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Shell Scripting Lab 6

Exercise 1:
Write a Shell script that backs up a directory using “tar” commands into a single file. As part of the script,
ask for input into what you want to back up, and the output location and filename. Example:

Example Input:
Enter the directories or files for backup: /etc /var/log /home/mydirectory
What do you want to name this file (add .tar): mybackup-10-09-2017.tar
Where do you want to backup the file: /home/myhome

The script should then do this:

tar –cvf /home/mybackup-10-09-2017.tar –exclude='mybackup-10-09-2017.tar' /etc /var/log

Exercise 2:

Modify the shell script above for the following:

1) Instead of asking for Input, utilize 3 variables

example: $1 = backupfiles
$2 = backupname
$3 = backuplocation
2) Output a message if the user does not enter 3 variables.

example: mybackup “/etc /var/log /home/mydirectory” “mybackup-10-09-2017.tar”

Since only two entries are entered:
printout: Incorrect syntax: please enter the following syntax. (Give them syntax)

Example Input:

mybackup “/etc /var/log /home/mydirectory” “mybackup-10-09-2017.tar” “/home/myhome”

Exercise 3:
Create a cronjob using the script from Exercise 2.

The script should run at 1:02 am every Friday night

*** Hint: Remember to run crontab –e

Do a crontab –l to list after complete

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