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The movie opens with Poseidon meeting with Zeus at the top of Mount Olympus
where Zeus reveals to Poseidon that his master bolt has been stolen. Zeus blames
Poseidon's son for the theft despite Poseidon's insistence that he is innocent, and
gives him until summer solstice for the bolt to be returned or there will be war. Zeus
then departs for Olympus.

Percy is introduced underwater in a pool, holding his breath for seven minutes before
leaving his school, Yancy Academy and going to his mother, Sally who lives with
Percy's abusive stepfather, Gabe Ugliano. The next day during a field trip Alecto, one
of the Furies, disguised as Percy's substitute English teacher asks to talk to him.
Once alone, she attacks him and questions him about the location of the bolt. Grover
and Percy's Latin teacher, Mr. Brunner arrive and the Fury flees through a window.
Mr. Brunner orders Grover to take Percy to "the camp," because "there's no safe
place on Heaven or Earth for him now."

On the way there, Sally tells Percy that he is special, but not why he is so special.
She talks about his father, who she says was "dazzling," and Grover makes a smart
remark saying, "They're always dazzling." The conversation is cut short by the
Minotaur that arrives, causing the trio to crash Gabe Ugliano's muscle car by
overturning it on its top, and Grover reveals he is a satyr and uses his hooves to
break the windows and manages to get them out of the crashed car, and they make
the rest of the journey on foot with the Minotaur on their tail. When they reach the
Camp Half-Blood gate, Grover and Percy go through, but the magical defenses
keeps Sally out to the mercy of the Minotaur. The Minotaur turns her to golden light,
and Percy believes she is killed. The celestial bronze sword, Riptide, which was
given to Percy by Mr. Brunner (aka. Chiron after Percy meets him in his centaur form
at Camp Half Blood) fails but Percy manages to kill the Minotaur with one of its horns
which he breaks off the bullman's head. He faints afterward from exhaustion in
Grover's hands.

Percy later wakes up in the infirmary. He is taken around Camp with Grover, and
meets Annabeth, a demigod daughter of Athena, and Luke, a son of Hermes and the
Hermes Cabin leader. Percy finds out that Mr. Brunner is actually the centaur Chiron,
and the camp's trainer. Chiron takes Percy to his lakeside cabin, where he discovers
that his father is Poseidon. Later, all demigods at Camp Half-Blood are gathered
around so that Chiron can introduce Percy to everyone, and for someone to pick him
as part of their team. Luke takes Percy as a member of the Hermes cabin team.
Percy participates in Capture the Flag on Luke Castellan's team, the Hermes Cabin.
He fights Annabeth for the red flag but she easily beats him by pushing him to the
ground, injuring him. On the ground and wounded, Poseidon advises Percy to "go to
the water" in which the water heals and restrengthen him, and soon after defeating
Annabeth, takes the red flag, making the blue team the winner of Capture the Flag.

During the celebration, Hades appears in the campfire as a fire demon and reveals
that Sally Jackson is not dead, but she is his prisoner. He asks for a trade; he gets
the master bolt, which Percy is framed for stealing, and he gets his mother. Chiron
tells Percy not to bargain with Hades, and to go to Olympus later and convince Zeus
of his innocence, but later that night Percy plans to sneak out. Grover and Annabeth
catch him and plan to accompany him personally, but first they stop at Luke's cabin.
Luke tells them that getting into the Underworld is easy, but a trip to Erebus is usually
one-way. He gives them a map to find Persephone's pearls. After they get one pearl,
the map shows them where to find the next. He also gives Percy an expandable
shield and Winged shoes that he stole from his dad's (Hermes) house.

They discover that the first pearl is in Aunty Em's Garden Emporium and so they
travel there. They split up in hopes of finding the pearl faster. Grover realizes that
they are in the lair of Medusa and runs to find his friends. Annabeth runs into a
scared woman who tells her that her husband was turned to stone but on their way
out, Medusa, wearing a turban and sunglasses, finds them. They close their eyes as
Medusa removes her turban and sunglasses but the woman could not resist the
temptation to look and is turned to stone. Percy manages to get Medusa's attention
and as she leaves, Grover helps Annabeth. Medusa corners Percy, but he is saved
when Grover and Annabeth crash a car into her statues, distracting her. She gets up,
but notices Percy's iPod on the floor. She picks it up and studies it. Percy takes
advantage of the situation and decapitates her. They take the pearl from her bracelet
and decide to keep her head because the eyes can still petrify people. They put it in
Grover's hoodie and leave to find the second pearl.

Afterwards, they go to the replica of the Parthenon in Nashville, Tennessee and find
the pearl on the crown of the statue of Athena. Since the place is public, they hide in
the bathroom until after closing time. Annabeth knocks out the five janitors and Percy
uses the flying shoes to get the pearl, but as they are about to leave, the janitors
transform into the Hydra. Percy drops the pearl and flies up to behead the five-
headed Hydra but for every head he cuts off, two more grow back. Percy makes a
wall of water in front of him in order to shield him from the Hydra and allow him to get
the pearl. On their way out the Hydra breaths fire at them, but at that moment, Grover
uncovers Medusa's head, effectively stopping the fire and petrifying the Hydra.

They go to the Lotus Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, where the final pearl is located.
They are offered Lotus Flowers that make visitors who eat them become forgetful
and ignorant, thereby making them want to stay in the hotel forever. The three eat
the flowers which result into their decision to stay for a while. When Poseidon's voice
warns Percy about the flowers, he snaps out of it. He then bumps into someone who
believes the year is 1971 and decides to leave. He gets Grover and Annabeth out of
their trance and gets the last pearl from a roulette. The hotel owners and workers
advance on them, trying to keep them there, forcing the trio to fight the hotel's guards.
They steal a Maserati car and crash out of the hotel at high speed. When they see
the present day's date, they notice they had been in the hotel for five days even
though they thought that they had been there for only a few hours. They then travel
to the Underworld in Hollywood in the stolen car.

When they find the entrance to the Underworld, they pay Charon with drachmas and
he takes them to the palace of Hades. They are attacked by hellhounds but
Persephone saves them and takes them to Hades. When Percy tells them that he is
not the lightning thief, Hades releases Sally and orders them to be fed to the souls
and hellhounds causing Percy to drop his shield. A part of the shield opens, revealing
the master bolt. Hades takes the bolt; however, he does not keep up his end of the
bargain believing Percy had lied earlier, so Persephone knocks him out. They decide
to take the bolt to Olympus but they only have three pearls, one for each person, so
Grover decides to stay with Persephone, as he is Percy's protector.

When they make it to the Empire State Building safe and sound with Zeus's Master
Bolt all together, Luke reveals he was the actual lightning thief and he wanted to start
a war to make a new age of the gods. He steals the bolt from Percy and they have a
battle around New York City flying with each of their pairs of Hermes's shoes. In the
end, Luke gains an advantage over Percy, however, he sets off Percy, who uses
water from the water tanks to crush Luke. Luke drops the bolt, and Percy hurls him
over the East River with a trident made of water. Then he flew back to the Empire
State Building.

Right after defeating Luke, Percy, and Annabeth arrive on Olympus one minute
before the war amongst the gods starts. Percy gives the bolt back and reveals to
every god and goddess, that Luke, son of Hermes, was the actual thief who stole it.
Percy tells Zeus about leaving Grover behind in the Underworld, and Zeus promises
Percy that he will bring Grover back. Poseidon gets a chance to talk to Percy and
tells him why he left Sally. Percy learns that the law Zeus made forbidding gods to
have contact with their mortal children was because Poseidon had spent too much
time with Percy, making Poseidon slowly become human. Although he does not
completely forgive Poseidon, Percy is happy that Poseidon does love him. Before
Percy leaves for Camp Half-Blood, Poseidon tells him that, even though he regrets
that Percy was born, Percy's mom was "...a queen amongst queens..." This makes
Percy think over about what to do with his first stepfather, Gabe Ugliano, who treated
Percy like garbage.


Percy decides to go back to camp and Sally tells him that she kicked Gabe out.
Grover returns to camp with his new horns, and Percy is last seen training with

After the credits roll, it shows the scene where Sally kicks Gabe Ugliano out. Too lazy
to carry his own stuff in which he complains about who should help him, he decides
to get a beer from the fridge but finds it padlocked with a warning note from Percy,
saying "Don't open the fridge. Ever. Under any condition. No Matter What." However,
stupid that he is, Gabe ignores the warning, breaks the lock with an axe, and opens
the fridge. Inside is Medusa's head. His eyes are unprotected from any cover, so
Gabe gets turned to stone (though it is heard but never shown in fear of little children
dreading it).

looker1010az. (2011). Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief . Retrieved from

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