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1. Summarize Dr.

Hirsch’s analysis of Vincent Van Gogh’s, The Night Café, 1888 (5 points):

- That you should feel overwhelmed with a feeling of uneasiness because there is odd
proportions, a narrow room from an odd perspective, an odd placing of the clock and
even from our own POV as we are hovering, and Van gogh wanted us to focus on color

2. What are the color wheel basics? (3 points):

- Primary: yellow, red, blue

- Secondary: combining primary colors
- Tertiary: combining the secondary colors further

3. What are color schemes for analogous?

- Are adjacent to each other on the color wheel. They are in the family and very blended
for soft works

4. What are color schemes for complementary colors?

- Opposite of one another on the color wheel. They are a couple, because what is in
common? They intensify one another when placed together

5. Raphael, School of Athens, 1510-1511: Summarize Dr. Hirsch’s analysis—how does

Raphael draw our eye to the center?

- Our eye is drawn to the center because it is very complex, and we see the two main
characters walking into the scene with the other philosophers around them. The
complementary colors also draw us to the center.

6. What are the characteristics of color? (4 points)

- There are different characteristics which are, value (light vs dark), intensity or saturation,
& relationships (intensity vs value)

7. Who discovered the idea that colors and color combinations effect our emotions?

- Charles

8. What is pointillism?

- Tiny points on a painting, each point a different color

9. What ‘other’ famous artist tried the pointillism technique?

- George Seurat
- Vincent van Gogh
10. Descriptive color is also known as: __________________

- Natural color

11. In Gauguin’s painting, Vision after the Sermon (1888) how is color used as its opposite – as
a symbol?

- By using the opposite to complement the colors. He replaced the green color with red in
order to symbolize something else

12. Van Gogh’s self-portrait with Bandaged ear and Pipe (1889): how does Van Gogh
demonstrate his ‘inner calm’?

- He demonstrates his inner calm by having an internal image of him in analogous colors,
and his interior seems calm and harmonious, the background strikes as alarming but Van
Gogh shows he is calm by the way he painted himself

13. SUMMATION: What are the tools to take with you? (6 points)

- Notice the colors the artist has chosen, are the colors analogous or complementary, color
value, intensity, traditional descriptive colors or nontraditional

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