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Quiz-1 DISC-320 20 marks

Name ------------------------------------------------------------ Roll Number-----------------------------

(You just need to read the introduction of this research article. While reading the text, you will see a
lot of researchers’ names being cited. Just ignore them. Moreover, if you need to refer to a specific
portion of the INTRODUCTION, just copy paste it in your answer in quotation marks (“ ”). Your
answers should be brief and concise.

Q-1 State briefly, in which category (pure research vs applied research) will you put this research and

Q-2 Does the author take a perspective for this research by sticking to a particular theory, view,
definition, etc. If yes, then indicate by referring to the text.

Q-3 The findings of this research are based on then sample collected from employees of IT industry. If
we are able to apply the findings of this research to other industries such as manufacturing, or
telecommunications, we are referring to the following characteristic of scientific research;

a) Objectivity b) Parsimony c) Generalizability d) Testability

Q-4 A good theoretical base and a sound method of data collection and analysis brings rigor in research.
Following this, comment on whether the researchers have tried to select a sample which gives them
accurate information for their study.

1- If you were the researcher of this study, would you prefer to collect data from any contractual
(part time) employees of the IT companies in your sample? YES / NO. Why?
Q-5 -What type of contribution (relevance) this research seems to make in your opinion. Choose one
option and justify by referring to the text.

a) Nothing is known about this topic and researcher is adding new insights
b) The existing research shows contradictory results
c) An area/ problem in a particular industry which needs to improve
d) Much is known about the topic but the knowledge is scattered and not integrated

Q-6 Assess this problem statement in terms of 5 W’s of a good problem statement (what, who, when,
where, why). Identify by referring to the text.

Q-7 If you were to add an appropriate research question in this problem statement, what would be

Research Q-

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