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1. Escribe 5 oraciones en español e inglés utilizando el verbo To Be donde se trabaje el

presente, pasado y futuro en las formas afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas.
2. Escribe 5 oraciones en español e inglés utilizando la estructura ING (ando, endo)
utilizando el presente, pasado y futuro en las formas afirmativas, negativas e
3. en el siguiente texto en presente simple identifique los verbos y su respectiva
MY LIFE IN MADRID: I get up around 8:30 every morning and I make some coffee. I
spend the morning at home, and I have some lunch at 12 o’clock. At one o’clock I
leave home and catch the metro. I take the metro to the center, where I start work
at 1:30. I teach five classes every day, and I finish work late. After work, I usually go
home and make dinner. I eat dinner, read a book and go to bed. Sometimes, I go
and have a drink with my friends after work. At weekends, I go walking in the
mountains or I visit my friends. On holidays I usually go to Italy or I travel in Spain.
4. En la siguiente conversación debes escoger la opción correcta que complete
adecuadamente todo el diálogo y luego tradúcelo.
A. Hello. I´m Peter and I am an actor. What __________________ (1)?
B. Hi, Peter. I ___________ (5).
A. Can you help me______________ (6)?
B. No, sorry. I __________________ (2) for tomorrow’s concert.
A. No problem. __________________ (3) time on Saturday?
B. Yes, I do. I never __________________ (4) on Saturdays.
A. Ok, see you then
1. are you 2. am 3. do you 4. am 5. am this 6. with this
doing practicings have working singer song
1. do you do 2. practice 3. do you 4. am never 5. am singer 6. with thas
have working song
1. do you do 2. am 3. do you 4. work 5. am a 6. with this
practicing have singer song

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