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Why do we often share “perfect pictures”?

It is common for a person to push his failures into the shadows,

the conditions in which she or he looks ugly, since this herself
causes not very pleasant feelings. To my mind, this is normal.
Although, we must take into account the inflection, when a person
only lives so that everyone likes and earn more likes.
Everyone wants to show only the best side of themselves, and
that's okay. But you need to see the difference between a photo of
a real life and a photo of a "perfect" life. Someone wants to show
that his life is perfect. Obviously we do not know what lies behind
that perfect picture. On the grounds that maybe some girl posts
stories all day long and photos of her smiling and having fun with
friends, and in the evening she comes home and cries in her
bedroom, because she really feels lonely.
To like everyone and be perfect - this is a desire that an adult
needs to get rid of. Because such an aspiration often has an inner
This inner void may be due to low self-esteem, constant
comparison of oneself with others, lack of support from loved
ones. It is typical for people to constantly strive for an ideal image
in order to prove to themselves and others their importance. It is
difficult for them to accept alternative points of view, it is
important for them to always be right and first.
To a certain extent, Instagram is trying to impose on us how we
should look, spend our time and even our lives. As a general rule,
if you don’t have a lot of likes in a photo or video, you are doing
something wrong, in addition to this your life is boring and far
from ideal. I created my instagram account when I was in 11th
grade and I still remember how surprised people were when I said
"I don't have an Instagram account". I always thought and still
think so that you do not need to chase after likes, perfect photos,
etc. It is necessary to live now, to spend that beautiful moment, not
to look for a phone to take a photo, and then to edit it for hours.
In social networks, many are trying to be better than they really
are. People edit their photos and upload only those pictures in
which you can see exceptionally healthy food or their funny pets.
One gets the impression that our friends only relax and enjoy life.
I am inclined to believe that in reality these photos don’t illustrate
their real life at all.

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