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How I use CSS Grid and Flexbox

to Create a One-page Website

CSS Grid for page layout and Flexbox for UI

While we can use either CSS Grid and Flexbox for a webpage layout, CSS Grid tends to be

used for page layouts while Flexbox tends to be used for aligning UI elements. Let’s create

a webpage to see how this pans out in real code. I’ll be using a common design as below:
Step 1 — Plan before coding
The trick to coding layouts is to plan beforehand.

I’ll identify the parent and child elements first based on the
layout method. Below are my workings based on the design.

Determine number of rows

I’ll sort the elements on the page into groups horizontally.
Elements are represented as boxes, and those along the
same (imaginary) line are considered to be in the same row
e.g. aside and article. Were they to start or end on a different
line, I would consider them to be on different rows.

Do note that the three elements and its container

within article are ignored here as they are not part of the

Determine the number of rows

I’ll sort the elements into groups vertically. Elements along
the same (imaginary) line will be considered in the same

Create a guide
After determining the number of columns and rows, I now
have a guide that I can follow when coding. In it, I’ll also
mark out the grid lines and note down the parent and child
Step 2 — Create the HTML file
For a simple layout, I’ll type out all the html before I work
on the CSS.

Step 3 — Create CSS file

After which, I’ll create the CSS file and link it to my html file.

I remove the default margin and padding
of html and body elements, and add a height of 100%.
Create the grid

CSS Grid can be intimidating at first as there are a number

of ways to create a grid. Hence, it is less confusing to keep
to one particular syntax when learning.

I declare display: grid on the div with the class of grid-

wrapper. This transforms the div to a grid-container. Its
direct children are now grid-items. Elements that are within
its direct children will remain unaffected.

Next, I specify the width of grid rows and the height of grid

• Rows: Since header and footer contains only the content,

and I want aside and article to expand to cover the
remainder of the page while pushing footer to the end
of the page, I add grid-template-rows: min-content auto min-

• Columns: As I want aside to take up 1/4 of the page

width and article to take up the remainder, I use grid-
template-columns: 1fr 3fr. The fr unit represents a fraction
of the available space in the grid container. As
for header and footer, I don’t have to think about them
since they spread across the two columns, taking up a
width of 4fr.

Slot elements into grid cells

I specify each grid-item’s size and location position using the
shorthand grid-column and grid-row properties.

Header and footer will cover the area of 2 columns. The

longhand of grid-column: 1/3 is:
grid-column-start: 1;
grid-column-end: 3;

It just means that it starts on the first vertical line, and ends
on the third vertical line.

Likewise, aside’s declaration of grid-row: 2/3 means that it

starts on the second horizontal line, and ends on the third
horizontal line.
grid-row-start: 2;
grid-row-end: 3;

Below is the end result from using CSS Grid:

Creating flex-container and flex-child
Next, I work on spacing out the image elements, which are
shown as gray boxes.

The div with the class of flex-wrapper is wrapped around my

images. To transform it into a flex-container, I add display:
flex. There is no need to change the direction of the flex-
items as they will be laid out from left to right by default.

To improve on the responsiveness of the page, I want my

flex-items’ width to adjust according to the page width. This
can be achieved by setting flex-grow: 1 on all three images.

Mobile view
Lastly, I work on the mobile view.

In mobile, we tend to lay things out downwards rather than

sideways as the screen size is limited. To achieve this, I can
do this in a step:
Add a media query to apply display: block on my grid-
container when the screen size is small. That’s a pretty neat
way right?

The flex-items inside of article need more work as they are

still laid out in a row. To change from row to column, I
add flex-direction: column to the flex-container.

For styling purpose, I also add a margin-bottom: 20px to each

flex-item to create a gap between the images.
With that, I have completed my webpage!

As always, the last step will be to check if there is any

alignment issues at different breakpoints by changing the
width of the browser.
To recap, the layout properties we’ve used in this article are:

• display: grid

• grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows (note the plural

• grid-column and grid-row (note the singular form)

• display: flex

• flex-direction

• flex-grow

Refer to Resources to learn more.

I edited the CSS in my CodePen at lines 68 to 79 to
swop the order of aside and article on mobile view.
I also published Part 2 of this article where I
modified the template to create an actual site.
Have a read if you are interested!

• Basic Concepts of Flexbox by MDN
• Flexbox by MDN
• CSS Grid Layout by MDN
• My Codepen with the codes I used in this article

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