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Human Relations – Self-Assessments are due Wednesday, Homework is Thursday

Chapter 1 Notes

 Several Soft-skills Competencies

o Translating and conveying info
o Interpreting emotions of others
o Being sensitive to people’s feelings
o Resolving conflicts calmly
o Avoid negative gossip
o Being polite
o Being able to cooperate with others
 Soft skills training important because combo of human effort and tech is needed
to produce results
 Difference between good and excellent
 Model for improving interpersonal skills
o Goal, Assessing reality, action plan, feedback on actions, frequent
 Fine points about goal setting
o State each goal as a positive statement
o Formulate specific goals
o Formulate concise goals
o Set realistic goals as well as stretch goals
o Set goals for different time periods
 Realistic goals
o Should be challenging
o Eas goals are no motivational
 Action Plan
o Mechanism to change relationship between person and environment
o Can also be explained as a series of steps used to achieve a goal
o Personal goals will be elusice without an action plan
 Feedback on actions
o Obtain feedback on consequences of actions helps to measure effects of
actions against reality
o Short as well as long-term measure of effectiveness of actions
 Frequent Practice
 Identify developmental needs
o Is a specific area in which a person needs a change
o Be aware if how we are perceived by those who interact with us
o Feedback from others
o Review areas of behavior that receive consistent feedback
Chapter 2

 Personality factors or traits

o 1. Neuroticism – reflects emotional instability
o 2. Extraversion – quantity or intensity of social interaction
o 3. Openness – proactive seeking of experience for its own sake
o 4. Agreeableness
o 5. Conscientiousness
o 6. Self-Monitoring
o 7. Risk taking and thrill seeking
o 8. Optimism
 Can impact job
o Trait can increase certain actions
o Some link to success
o High performance rating
o Organizational citizenship behaviors linked to other traits, like 4 and 5.
 Cognitive styles are modes of problem solving
o 1. Energy Flow
o 2. Info gathering
o 3. Decision making
o 4. Lifestyle Orientation
 Combo of these 4 dichotomies results called ESPF
 Not advisable to pigeon-hole the bad and good people
 How to deal with different types
o Be friendly and warm toward extroverts
o Move slowly with introverts
o Share info and ideas with person open to experience
o Stick closely to facts with closed person.
o Relax and be yourself with an agreeable person
o Be patient and tolerant with a disagreeable person
o Do nt nag and allow space to a conscientious person
o Keep close tabs on an unconscionable person
o Emphasize risks with high risk takers
o Emphasize stability and security with low risk takers
o Deal with an info gatherer looking for sensation, emphasize facts and
o When dealing with an intuition-type of information gatherer, emphasize
feelings, judgement and creativity
 Cognitive ability
o Capacity to acquire and apply knowledge to solve problems
o Intelligence consists of general and special factors
o 7 special factors are verbal, word fluency, numerical acuiy, spatial
perception, memory, perceptual speed, inductive reasoning
 Practical intelligence
o Needed to adapt your environment to suit your needs
 Implications or practical intelligence
o Not a great scholar may make a good living
o Good intuition
o Experience is helpful in developing intellectual skills and judgement
o Study conducted with Printing.
 8 different intel
o Linguistic
o Logical
o Musical
o Spatial
o Bodily
o Intrapersonal
o Interpersonal
o Naturalistic
 Emotional intelligence
o Qualities such as understanding own feelings or other persons feeling
during a conflict
o 1. Self-awareness
o Self-management
o Social awareness
o Relationship management
 A value is the importance a person attaches to something and is tied in with his
ethics, or the moral choices that he makes.
 Classify values
o Achievement value
o Benevolence value
o Conformity value
 Stereotypes
o Baby Boomers: Hierarchy, loyal, diplomatic
o Gen X: Tech-savvy, like teamwork, loyal to self
o Gen Y: Tech-Savvy, teamwork, question traditional way of doing things.
 How values are learned
o Observe others or modeling
 Clarify values
o Impact the person you ate.
o Values can be clarified by ranking them
 Person-role conflict – job demands clash with basic employee values.
 Using values to enhance relations
o Establish values
o Establish values as employee
o Values are based on opinions
o Respect differences in values, and make appropriate adjustments


 Sender, message, channel, receiver, feedback, environmental, noise

 Relationship building
o Comm. Is a vehicle for building relationships
o Establish relationships on 2 dimensions: dominant-subordinate and cold-
o When we dominate, attempt to control comm.
o When we subordinate, we yield control to the wishes of the other person.
 Dominator: speaks loudly
 Subordinate person: speaks quietly and apologizes
 Indicate whether we wat to dominate verbally or non-verbally
 Cold-warm dimension shapes comm. Because we invite the same behavior that
we send, such as a cold message.
 Combo of dominant and cold comm indicates desire to control and limit, or
withdraw from relationship
 Combo of subordinate and warm messages indicates desire to build relationship.
 Nonverbal comm. Transmission modes
o Environment
o Interpersonal distance
o Posture
o Hand Gestures
o Facial expressions
o Voice Quality
o Personal appearance
o Attention Paid to other person.
 Improve nonverbal comm.
o Obtain feedback
o Learn to relax
o Supplement speech with gestures
o Do not use the same nonverbal gestures indiscriminating
o Use mirroring
 Overcome comm problems and barriers
o Comm. Honestly
o Understand the receiver
o Minimize defensive comm.
o Repeat message, use multiple channels
o Check comprehension and feelings through feedback
o Display a positive attitude
o Comm. Persuasive
o Engage in active listening
 Active listening
o Show respect for input of others
o Accept sender’s figure of speech
o Paraphrase and listen reflectively
o Minimize distractions
o Ask questions rather than make conclusive statements.
o Allow sender to finish his or her sentence
o Use nonverbal comm
o Minimize words that shut down discussion
o Avoid the need to fake it when you have not been paying attention.
 Prepare for stressful conversations
o Prepare in advance
o Self-awareness of reactions to uncomfortable exchanges
o Rehearse scenario with friend.
o Practice body language
o Practice temperate phrasing
 Gender differences in comm.
o Women prefer to use conversation for rapport building
o Men preserve independence and status by displaying knowledge and skill
o Women want empathy not solutions
o Men prefer to sole own problems
o Women use more compliments. Men are more critical.
o Men more direct, women are politeness
o Men are more intimidating
o Men call attention to their accomplishments
o Men tend to dominate discussions during meetings.
Ch 5

 Positive skills while using smart phones

o Use a standard ring tone instead of a loud, unusual tine
o Inform caller that you are receiving his or her call on a cell phone
o Inform work associates ahead of time if you are waiting for a call from a
medical professional in reference to an urgent
o Ask your work associate if he or she would like you to access an item of
work-relates info using your smart phone
o Inform your coworker that you are shutting off your cell phone or
smartphone during your conversation
o For business purposes, use a fully functioning phone and stay current with
your bill
o Search for a quiet environment so your message will be clearer
o If absolutely necessary to take a personal cell call while interacting with a
work associate, excuse yourself.
 E-Mail messages
o Which a message is sent tells something about the send
o Heavy informality for business is poor etiquette
o Company e-mail messages are the property of the company, not the
o IM multiplies the opportunity to be rude
o Shifting toward intranets, and internal social networking sites.
 Positive interpersonal skills and social networking
o Post gracious comments about employer
o Display compassion for people in need
o Demonstrate professional-level comm. Skills
o Demonstrate willingness to collaborate
o Pay deserved compliments to company personnel as well as public figures
o Establish contact with workers
o Help others grow and develop.

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