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Topics for the final of Pakistan Studies

Q1) The controversy behind Kalabagh Dam? The point of view

of different provinces regarding kalabagh dam?
Q2) The infrastructure of the education system of Pakistan
with special focus on the problems faced in this sector?
Q3) Describe the following events of the 1965 war:
a)Operation Gibraltar
b)Grand Slam
c)Dewarka Operation
Q4)Describe what happened in the 1970 elections?
Q5) Write the reasons for the fall of Dhaka.
Q6) Write about the following things regarding CPEC (China
Pakistan Economic Corridor):
a)Scope of CPEC
b)Controversy regarding CPEC.
Q7) Write about the Nationalization scheme carried out by the
Bhutto Regime.
Q8) Write about the five year plan of 1960-1965 give it’s
overview. (Important question)

Paper pattern: Paper will be of 50 marks it will include long

questions and short questions only.

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