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A Long Way Gone

Call to Adventure:
“When the rebels finally came… I heard a single gunshot that echoed through the town” (23). This is when the rebels
arrived to Mattru Jong, unannounced. Everyone in this town knew that it was coming, but they just didn't know when.
Everyone scurried out of town fast in order to escape the rebels. This is what led Ishmael to start on his journey of finding
a safe place to live. ​Imagery ​is used to tell how the surroundings of the area were when the soldiers arrived.

Refusal of the Call:

“We had no choice but to sneak back into Mattru Jong,,,” (27). The boys were walking for six days, so they began to get
hungry. They went back to Mattru Jong to get food and money, so they could then leave and be on their way to safety.
Although they were trying to get somewhere safe, Ishmael also believed that “[They] would have been less hungry if [they]
had stayed at the village…” (29). This quote was just a ​detail​ that explained why the boys risked it, to go back to Mattru
Supernatural Aid (Mentor):
“‘My children, this country has lost its good heart. People don't trust each other anymore. Years ago, you would have
been heartily welcomed in this village. I hope you boys can find safety before this untrustworthiness and fear cause
someone to harm you…. This is how you get to Yele,’ he said” (56). This is a quote from an old man that the boys met
while traveling. He was very old, so he was wise enough to give them some advice and direction to go for safety. He knew
that his life was coming to an end, so he gave the “seven boys” advice from his own experiences. The ​tone ​of this quote
was cautionary because the old man was warning the boys of danger but the tone could also be sympathetic because he
knew how they were feeling in reaction to the war.
Crossing the Threshold:
“...when suddenly two men put us at gunpoint and motioned, with their guns, for us to come closer.” (100). This is when
Ishmael and kanei first encountered the army. They see all the dead bodies that the army has done so it is intimidating to
see. Gunshots start to spring out so the soldiers grab the boys and haul them onto their boats. This is ​foreshadowing
because the boys dont realize that the soldiers took them, so they could be a part of the army and that they will be fighting
against the rebels themselves. They will end up actually wanting to kill and be a part of the army.

Belly of the Whale:

“A few hours later a truck came to the village” (128). This is when the lieutenant instructs UNICEF to come and take
certain boys into rehabilitation. This was so the boys could have a better life and get out of the army. Ishmael and some of
his friends were picked to go to rehab, and they were very confused on why. The lieutenant said their work was done and
that these people will find them another life. This was just a ​detail ​that explains how and why the boys were no longer in
the army.
Road of Trials:
“‘And who the fuck are you? Do we look like we are here to answer questions for ​bastar pekin lek you?’ ​He leaned across
the table and looked down on Alhaji. Alhaji got up and pushed him. The boy fell, and when he got up, he pulled a bayonet
and jumped on the table toward Alhaji. All of us stoop up, ready to fight. The man screamed, ‘Stop it, boys!’ but no one
listened to him”(133). This was a physical and spiritual test by the soldiers to see how the boys would react to one
another. The boys didn't know that there were people fighting in the same army as them, but at different bases, so they
thought the other boys were part of the rebels. The boys later became friends because they were all so vicious which
ultimately there was no problem. This quote shows ​character motivation ​between all the boys because they are fighting
for themselves even when there is no need to. It shows how strong they feel about the army and the punishment of the

Meeting with the Goddess:

“‘Come and see me whenever you feel like it,’ she said smiling, as she walked away” (152). This is the first time the nurse
has talked to Ishmael. As time goes on she treats him with more privileges that no one else gets. Even after he was no
longer in the rehabilitation home, Ishmael visited Esther, and said that “[he] loved her but never told her”(181). He never
actually admitted it to her face but it was clear Ishmael loved her most deeply. This quote was just a ​detail ​to show how
Ishmael and Esther’s relationship progressed.

Atonement with the Father:

“As a junior lieutenant I had been in charge of a small unit made up of boys to carry out quick missions” (142) “People like
the lieutenant, whom I had obeyed and trusted, had made me question trusting anyone especially adults”(153). The
lieutenant was like a father to Ishmael when he was in the army so when Ishmael was sent to rehabilitation he felt like he
was betrayed by the lieutenant. He didn't know if he could trust anyone after leaving the army. When Ishmael used to be
in the army he used to be a junior lieutenant which was like taking the lieutenants place. ​Flashback/anecdote ​was used
to show how Ishmael took the job as junior lieutenant to heart, and he was very proud of it.
“There were just things that made me feel I was immune from death” (159). Ishmael felt like god when he was shot in the
foot three times by a nearby hut. There was no medicine close by to help him, so he had to deal with the pain of a bullet
still lodged in his foot. Everyone thought he would die from how severe the pain was, but he stayed strong. Medicine came
eventually which saved his life, even though he thought his bravery is what saved him. The ​diction ​of this quote made the
reader feel like the character was lucky to be alive. The use of the phrase “made me feel like I was immune” contributes to
the lucky feeling.

The Ultimate Boon:

“There is an interview for two children to be sent to the United Nations in New York, in America, to talk about the lives of
children in Sierra Leone and what can be done about it” (185). This is when Ishmael got the big news that he would get to
the chance to represent Sierra Leone children and talk about the war. Ishmael went into the interview being his normal
self which led him getting accepted. This was a big break for Ishmael and Sierra Leone in general. This opportunity could
lead to big things for Sierra Leone. The ​tone ​of this quote would be enthusiastic because Ishmael along with Esther and
Leslie were excited for the great opportunity coming their way.
Refusal of Return:
“As I walked into the last remains of the night, leaving Mohamed standing on the verandah, I became afraid” (209).
Ishmael was packing up his things days after his uncle’s death to move to New York with Laura Simms and Therese. This
was a good opportunity to get out of poverty and war. He had some sympathy not to tell anyone but his cousin, because
his family was still grieving the loss. He stopped for a second to think what life would be like if not going to New York, and
he realized that he had to take this opportunity. The ​POV ​of this quote reveals his respect and empathy towards the
feelings of his family but it also reveals his feelings inside.

Crossing the Return Threshold:

“When was seven I had to answer to this question that made sense to me…. I concluded to myself that if I were the
hunter, I would shoot the monkey so that it would no longer have the chance to put other hunters in the same
predicament” (218). The question was what would you do if you were a hunter that had to choose between shooting a
monkey, which would kill your mother or not shooting the monkey which would kill your father. The quote is showing how
Ishmael has matured from this journey. It shows the wisdom that was gained from this experience. By him going through
the journey he went through helped him translate complicated things so that mediocre people could understand, and
understand the logic behind. The ​POV ​of this quote shows his thinking and why he chose to answer the question the way
he did.

The Ramayana

Call to Adventure:
“Send your son Rama with me, and he will help me. He can” (8). Viswamithra asked Dasaratha if he’d let Rama go to a
mission with him. He wanted the king to know that his son, Rama was a good fit for this mission and that he was going to
accomplish it. The only way that Dasaratha was going to let Ram go was if Lakshmana could go with them. Viswamithra’s
diction is persuasive, and he ended up convincing the king to let Rama go with him. His made sure that the king
understood that he was going to take care of him and that he was sure that Rama was going to accomplish the mission.

Refusal to the Call:

“Rama is still a child, still learning the arts and practising the use of arms” (8). After Viswamithra asked Dasaratha to let
Rama go with him on the mission. Dasaratha didn't agree with him and told Viswamithra that Rama is just a kid and that
he shouldn't be doing these types of missions at such a young age. Dasaratha’s ​tone ​isn't really that 100% sure, it's
obvious that he doesn't want Rama to go on this mission because he is just a kid and is still learning new stuff. Rama isn’t
old enough to go on a mission where he has to kill dangerous demons. Dasaratha doesn't want to lose one of his kids, so
the only way that he'd let Rama go to the mission, knowing that he was just a child is if Lakshmana went with him.
Supernatural Aid (Mentor):
“Yes, I will look after both, through their mission will be to look after me. Let me get them ready to follow me; let them
select their favourite weapons and prepare to leave” (10). Viswamithra is trying to persuade Dasaratha to let Rama go on
this mission with him. Since Dasaratha doesn't want to let Rama to go and isn't sure that both Rama and Lakshmana will
be safe he doesn't want to let them go with Viswamithra. So Viswamithra is telling Dasaratha that he'll take care of both of
his son’s and that he will prepare them. The literary device for this quote is ​diction ​because Viswamithra is trying to make
sure that Dasaratha lets Rama go with him and he is Rama and Lakshmana’s mentor, he helped guide Rama through his
journey. He went through the same journey as a warrior and conqueror, he later transformed himself into adept, teacher
and saint.
Meeting with the Goddess:
“The crossed the moat surroundings Janaka’s palace, with it’s golden pires soaring above the other buildings of the city.
Now Rama observed on a balcony princess Sita playing with her companions. He stood arrested by her beauty, and she
noticed him at the same moment. Their eyes met” (24). Rama saw Sita for the first time in Janaka, she was the prize for a
“competition”. If you snapped Shiva's bow then you would be able to get married to Sita, Rama accomplished it. This
quote is an example of ​imagery ​because it describes how the Janaka’s palace looks like. It also shows who Sita was with
and where she was when her and Rama saw each other. The words that this quote makes the reader understand that
Rama and Sita were attracted by each other at the same time.

Crossing the Threshold:

“Rama, Sita and Lakshmana rode out to a farther point on the river, crossed it, and went up the embankment.” (58). They
crossed the river in order to leave Ayodhya, later on Rama wanted Sumanthra to tell Dasaratha that they were safe while
they kept walking. Dasaratha died because he was scared for Rama and Lakshmana after they entered the forest. This
shows an example of imagery because it describes how it looked like when they crossed the river and it describes where
they headed in order to reach to continue their quest. It also describes that they were in the unknown because they didn't
know a shortcut, they just followed the trail. They had to go up the embankment in order to follow the trail and not get lost.

The Temptress:
“The damsel anklets jingled at her feet when she walked her eyes flashed, her teeth sparkled, her figure, waist and bosom
were that of a chiselled figure. Rama, even the austere Rama was struck by her beauty” (67). Rama encountered
Soorpanaka in then she fell in love with him. Soorpanaka fell in love with Rama, and she wanted to seduce him, she failed
this attempt and then later on Rama killed her. This is ​character motivation/ ​imagery ​because it shows that Soorpanaka
is a trickster and evil, she wanted Rama to herself knowing that he was with Sita. She took advantage of her beauty and
tried to make Rama fall in love with her, Rama was struck by her beauty. This quote describes Soorpanaka looks and
makes imagine her with beautiful features.

The Road of Trials:

"I have no doubt who he is, but if you wish to test the power of his arrow, ask him to shoot at the trunk of one of these
trees… Then Rama took out an arrow and shot it through not only the trunks of the 7 trees but also through the 7 worlds,
and the seas and all the things in 7; and then returned to its starting point in the quiver” (102). Rama encountered
Sugreeva in the forest and judged them mistakenly. Sugreeva wants Rama to prove him what he and everyone says he
is. Rama was given a trial, and he passed him by shooting an arrow through all the things in 7. This shows an example of
character motivation ​because it shows that Sugreeva didn't really believe what Rama said he was, he wanted to make
sure that Rama was saying the truth, so he gave him a trial. Sugreeva wasn’t a good person to trust, because he faked his
own brothers death.
The Ultimate Boon:
“Rama sent Hanuman as his emissary to fetch Sita. SIta was overjoyed. She had been in a state of mourning all day
along, completely neglectful of her dress and appearance, and she immediately rose to go out and meet Rama as she
was” (161). Since Sita was abducted by Ravana, Rama went to go rescue her, and he sent Hanuman to go get her from
the city where she was being kept. Sita kept her loyalty but Rama later told Sita to walk through fire to show him her love
to him. This quote is an example of ​diction because it shows that Sita was happy for getting rescued. It also showed how
she looked and it made it seem like if she was really lonely for those few months that she was abducted for.

“Please remember that this is your real identity and let not the fear and doubts that assail an ordinary mortal ever move
you. You are beyond everything; and we are blessed indeed to be in your presence” (164). Rama is being treated as a
god, he is the reincarnation of Vishnu. Rama was known as a protector in Ayodhya because he resolved many problems
by fighting demons and evil stuff. He freed obstacles and when he returned to Ayodhya everything was already fixed and
every one knew who he was. This is an example of ​character motivation ​because what Rama was told it made him feel
more himself. It helped him keep doing was he was doing and what he had been doing before.

Atonement with the Father:

“In the high heavens, Shiva encouraged Dasaratha to go down to the earth and meet Rama… Dasaratha descended in
his true form into the midst of his family. Rama was overjoyed to see him again and prostrated himself at his feet” (164).
Dasaratha was sent down to earth to meet Rama after being considered the Protector. Since Rama became an important
role in the kingdom Dasaratha came back down, and they fixed everything that stayed unfixed before Dasaratha died and
before Rama left Ayodhya. This is an example of ​imagery because it shows how Dasaratha made his appearance and
how Rama reacted when he saw his father. The diction also made it easy for the reader to imagine this scene.

Master of Two Worlds​:

“The first thing that Rama did was to discard his austere garments. He groomed and clothed himself as benefiting a King,
and he advised Sita to do likewise” (167). Rama had finally arrived to Ayodhya but this time he didn't come back as the
Prince, he came back as King. He got ready to dress up as how the king would, and Sita did the same thing as Queen.
This quote is an example of ​imagery because it describes what Rama did as soon as he got to Ayodhya, it says that he
groomed and dressed himself as king. Both Rama and Sita were finally King and Queen after 14 years of exile.

Freedom to Live:
“The time of trials and sacrifices had ended for everyone. At and auspicious hour of a chosen day Rama was
crowned as the emperor. He sat on the throne with Sita beside him under the ‘white umbrella of the state’, holding in his
right hand his Kodanda, the bow which had served him so well all these years” (169). Rama was crowned King of
Ayodhya and Sita as Queen. They now ruled Ayodhya, and they were being treated well even though they were exiled for
fourteen years. This quote is an example of the ​details because they were being specific with where the stuff was located,
and they said what color the umbrella was, on which hand the Kodanda.

Beah, Ishmael. A Long Way Gone. New York: Sarah Crichton Books, 2007.

Seeger, Elizabeth, 1889-1973. The Ramayana. New York :W.R. Scott, 1969.

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