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Have you ever experienced sudden lonesome?

Out of nowhere you became sad for no particular

reason? You started losing interest in activities once you enjoyed then not talking to anyone because
you feel like that no one was there for you. I’m sure you do experienced those kind of scenarios during
one of those hard days of yours. You may be aware of it or not but what you experienced is called
depression or at least close to it.

According to American Psychiatric Association, depression is a common and serious medical illness that
negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. It causes feeling of sadness that can
lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and can decrease a person’s ability to function.

For most of the people especially here in the Philippines we don’t give too much attention to this kind of
problem, most of us think that those people dealing with this kind of condition were just “nag-iinarte
lang” but I am telling you… that if you have a friend or classmate or sibling who’s showing those
symptoms, please… do pay attention to them, they are not just making a scene or what, they are in the
state of depression or worst even suicidal. Instead of judging those people do help them, YOU is what
they need, someone to talk to, someone to lean on and most importantly someone who will understand
them. Let them know that they are not alone, tell them that everything will be fine, maybe not for now
but better days will come.

How many lives especially those young lives had sacrificed because of this cancer that eating one’s brain
and telling them to kill themselves because that is the only answer to end all those sufferings? The
number is alarming and we have to do something about it. We can help save lives of many people if we
are just aware of this kind of illness. Start talking as well as caring.

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