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part of the fun. An art-enthusiast and a self-confessed museum-lover herself, Dimples

adds that she is excited to collaborate with the Department of Tourism (DOT) to help

promote our lesser-known destinations, museums and heritage sites, and advocate for

sustainable tourism. The positive effects of memes had also greatly impacted the life of

students. Jacob Arnold (11), who looks at memes every day, says that, “Memes are my

sunrise to the darkness that is high school.”

Although there are cases that a meme can affect someone’s attitude, there

is little to no knowledge on how a meme can affect someone. It seems like it has both

positive and a negative on an individual. Memes indeed became a part of our daily lives

especially when you are spending too much time on social media platforms including

Facebook, Twitter, Reddit etc.

Given the gap about the information about how can a meme affect an

individual, the researchers aim to expand our knowledge on memes and hot it can affect

a CZJHS Students Grade 10 students.

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Statement of the Problem

The research aims to find out the effects of memes to the attitude of CZJHS

Grade 10 students.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What causes the respondents to be engaged in memes?

2. What are the perceived benefits of memes to the respondents’ attitude?

3. What are the perceived constraints of memes to the respondents’ attitude?


1. The factors that can cause the respondents to be engaged in memes are the

following: Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc., influence of their

environment and overall wide-spread of memes.

2. The benefit of meme is it can make someone happy and forget their problems for

just a short time because of the happiness that the meme brought.

3. The perceived constraints of a meme are there is such an effect on how they

communicate and become insensitive to what others are feeling. Some of the

people use memes to cyberbully someone that can make a victim’s self-esteem

low. Another perceived constraint of a meme is they often make memes about

sensitive issue, like depression for instance, that can lead to a stigma or no taking

the certain issue properly.

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Scope and Limitations

The research aims to find out the effect of memes to the attitude of a CZJHS

grade 10 students. It covers all the Grade 10 students of the Cielito Zamora Junior High

School, who uses social media in terms of sharing and posting memes for the academic

year 2019-2020 — as respondents. The research focuses on the effects of memes to the

attitude of the respondents in means of the cause on why are the respondents engage in

memes and the perceived benefits and constraints to the respondent’s attitude.

In gathering of the data, questionnaires will be handed to the respondents.

However, the study is delimited on the following factors: the findings are only reflected to

the selected respondents in the study which is the CZJHS Grade 10 students. The study

does not cover the grade 7, 8, 9, and other Grade 10 students outside the premises of

the Cielito Zamora Junior High School. However, it will not affect any other researches

regarding about the topic.

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Significance of the Study

The findings of this study may be beneficial to the following:

To the students, may this study help them be aware that posting and sharing

memes is not only a humorous thing but it can also offend a person’s feeling through the

message behind it. Memes has limitations too that if you exceeded its limits, it can hurt a

person or an organization.

To the content creators, this research may help them to further improve the

content that they are creating. They will be more sensitive and more aware on how their

memes can have an impact on someone’s life.

To the parents, the research may help them to become more aware when it

comes to posting and sharing memes of their children in social media. The research may

help them also how to guide their children to become more sensitive to the impact of

memes to anyone.

To the school administrators, the research may help them in means of

awareness to what a meme is. Though some of them are not a fan of memes, they need

to know what a meme is so that if they encounter some student who is being bullied

because of memes, they can handle the situation properly and can give proper actions.

To the future researchers, may this research help them in terms of giving them

an idea on how to create a reliable research. The fact that the research is already

approved by the teachers therefore, it is reliable and safe to read. They can get valid

information and through this research, they already have a basis on what a meme is.
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Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature and Studies


According to Thoma (2018) “meme culture” in their society comes the

ridicule of topics that were once very sensitive to the public eye. "Though crass humor

has been around since the times of Lenny Bruce in the mid-19th century, memes 2011

was under more of a light-hearted category. But now, they have been replaced with quips

involving topics relating to suicide, fat shaming and depression — just to name a few.

Though many might get a laugh out of these kinds of tweets while they’re looking for a

reason to procrastinate on that long-term English assignment — yes they are fall victim

to this — the reason behind this laugh is a bi-product of joking about suicide, death and

other serious topics — all which have been completely normalized by today’s society."

According to Blackmore (2017), memes started to take control. Alongside

useful skills, such as building fires, people copied less useful ones like fancy body

decorations and downright costly ones such as energetic but futile vain dances. The

genes faced a problem how to ensure that their carriers copied only the usual behaviors.

Newly arisen memes can spread through a population by imitation in a single generation,

faster than genetic emotion can respond. She also added, “I call the process by which

memes control gene selection “memetic drive”; memes complete among themselves and

evolve rapidly in some direction and genes must respond by improving selective

limitations — increasing brain size and power along the way. Successful memes thus

begin dictating which genes will be most successful. The memes take hold of the leash.

In a final twist, it would pay for people to mate with the most proficient imitators, because
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by and large, good imitators have the best survival skills. Through this effect, sexual

selection, guided by memes, could have played.”

As stated by M. L. Seelig (2016), young adults consume and interact

with digital technologies not only a daily basis, but extensively throughout the day, it

stands to reason they are more actively involved in advocating social change particularly

through social media. However, national surveys of civic engagement indicate civic and

community engagement drops-off after high school and while millennials attend college.

Michelle's research focuses on the adoption of new technologies based on causal

linkages between perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, yet few studies have

considered how these dynamics relate to millennials engagement with others using social

media for social good. Her research is also talks about builds on past research to

investigate the relationship between millennials’ online exposure to information about

social causes and motives to take part in virtual and face-to-face engagement. Michelle's

findings suggest that while digital media environments immerse participants in mediated

experiences that merge both the off-line and online worlds, and has a strong effect on

person’s influence to do something, unclear is the extent to which social media and social

interactions influence millennials willingness to engage both online and in-person. Even

so, the results of this study indicate millennials are open to using social media for social

causes, and perhaps increasing engagement off-line too.

A. Friedmaid (2016) said that the timing is everything. But when it comes to

social media there’s no doubt that its true. If you make one mistake it could lead into a

PR nightmare. Sometimes it’s just like you are walking on an egg shells. One of the

example of this is the performance of Beyoncé on superbowl (picture). When Beyoncé

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had a fierce look her photo was widely circulated on social media and it became a meme,

although it became popular Beyoncé had no comment on her photo.

As stated , memes are a big deal right now, it is common to many people and

it became incredibly popular on the internet and social media like "Bad Luck Brian". The

most interesting man in the world". These are memes that became famous in the internet

and creating memes starring their siblings and friends can make them even feel guilty

even memes are intended to make people laugh. People rarely think the feelings of a

person that being shown in the picture, because memes have the potential to go viral in

minutes. But sometimes those embarrassing picture that is not really intended to be

shared online can instantly became famous on the internet. YouTube, Twitter, Facebook

and Instagram are some applications that they used to spread memes to became famous

and broaden their audience and fans. There's a possibility that memes are used to prank

people that end up spending to all their internet friends. These types of memes and videos

are a form of cyberbullying. Though it is just for fun and not created to offend people but

teasing and bullying is clearly there.

As per S. Kumar (2017), over the years, memes have become the most

important part of our digital media. With constantly developing technology, memes are

whole new ideas in advertising, generally, memes are funny images, GIF(Graphics

Interchange Format) or video paired with a formulaic caption. The establishment of

internet & increased usage of social media memes are shared quickly, and soon you’ll

see that meme everywhere. Great memes are the exciting way to bond with new

spectators, enrich the value of your content, and refresh the vitality of your brand. Over
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many years of marketing, they feel that memes are the secret ingredient of marketing that

turns memes from regular jokes to the viral material.

As stated by J. Thompson (2016), Memes. They’re photos of people,

usually taken or posted without permission, with added text about the photo as a caption.

It’s easy to make a meme, and even easier to share or be in one. But it comes at a

personal cost. It’s rare to find someone who wants to be turned into a meme: It could

mean being internet famous, but for all the wrong reasons. It’s not always clear why we

post, or create memes. Sometimes, we might think that the memes are funny, or we can

relate to the person in the photo: after all, everyone has awkward moments.

K. Lombardi (2018) said “ definition of a meme is an amusing or

interesting item, such as a captioned picture or video, spread widely online. From Grumpy

Cat to Savage Patrick to whatever comes next, memes have come a long way and are

as alive as ever.

memes are a positive force in the lives of teenagers, for they provide a source of laughter

and stress relief, as well as act as a method of bringing teens together over a mutual

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As said by N.Crawford (2015),it is now easier to access the internet than

ever before . This easily leads to the misuse of the technology that we are provided with

but not everybody misusing it . Studies show that the age group 12-21 access social

media more than any other.Being that they fall into this age group they know that social

media such as twitter ,Instagram and snapchat is used to keep up with the latest trends

their favorite artist and an easy way to stay up to date with what our peers are doing .But

how has this turned into more? They have became so immune to being able to contact

someone with just the tap of a screen ,that we can have an entire conversation with

someone in the same room as us without saying one word . they rather snapchat a picture

to one of our friends than to actually go see them.They have officially been labeled as the

"Dumbest generation" by author Mark Bauerlein ,due to their heavy use of technology

.they are aware that their generation doesnt use technology for much more than social

media which in many ways is the same as misusing technology .Although social life is a

very powerful temptation , the only way it impacts them is socially unless they allow it to

do other wise .Teenagers are simply impacted by what they allow influence their life

R. Gorasia (2017) said, “Let's not forget the recently and enormous negative

impact on democracy as well. How it all started as much as the internet has been a tool

for spreading serious information and the gravity of the world, it has also allowed for

people , especially young people, need. They are tired that the world si so heavy , so

serious . They're tired of the expectations of society , the stress of school work. And then

there's this kind of desire to be accepted. Memes fit quite nicely into all of that. They fit to

their common need, and they validate each other because of it. They're not saying that

their lives are harder than any other generation, but this is how we deal with it using the
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internet. Memes have become popular because of they are easy formats to use, and

heavy levels of irony are deemed quite desirable. When people get tired of being serious,

they can make fun of something. An image on the internet ,as opposed to actual real-life

people. And this is a need that lot of people have. It is, in fact, a trending culture nowadays

where at times your friendship is measured with the number of memes you tag your

Friends in. Most obviously memes were created by some random Lazy procrastinator

sitting at his desk, impeccably good at jokes, trying to make of one of his friends and

unknowingly created an internet sensation that now is medium to find happiness in small

things and of course make fun of certain things. The problem arises when the so called

harmless culture of memes turns into ugly game of racism and body shaming majority.

The hidden Reality of these jokes comes in forefront when they Start hurting the mass

sentiments. A random picture of black person, someone fat or really skinny or even a

transgender is shared among the various social media platforms without any permission

with a caption of "tag a specific person you want to them to marry" and other things andwe

the social media freaks go on sharing and liking, tagging these photos and thus

encouraging such unseemly content.”

According to the The Effect of Humour on Virality: The Study of Internet

Memes on Social Media by V. Taecharungroj and P. Nueangjamnong, their research

looks into the communication phenomenon on the most vibrant and active social media

website, Facebook. The authors try to understand the role of humour and virality, or the

spread and diffusion of the message, through the study of Internet memes. From the use

of quantitative method and content analysis, the authors found the relationship between

humour styles, the number of likes and comments and the virality of the memes or the
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number of shares. The subjects of the research are 1,500 images of Internet memes in a

Thai and an English Facebook pages. It is found that memes with a self-defeating style

of humour from the English page can lead to a higher number of shares while self-

enhancing humorous memes from the Thai page tend to be more viral. This research can

be valuable for advertisers and communicators who intend to use humour to effectively

communicate their messages on the Internet. Humour Styles While the humour

categories focus on the content of the humour itself and humour processes look at the

overview of the humour act, humour styles mainly concern the producers of the jokes or

humorous contents. The most predominant concept of humour styles was developed by

Martin, Puhlik-Doris, Larsen, Gray, & Weir (2003) into Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ)

which allows researchers to conduct the survey on subjects in order to better understand

the styles of humour of each participant. There are several topics studied that were related

to humour styles such as emotional intelligence (EI) (Gignac, Karatamoglou, Wee, &

Palacios, 2014), psychological well-beings (Stieger, Formann, & Burger, 2011), and

national cultures (Cruthirds, Wang, Wang, & Wei, 2012). According to Martin et al (2003),

there are four styles of humour: self-enhancing, affiliative, self-defeating, and aggressive.

(1) Affiliative Humour (enhance relationships with others): people high on affiliative

humour tend to say funny things, jokes, witty banters to amuse others and facilitate

relationships. Affiliative humour is non-hostile, tolerant use of humour. It is related to

extraversion, cheerfulness, self-esteem, intimacy, relationship satisfaction, and positive

moods and emotions (Martin et al, 2003). (2) Self-Enhancing Humour (enhance the self):

people high on self-enhancing humour tend to have a humorous outlook on life, to be

amused by incongruities and maintain a humorous perspective in adversity. Self-

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enhancing humour can be regarded as a healthy defence mechanism allowing oneself to

avoid negativity. It is positively related to openness to experience, self-esteem, and

psychological well-being while emphasising on intrapsychic rather than interpersonal

focus (Martin et al, 2003). (3) Aggressive Humour (enhance the self at the expense of

others): aggressive humour is a humour style that relates to the humour expression

without regard for its impact on others by saying funny things that are likely to hurt or

alienate others. This type of humour is often found in people with aggressive humour

using sarcasm, teasing, ridicule, derision, put-down, or disparagement. It is related to

neuroticism, hostility, anger, and aggression (Martin et al, 2003) (4) Self-Defeating

Humour (enhance relationships at the expense of self): people with self-defeating humour

amuse others by doing or saying humorous and disparaging things at ones own expense.

This style of humour is considered a form of defensive denial or a mean of hiding

underlying negative feelings. It is related to emotional neediness, avoidance, low self-

esteem, depression, and anxiety (Martin et al, 2003). Benefits of Humour There is much

research on the benefits of humour; some findings are unanimous while some can be

controversial. In the business settings, the study on advertising in particular, it was found

that humour attracts attention (Weinberger & Gulas, 1992; Speck, 1991). It can also aid

message comprehension (Weinberger & Gulas, 1992; Speck, 1991). However,

Weinberger & Gulas (1992) did not find evidence showing that humour leads to increased

persuasion and it does not enhance source credibility. On the other hand, the research

on financial advisor by Bergeron & Vachon (2008) found that good sense of humour has

a positive impact on perception of trust, quality, satisfaction, purchase intention and word-

of-mouth propensity. Kurtzberg, Naquin, & Belkin (2009) also found that humour leads to
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the increased trust and satisfaction level. Nevertheless, humour is found to enhance liking

and the authors found that the relationship between humour and liking is stronger than

any other factor (Weinberger & Gulas, 1992; Fugate, 1998). Likewise, humour increases

the attitude towards the advertisements in the study done by Alden et al (2000). Humour

can also have a positive effect on the physiology and mental health.

According to R.Ademola(2018),Memes can be an image, video, or a

hyper click that contains misspelling or various phrases in conjunction with internet

cultures. Mostly,they are a parody,imitation to facts, politics, or news related topics. It hs

got to a point where millions of people create websites designed just for memes because

of the messages that memes portray in image, many issues arise because of the negative

message that it conveys to the audience.There are two distinct issues that they

believememes contribute to our society.

According to Cason Zehnter (2018), “Memes, or more

correctly referred to as internet memes, first started showing up during the late 90’s.

However, the memes people are most familiar with, such as lolcats and rickrolling,

became more popular during the middle 2000’s. Perhaps the ultimate negative impact of

the memes has been the deaths of anyone who participated in said meme. This includes

the countless deaths caused by the cinnamon challenge, a challenge that involves

ingesting cinnamon, and the chubby bunny challenge, a challenge that involves stuffing

your mouth with marshmallows and chanting ‘chubby bunny.’”

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According The Straits times (2016), “The more engaging memes and sites of

the tech-savvy on the elections, though lighthearted, display the youth’s inordinate

capacity to be in the moment, their visual (as opposed to textual) orientation, their wit,

and, notably, their diversity. There was the “Duriam Chronicles,” a manga-style send-up

of the apparent mutual admiration society of presumptive President Rodrigo Duterte and

the cellar-dwelling Miriam Defensor Santiago. The stylised image from illustrator Yvonne

Abuda was released on Election Day; it quickly drew 13,u000 reactions, was soon seen

and shared by thousands more, triggering manga-style character designs for the other

candidates. There was #RP69FanFic, the not safe for work (NSFW) fan fiction featuring

a number of the presidentiables’ children, a polarising but red-hot series of tweets


According to The Effect of humor on Virality ; The Study of internet

memes on social media by V.TAECHANRUNGROJ and P.NUEANGIJAMNOONG their

research looks into the communication phenomenon on the website Facebook. The

authors try to understand the role of Humour And Virality through the study of internet

memes using quantitative methods and content analysis and they found the relationship

between Humour style the number of like and. Comments and Virality of the memes or

the number of shares.

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Humor style questionare, the most predominant concept of humor styles and it was

developed by Martin,Puhlik- Doris and Larsen Gray and weir (2003). Which allows

researchers to conduct the survey on subject iinorder to better understand the styles of

humor of each participant. there are four style humor self enhancing, affiliate, self

defeating, aggressive. (1) affiliate-humor (enhance relationship with each other) tend to

say funny things , joke etc. (2) self enhancing humor+ enhance the self)it positively

related to openness to experience , self esteem and , psychological well-being while

emphasissing on intrapsychic rather than interpersonal focus (Martin et all,2003) (3)

aggressive humour ( enhance the self at the experience of other)this type of humor is

often found ini people with aggressive homur using sarcasm, teas, ridicule.its related to

neuroticism and aggression(Martin et all 2003) (4) self defeating humour ( enhance

relatownship at the expensee of self).

According to J. Yablonski (2018), a columnist, “When it comes to effectively

reaching millennials, there seems to be an abundance of confusion across industries

ranging from banking to fashion. This generation seems to continuously send some of the

most successful organizations in the world into a complete stupor. So why do companies

struggle to reach Millennials with their marketing efforts? It would be nearly impossible to

fully explain, as there are many complex psychological, environmental, cultural, and

economic factors at play. So no, there is no one, single method or medium your brand

can use to infallibly tap into this seemingly illusive demographic. But… We Do Have


Also, by Hillary K. Grigonis (July 20, 2017)” any other platform at 42 percent, with

Facebook following close behind at 37 percent. Snapchat ranked third at 31 percent.

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While the survey participants use YouTube more than any other platform, the video-

focused social media was only responsible for 10 percent of the reported cyber bullying.

Seventy-one percent of the survey participants said that social media platforms do not do

enough to prevent cyberbullying. The survey also considered the other side of the story,

asking the same age group how often they were the bullies, instead of being on the

receiving end. Nearly 70 percent of those surveyed said they were abusive online toward

another user, compared to just 12 percent that admitted to bullying in general. Despite

the prevalence of youth initiating the bullying, more than 60 percent disagreed with the

idea that “saying something nasty” is less hurtful online than in person. “Cyberbullying

continues to be one of the biggest challenges facing young people online,” Ditch the Label

CEO Liam Hackett wrote about the cyberbullying statistics. “This research uncovers the

true extent and impact of online abuse, finding that the majority of young people have at

some point done something that could be considered as abusive online behavior.”While

24 percent of the participants that were bullied stopped using a social media account

because of their experience, 75 percent of the participants overall say they check their

social media accounts several times a day. More than 60 percent said they could not go

a whole day without checking social media. The impact of social media on the younger

generations also goes beyond just obvious cyberbullying, the study suggests. About 40

percent of respondents said it is always OK to edit a selfie before sharing it. Twelve

percent said they would feel bad if no one liked that selfie. Twenty percent admitted their

life looks more exciting based on their social media profiles than their real life.
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Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

This study aims to find the  Gather data “The positive and negative

effects of memes to the  Through effects of memes to the

attitude of CZJHS Grade 10 questionnaire, youth” is a seminar about

students; What causes the interview and how memes influence the

respondents to be engaged observation attitude of the younger

in memes, what are the  Handed out to the generation can greatly

perceived benefits of CZJHS Grade 10 improve the situation that is

memes to the respondents’ students and currently happening in our

attitude and perceived  Analyze society, that must be taken

constraints of memes to the care of immediately before

respondents’ attitude. it is too late

The graphic organizer shows the different concepts in the research. The

input box shows the inquiries that needs to be answered in the research such as how

memes can affect the attitudes of grade 10 students. The process box shows the data

gathering procedure that will be used for the advancement of the research such as

survey form. Lastly; the output box shows the possible activities that can be done in

order to minimize the effect of the said topic such as doing seminars.
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Definition terms

Meme – a humorous piece of text or video that affects the respondents’ attitudes.
Attitude – pertains to the behavior of the respondents on their school.
Cyberbullying – it is a way of making fun of someone or something through the means
of the internet
Social Media – it is a computer-based way of creating and sharing ideas and contents,
and is also used for socializing.
Intimidation – the action of intimidating someone.
Respondents – person who answers the survey.
Engaged – being occupied.
Benefits – an advantage or profit gained from the study.
Constraint – bad effect of something to the respondents.
Causes – movement that, that is the reason of development, etc.
Perceived – interpret or look on someone or something in a particular way.

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

This chapter visualized the techniques and methods that were utilized by the

researchers in completing this study. This chapter contains the following: research


research population, research instrumentation, and techniques to be used in the study

like questionnaires, interviews, observation, questionnaire, interview, observation, data

gathering procedure and statistical treatment of data which will be discussed in the latter

part of this chapter

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Research Design

The researchers use the descriptive method, a descriptive research is used to describe

characteristics of a population or phenomenon being studied. It does not answer

questions about how/when/why the characteristics occurred. because the article that are

being presented relies on the past and had a connection to their articles title.

Research Population

The researchers had chosen 25 respondents that shared the same characteristics that

are making and sharing memes from grade 10 students, school year 2019-2020, of Cielito

Zamora Junior High School, as respondents.

Sampling Technique

In order to gather the necessary information needed for the research, the researchers

used the stratified random sampling technique, it is a probability sampling technique

wherein the researcher divides the entire population into different subgroups or strata,

randomly selects the final subjects proportionally from the different strata in order to get

a more accurate data samples.

Research Instrumentation

The researchers used the survey questionnaire as the instrument in gathering the

responses. It was divided into three parts: The first part is a multiple response test type

where in they answered what do they think are the factors that engaged them in memes,

the second part is also a multiple response test type where in they answered what do
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they think are the possible benefits of memes to their attitude and the third part is also a

multiple response test they answered what do they think are the possible constraints of

memes to their attitude.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers gathers data through trusted sources such as library and online

that would further bring substance to the study conducted. As an elaborate evidence for

the study, the researchers selected 25 grade 10 students as respondents for the survey

questionnaire prepared. The researchers oriented the respondents on the nature and

purpose of the study, as well as how to answer the survey form. When the respondents

were finished answering the survey form, the researchers retrieved such for tabulation

and interpretation.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The researchers will compute the percentage of the data that has been gathered

using this formula:

𝑃 = × 100
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Where: 𝑃 = percentage, 𝑓 = frequency of response and 𝑛 = number of respondents

Chapter 4: Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

Presentation of Data

Table 1

Question: What do you think are the factors that engage you in memes?

Response Number of Number of Percentage

Respondents Responses

It relieves stress 25 11 44%

It gives fun to people 25 24 96%

It makes me more 25 3 12%

popular in social media
It updates me on the 25 15 60%
latest trends

Table 1 indicates the responses in the question “what do you think are

the factors that engage you in memes?”. There are total of 25 respondents.11 out of 25

or 44% of respondents agree that memes relieve stress. 24 out of 25 or 96% of the

respondents agree that memes give fun to people. 3 out of 25 or 12% of the respondents

says that memes make them more popular in social media. While 15 out of 25 students

acknowledge that memes update them on the latest trends.

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Table 2

Question: What do you think are the possible benefits of memes to your attitude?

Response Number of Number of Percentage

Respondents Responses

It makes me occupied 25 14 56%

when I’m bored
It makes me happy 25 16 64%

It uplifts my mood 25 13 52%

It helps me go 25 8 32%
through bad times

Table 2 presents the responses in the question “what do you think

are the possible benefits of memes to your attitude?”. There are total of 25 respondents.

14 out of 25 or 56% of the respondents says that memes make them occupied when they

are bored. 15 out of 25 or 60% of the respondents acknowledge that memes make them

happy. On the other hand, 13 out of 25 or 52% of the respondents says memes uplift their

mood. Lastly, 8 out of 25 or 32% of the respondents says that memes help them go

through bad times.

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Table 3

Question: What do you think are the possible constraints of memes to your attitude?

Response Number of Number of Percentage

Respondents Responses

It can lead to 25 14 56%

It can cause depression 25 15 60%
or social anxiety to the
one who is involved
in the said meme
It can lead to 25 15 60%

Table 3 indicates the responses in the question “what do you think are the

possible constraints of memes to your attitude?”. There are total of 25 respondents. 14

out of 25 or 56% of the respondents says that memes can lead to cyberbullying. While 15

out of 25 or 60% of the respondents acknowledge that memes can cause depression or

social anxiety to the one who is involved in the said meme. Lastly, 15 out of 25 or 60% of

the respondents says that memes can lead to misunderstanding.

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Table 1

Majority 24 of the total respondents think that memes gives fun because according to the

Editorial Team of 1st, Memes are usually jokes, urban legends, viral

videos, funny pictures or contagious music. Memes today hugely influence modern

language and culture. They shape how the youth, and the whole internet user

population for that matter, live their lives.

Table 2

The response, "it makes me happy" was acknowledge by 60 percent of the

respondents mainly because it has the highest response from the respondents, while the

32 percent of the respondents chose "it helps me go through bad times" because it only

got 8 responses from the respondents and according to Thoma (2018) "meme culture" ,

"But now, they have been replaced with quips involving topics relating to suicide, fat

shaming and depression- just to name a few." , therefore it has the lowest response.

Table 3

Majority of the respondents, at 60%, said that memes can cause depression or

social anxiety to the one who is involved in the said meme. For instance, take Ghyslain

Raza for example who is also known as the “Star Wars kid”. Raza videotaped himself

performing Star Wars style fighting moves for his school’s video class. Later on, his
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classmates posted the video in the internet and it got viral. That left Ghyslain Raza feeling

hopeless and was immediately dropped out of school and took therapy sessions. Also

majority of the respondents at 60% of them said that memes can lead to

misunderstanding because of the misuse of some memes. For example, the “Pepe the

frog” meme. It was an innocent character form a comic that later had a lot of variations.

But recently in 2016, Pepe the frog turned into a symbol of white power and anti-semitism

because of the people who posted it in the sites 4chan, 8chan and Reddit. The result

establishes the fact that memes indeed has a lot of negative effects on someone’s



The findings suggest that memes can have a massive effect to someone’s attitude

especially the younger generation because of how easy memes influence the thinking of

someone. The findings also validate existing literatures that tackles about the effect of

memes to a person’s attitude. According to Julia Thompson (2016), Teens may have

been more insensitive because of the rise of memes. Teens might not always think about

the consequences of their action ergo leading to insensitivity that might lead to

unintentional cyberbullying. Though memes have a lot of negative effects, there are a lot

of positive effects that a meme might cause, for instance, according to Adji Djouf (2018),

Memes are one of the quickest and easiest ways to incorporate humor into one’s daily

life. Simply scrolling through an Instagram meme page during a lunch break can take

some edge off a stressful day. Even if a person does not live a very busy life, but rather

a more closed off one, they can find humor without the presence of another person by

simply looking through old vines or popular memes. These can ultimately provide anyone
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with laughter in their day to day life, despite their circumstances. With this result, the

researchers developed an impression that memes can have a different kinds of effect,

ranging from negative to positive effects, to a person’s attitude especially the younger

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Chapter 5: Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation

This chapter present the summary of findings which is based from the complied

data through the instruments the conclusions pulled from these findings and the

recommendations offered by the researchers.

Summary of Findings

From the result of the table in Chapter 4, it shows that the majority of the

respondents in table 1 at the percentage of 96 think that memes can gives fun to people.

The possible benefits of memes to their attitude that based on table 2 is it can make them

happy, at the highest percentage of 64 and The possible constraints of memes to their

attitude are depression, anxiety, and it can also lead to misunderstanding. At the

percentage of 60.


In the light of the finding, these are the following conclusion:

•According to Mikiki Grilliland (October 20th 2017) "Memes can shake up

marketing" however like Gucci shows memes can be used as a part of creative and

innovative campaign-as long as it involves more than overlaying a funny caption and

crumpy cat. She also stated that memes can further engagements, memes are so popular

because they are inherently shareable form of content.

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•Memes can also be an inspiration. According to Dimple Romana aslo

known as Daniela the person involved in that viral meme became an ambassador of

tourism to promote a lesser known like museum and heritage site and advocate

sustainable tourism.

•The researchers found out that memes are not only for fun but it can be also

your way to success. According to Adji Djouf (2018), laughter is indeed the best medicine.

The presence of humor in a person’s life “lightens your burdens, inspires hope, connects

you to others, and keep you grounded, focus and alert” Lawrence (2018). Memes are one

of the quickest and easiest way to incorporate humor into one’s daily life. Also according

to H. E. Morano (2005), laughter reduces pain, increases job performance, connects

people emotionally, and improves the flow of oxygen to the heart and brain thus making

a person be more productive at their daily lives.


Do the foregoing summary of findings and conclusions, the researchers propose

the following recommendations:

•The content creator must be sensitive and consider what will others feel about

the memes he/she created.

•The content creator must think first before he /she post the memes. She/he

must be responsible about the possible effect of meme he/she created.

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•The content creator should not only use the memes for fun but he/she can

use memes for the other purposes that can inspire or have a good impact to the other


 To the parents/ guardians of the student. The parents/guardians must be aware

of the content that his/her child is seeing. The parents/guardians should not see

internet memes as a waste of time but as one of the key factors that can change

someone’s attitude and should be taken care of seriously.

 To the teachers. The teachers must be also aware that memes are not just a waste

of time but see it as a form of medium to further connect to his/her students.

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