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Politics is an important factor that can influence the world’s response to certain pandemics. Politicians
or world leaders are in great responsibility in order to provide quick efficient service that can help their
people when problems arise. Some politicians are advocate of health, in which they promote and offer
good quality healthcare service by building hospitals and implementing laws related to free healthcare.
The government should be able to give what’s beneficial and best for their people. Currently, nCoV or
Novel Corona Virus is likely soon to be called ‘pandemic’ if things get out of hand such as letting the
virus spread all over the world, especially to those poor countries which are not capable of treating and
preventing various diseases. Philippines, is one of the infected countries, it has 3 confirmed cases, 1
death and over 100 people under observation related to nCoV. Because of this, many Filipinos are
blaming the government for late response and disappointing actions to control this virus situation
affecting many nations. Since the virus came from Wuhan, China and the president of the Philippines
has been in constant alliance with China, it took time and casualties before the government respond to
manage this disease which is a travel ban from countries infected by nCoV especially China to
Philippines. From this circumstances, political factor became a great influence because pandemic is
global and countries need to cooperate with each other to cure or at least prevent a disease. It is
necessary for the politicians to listen to their people, to be more aware and supportive to the people
who have concerns with such diseases and to use their power or authority to provide fast and beneficial
actions to protect their own citizens.


Environment, is no doubt, has always been and will be a factor influencing pandemics that has
happened since time immemorial. From the start of human civilization even to this modern day, the
environment people live in can be the cause of such diseases. The filthy water supply, poor sanitation
facilities, various exotic sources of food, poor hygiene, poor living conditions, animals that can transmit
diseases and the climate are just some environmental factors that can influence the spread of
communicable diseases that can cause epidemics or even pandemics. There are a lot of interventions
and modifications done to the environment such as having clean-ups, planting, rehabilitation of
beaches, etc. to prevent the possibility of damaging people’s health. Quarantine can also be done
example of this is the nCoV that is currently happening, because it can help to ensure safety for other
uninfected people and to conduct health assessment for those infected people. All these interventions
can only happen and be successful if people truly care for the environment. People living in the
environment should learn and practice the responsibility of having a safe and clean environment. Self-
discipline must be instilled because no matter how much you teach people to understand the
importance of environmental sanitation, if they won’t change themselves for the better, the
environment can remain as a factor in worsening the spread of diseases, instead of being a factor that
can help promote health and wellness.

Social factor is a major influence on handling and minimizing the spread of any pandemic diseases.
Socializing involves 2 or more people that interact with each other. It is important to know how to act
and behave in a certain way that is acceptable to society. Individuals must know and respect personal
space, observe proper etiquette, and practice personal hygiene to prevent the spread of any kind of
diseases. As an individual, it is our responsibility to know and to be aware to our environment and
society. If a person experienced any signs and symptoms of a certain disease or any alterations in his
normal activities, he must took into action and may consult a physician. "Ignorance of the law is not an
excuse," spreading truthful information to the society is a big help to prevent further cases. Avoid
spreading fake news because it can cause fear to the people that were not well informed about the
disease. "Prevention is the best cure," let us all strengthen our immune system and be healthy so that
we cannot essily acquire the disease or the virus.


One of the most important factor that influence the pandemic that have happened and will happen is
the evolving medical practice. Medical practitioners are the one who is educated and most
knowledgeable in this kind of situation. It is their responsibility to teach and share their knowledge on
how to prevent the spread of microorganism and how to handle it . Medical organization and
institutions must follow and regulate a protocol on how to handle patient or cases with a certain
disease. Health teaching is a must, because being knowledgeable is one of the key to keep calm and to
not panic, and to be able to decide what to do next. Medical institutions were also the one who can do a
reasearch and study about the occurence of a certain diseases and can develop a cure or vaccine of the
disease, that leads for a healthy environment.

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