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Store Optimization Audit

for Quero Gadgets

Dear Igor, I've taken a look at your store, and I'd like to start with your overall store look,
how your product page looks like, checkout sequence, individual pages and what could
be improved/fixed from the store perspective.

● Color Scheme​: Nice! The white background makes it easy to see everything, and
makes products stand out. And other colors go with it great!
● Font selection​: Easy to read, good!
● Appropriate theme​:​ ​Yep! Fits products well.
● Image Usage​: great
● Image aspect ratios​: great - images aren’t blurry or too big
● Favicon​: Using a favicon, which is great! I can see you made it just a portion of your
logo (the QG part, so this is perfect!)
● Store logo:​ Nice!

User Experience:
● Homepage layout​: Easy to follow layout
● Navigation layout​: You have collections to organize products, and make shopping
easier for customers, so that’s great
● Footer​: great
● Appropriate Content​: yes! One thing to consider though might be starting / adding a
blog to your site. It’s a great way to engage with your audience and build a community,
and talk about specific products you are selling/ showcase them.
● Product page​: Looks good too. :) Lots of product specs, images, and reviews - as well
as prompts to buy soon. So no complaints here! One cool thing you might be interested
in doing is taking a look at a product tabs app. It just allows you to organize all the
product information into different tabs (ex: tab for specs, tab for description, tab for
reviews, etc).
● Buying journey​:​ ​Nice and easy! No issues with this.
● Shipping​: I see you offer a free shipping option, so that’s perfect

● Amount​:​ ​Great! Not too many at all added - and it doesn’t seem like there are any
conflicting apps
● Apps crashing or breaking the store​:​ ​Nope! Looks good so far. Keep in mind that
certain apps that create bundle features, or that create variant options on products will
break the sync. So just ensure before you install apps onto your Shopify account that the
app doesn’t edit products in any way. :) The ones you have seem to be okay, but just
something to keep in mind!

Recommended apps & features

Some apps which might be interesting to you! You don’t need all, or any of them! But feel free to
check them out to see if any interest you:
- Abandonment Protector​ (great app to send abandoned checkout emails + much more)
- Messenger Sales Channel​ (for user support through messenger; I have got a ton of
great questions from customers BEFORE the purchase via this app; improves credibility)
- Sticky Cart by Uplinkly​ (great app to have for your smartphone customers giving them a
sticky ​Add To Cart ​ button whenever they scroll down)
- Conversio​ (better app for abandonment carts as it's more user-friendly, as well as
providing really great default email remarketing templates with a better design out of the
- Estimated Shipping Date​ (great info box app on expected shipping date, to improve
conversions on the store so the customer will have a better idea straight away when to
expect the product)
- Trust Badges
Marketing Resources - some of these may help too with marketing your shop and getting more
customers, so again see which ones might interest you!
- Online Marketing Fundamentals​ - this is a course I took that walks through
the marketing landscape and different approaches you can take
- Facebook marketing is a really effective way to market to your target audience, and drive
traffic to your shop. Check out ​this doc​ on how to promote using Facebook Ads.
Facebook also has a course on Facebook advertising I would highly recommend
checking out called ​Facebook Blueprint
- We also have a great guide on how to get sales with drop shipping, which you can find
- Outside of those resources, there are so many ways you can market your shop -
whether that be setting up Google Ads, selling on Pinterest, email marketing, creating
additional content such as blogs, etc.
- Video:​ ​What’s the Best Sales Channel for Marketing?
- Blog:​ ​Beginner’s Guide to 7 Types of Internet Marketing
- Blog:​ ​I Spent $191,480 on Facebook Ads. Here’s What I learned.
- Blog:​ ​The $0 Ad Budget: How They Launched a Business Without a Single Ad
- Ebook:​ ​Complete Guide to Advertising Methods

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