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Self-Assessment 6-1

1. N
2. DS
3. DS
4. A
5. DS
6. N
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. A
Score – 37 – moderate
Self – Assessment 6-2

1. Y
2. Y
3. Y
4. Y
5. Y
6. Y
7. Y
8. Y
9. Y
10. Y
11. Y
12. Y
13. Y
14. Y
15. Y
Score: 15 – effective team member
Self-Assessment 6-3

1. D
2. N
3. D
4. AS
5. D
6. D
7. D
8. D
9. A
10. D
11. A
12. A
13. A
14. D
15. N
16. D
17. D
18. A
19. A
20. D
Score – 67 – Have the right balance.
Skill Building Exercise 7-3

Team Members are Taren Reid, Josh Paro, Ryker Mills, Quinton Schafer, Austin
1. Use trash cube as a term of currency, human fertilizer, remove China from earth,
Tape cars exhaust pipe, robotic cows, create a dome around the community.
Renewable energy, carbon captures
2. Investment, Do side jobs, interest on account, Bitcoin. Yard sale and Panhandling.
Pyramid Scheme, insurance fraud, Tax evasion.
3. Online dating apps, Bars, salons, Saloons, Single’s Mingle’s, Stockholm Syndrome.
4. Don’t buy known brand foods, don’t eat out often or at all, eat less often, have
someone else buy food for you. Job with paid lunch. Dumpster Diving and foodstamp,
coupons, dine and dash.
5. Put advertisements on the apps. Post Scams, Post deals and sales. Buy out
Facebook or Twitter. Cat phishing, games to gamble. Microtransactions exploitations.
Invest in stocks.

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