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Evidencia 1: Writing and essay about logistics costs

Fase Ejecución. Guía de aprendizaje 12

Julie Paola Yepes Acuña

Ficha No. 1667858

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA

Centro de Desarrollo Agroindustrial y Empresarial

Tecnólogo en Negociación Internacional

Bogotá, D.C.

as it had been studied in recent months, we have realized the importance of international physical
distribution when it comes to being an importer and exporter of a product, being a competitive
company and ensuring survival in the short and long market. term
As a strategy to ensure that the company is competitive, international physical distribution planning
must be taken into account, in terms of the costs and activities involved in the process, taking into
account that they represent a representative expense within the logistics chain. This planning will
materialize in reducing these expenses with the optimization of inventories, improving the levels of
customer service, and optimizing the proper transport routes for the modes of transport.
The companies felt the need to study a solution to successfully bring the correct quantity of a
product from its place of origin to the place of destination in the necessary time and minimizing its
The components of the DFI cost are classified as direct and indirect and are considered differently
in the distribution chain. Depending on the added value of the product, you can present a significant
percentage in its total value in the customer's warehouses
Direct: packaging, marking, documentation, handling, insurance, bank payments and agents.
Indirect: administrative and capital inventories.
We must also take into account transport, which covers the infrastructure and the organization as
the driving force of the system. Means of transport such as: MARITIME, FLUVIAL, LAND AREA,
The advantages in physical distribution can be:
1. Greater scope of the target market.
2. Careful handling of products.
3. Ability to evaluate return on investment and business profitability.
The disadvantages could be:
1. Risk of losses due to delays in orders.
2. Slow reassignment of labeling and readjustment of prices.
3. Higher expense for the need of own warehouses in a wide territory.


We have to conclude that international physical distribution is a very important tool to be able to
successfully conclude our export or import.
Some companies do not feel it this way and overlook that if they want to succeed in export and
import they must have agents prepared to direct the flow of producers and services from the
producer to the consumer or user. The "franchise system" will continue and grow, efficiently a
vertical system of integration, or simply use a massive power to meet the needs of a growing market.
With the increase of inter-type competition and the shortening of the life cycle of “traditional”
forms of channels, it will be necessary to create conglomerates or be true distribution holdings,
which will cover the stages from the factory exit to the consumer, or Be the distribution will be more
These larger organizations will begin to use modern marketing and distribution methods due to
their large resources and will serve various market segments with a variety of products and
businesses, and a wide assortment within a wide range of products.
There are two forces of play: on the side of the producers they will try to "push" the products and
services towards different segments, and on the demand side the consumers will demand ("will
throw") the producers of new products, services, systems, etc.
There is no doubt that the Physical Distribution is closely related to the product, because it
represents 60% of its cost.


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