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Deandra Shideler


Policy paper
Peru believes nuclear weapons should simply not exist because if they do
not exist they can’t cause any harm.

Just one nuclear bomb can destroy an entire city in seconds and there are
approximately 14,000 current nuclear warheads. That is 14,000 cities or even the
whole earth that can be destroyed in a matter of minutes. Nuclear weapons are
pointless to Peru because they just cause mass destruction instead of an
effective solution. With only 5 of the 9 nuclear weapon countries signed to the
NTP, we have no clue when these bombs could possibly get dropped. Between
China, India, Pakistan, and North Korea all together they have around 450
nuclear weapons and there are around 50 that aren’t accounted for, that's around
500 nuclear weapons that are unpredictable. There are only 5 nuclear free zones
in the world. We need more nuclear free zones to limit where nuclear weapons
can be acquired, sold, or even tested. Also, the IAEA needs more money to be
able to get the proper tools to do their job of promoting the peaceful use of
nuclear energy.

There are multiple ways we can handle non-proliferation and disarmament

but many of the solutions aren’t agreed on by all of the same countries. Peru’s
solution is to make more nuclear weapon free zones, to give a better budget to
the IAEA, and to urge the NTP parties to make more effective decisions that will
lead to disarmament of nuclear weapons. If we make more nuclear weapon free
zones that's less places nuclear weapons can be tested, sold, and acquired. This
zone would be around the Middle East, where it's needed, like in Iran or Syria.
Next, the IAEA needs a better budget to do things like monitoring and to provide
safeguards. The IAEA goal is to help all countries benefit from the Nuclear
technology, they need more money to accomplish that. Lastly, the NTP parties
with nuclear warheads are the only countries in power because they are the only
ones with them. The only people that can take action and start the disarmament
process are them.
Deandra Shideler

Works Cited
Andina, Agencia. “Peru Signs UN Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons.” ​ANDINA​, 21 Sept. 2017,

“Disarmament Treaties Database: Peru.” ​United Nations​, United Nations,

Davenport, Kelsey. “Fact Sheets & Briefs.” ​Nuclear Weapons: Who Has What at a Glance | Arms
Control Association​, 2019, ​

“Peru.” ​ICAN​, ​

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