2. People are going to remember a face then a screen with a name on it. If you
want to sell a point, ask for a job, or ask a committee on a product you want to
buy for the company, face-to-face is the strongest way to make a point and get
what you want. Not an email. Face-to-face is still very important. Faces are
easier to remember.
3. One idea is to repeat the message using multiple channels like in writing, emails,
or show them physically. Work on nonverbal communication like body language.
Use hand gestures. Voice quality, you might need to speak louder to have them
hear you.
4. You want to have the voice that is confident, positive, and not necessarily loud all
the time. In meetings you want them to hear your confidence, positivity and loud
tat indicates enjoyment. In the workplace maybe quieter because of others
around you.
5. When learning a new position like for me was learning all the technology for
projectionist, all devices and how they function in a 6-hour work time. To cope
with the situation is I write it down, ask question and at home revise on what was
learned that day.
6. Yes use powerful words because using powerful words can help bond with
customers, be a more impactful employee. You might even make more money
because your showing that your more confident and might move up. You might
build customer loyalty.
7. Effective listening is essential to work. This motivates employees and this brings
higher productivity and profits to the organization. This lets management have an
easier time convey their ideas and know employees will hear the ideas.
8. To effectively be a listener that comes with good posture, facial expressions and
eye contact. You must think o understand what the person is saying. You must
understand the Senders figure of speech. You might have to ask questions to
understand the situation. You must make sure you are and physically look like
your listening and understanding
9. I would list good listener in the skills section because it shows the employer that
you might have had training in the subject and that they know this person will
actively listen and provide productivity and value to the company. A person that
might not have good listener in the resume might show that he might always
listen to what your saying
10. You might have to sit down with your manager and explain that you want to find a
way for more productivity in the workplace and making him a better asset for the
company. You might say that I just want to not only make you happy but make
the company better if there are better ways of doing our jobs to increase
productivity. If not ask the manager nicely if we are having a problem or that you
should ask again at a better time.
Case 4.2

1. Wherever Troy makes a statement and his boss for “more specific”, troy will
collapse and go back on his statement and will not be specific. He wants to be
promoted but doesn’t want as many responsibilities as he does now. Example is
when the boss says more specific?, then troy would say “Well I don’t exactly like
to accuse anybody of anything.” He deflects the question
2. He needs to take his time and understand the question being ask and not fold
when the boss replies a statement or question back to Troy when he says his
opinion. Troy needs to sound configent and use power words. If you have a
statement, make sure you have evidence or reasonings behind the statement

Ch 5 QDR

1. I think it was appropriate because they are at work on lunch break and if the boss
calls. It will be important and the coworker will understand. Next time he should
have said “Boss Is calling” then answer
2. The CEO is not obliged to respond at all if he or she does not want to. They can
if they want. Don’t assume they will respond at all.
3. I think its important to say your welcome because this lets the coworker that you
are happy to help anytime then someone that says nothing.
4. Very poor interpersonal interaction because they don’t even say dear author, the
name of the author just friend. They don’t care who made the e-mail, just reply
back. They are not considerate of the author and didn’t take care in wring a reply
back to the author
5. Wear appropriate clothing, very groomed, sit tall with good posture, and rehearse
over and over on what the interview will feel like and what they will ask.
6. Demonstrate loyalty by posting gracious comments about your employer, display
compassion for people in need, collaborate with others. Establish contact with
workers far and wide and display a desire to help others grow and develop.
7. I would never take out my smartphone, unless I tell the employer your going to
use it for purpose for the meeting and use the phone for the meeting. You can
peek at the score after the meeting.
8. The professor was wearing professional attire and presented on a topic and only
looked at the title as to where he is in train of thought. He didn’t even look at the
slides for information, he knew it without looking, provided examples and try to
have the audience participate. He was was confident, and loud with appropriate
hand gestures. He would at the end say, thank you for your time. Any questions?
9. Choose appropriate attire, speak in crisp, conversational tones and pay close
attention. Avoid culturally insensitive gestures and rehearse so you don’t look
nervous. Your being watched, so watch your gestures and body language when
in conference call
10. Like Video conferencing choose appropriate attire, speak in crisp, conversational
tones and pay close attention. Avoid culturally insensitive gestures and rehearse
so you don’t look nervous. With YouTube you can watch over your recording and
make sure what you said will bring a positive judgement about you.
Case 5.2

1. I don’t think Kevin in terms of projecting the image of an intelligent professional is

doing that well because he is combining his social life with his work life. He has
the same casual attitude and approach on social businesses networks that is
used for public social networking sites. He talks about his life, then advertises his
2. Separate his personal and work tweets too two different accounts. On his
personal talk about his life and maybe in the bio is his work. His work account
should be positive things about his company and selling points.
3. He’s wasting his time after the 2nd tweet of the day. Once or twice a day is fine, if
there is significance like accomplishments, thank you, positivity for others.

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